Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Am The Fallen


by WeAreTheFallen 3 reviews

When an unexpected guest pays a visit to Ronnie's home things could get interesting.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Published: 2012-08-15 - Updated: 2012-08-16 - 1137 words

The sound of footsteps outside the door causes me to sit up abruptly. Bad idea; the top of my head collides with Ronnie’ chin. Gasping, my eyes sweep over his face checking for visible signs of damage. I know there won’t be any; he’s much stronger than I am but I still worry.

Ronnie laughs at me, “Good morning angel, sounds like the others are back.”

I don’t answer. In truth I’d much rather stay here, curled up on the floor, with Ronnie all day. Unfortunately that cannot happen. He has to lead a coven and I have to make my presence known. My mind wonders to the angels. I wonder if they know I’ve moved.

“I shouldn’t be here,” I mumble.

At this Ronnie looks upset, “Why do you say that?”

“The angels are after me, they’ll destroy you if they find me here.”

Instead of answering Ronnie stands, offers me his hand and together we leave his room. In the main living area night creatures sit around, some sucking on blood bags, others have their eyes shut as if they’re sleeping. The majority I recognize; Jacky, Derek, Ryan, Aura who is Jacky’s life partner, Amelia, and Evangeline or Zero as most call her. The only one I don’t recognize is a girl, sitting over by Ryan. She has dark, cherry colored hair and her eyes feel like knifes, cutting into my flesh and finding my darkest secrets.

“Where is your brother,” I whisper to Ronnie who has taken up a spot on a bar stool.

“Probably in his room with his human,” the dark haired vampire answers back.

Nibbling on my lip I try and avoid the unknown vampire’s stare. It makes me uncomfortable. Shifting in my seat I move closer to Ronnie trying to hide myself. He just wraps his arm around me, resting his chin on my head.

"Cecilia, stop, its not fair to read Violet without her permission," Ronnie says.

“What the hell is she doing here?" the girl answers. The cutting feeling in my flesh slowly dies away.

Above me I hear Ronnie sigh, “She’s a friend of mine who needs protecting, Cecilia. I expect you to treat her just like you would any other member of our clan.”

Suddenly, all the vampires who had previously been occupied by blood bags are now staring at me. I smile awkwardly and wave. Derek is the first to come over and envelope me in a hug.

Eventually he lets me go, “I wondered when we’d see your face again.”

I laugh as a few others come over and hug me. Everyone is there accept for Shayla. Looking around I try to find her but with no luck. Suddenly, a rock solid body of flesh impacts with my own, picking me up off the stool and jumping around. Squeals fill the air…this is Shayla.

“She’s back!” she exclaims.

After a few more seconds Shayla lets go of me. The young werewolf looks as perky and excited to be alive as always. I notice that since I’ve left her gauges have grown and that they’re now neon pink. Shayla’s hair, once a chestnut brown color, is now green.

“I thought you were never coming back. Ronnie, how did you manage to steal her away? Oh my goodness, I’m going to have to take you out to see things, this is going to be so much fun,” my green haired friend goes on.

“All I know is that I don’t want anything to do with her. Angels are nothing but trouble,” Cecilia says, before brushing past me, Ryan in tow.

“Just ignore her,” Ronnie mumbles in my ear. “She’s new, Ryan brought her around.”

“I think Ryan should get a better taste in girls,” I answer back, just loud enough so that I know Cecilia heard me. She might think she’s good but two can play her game.

As the others disperse Aura strides over to me, “Cilia means well, she really does, she’s just guarded. She’ll eventually come around. I’m sure Ryan will talk to her.”

I just nod, “How was getting back here. No one stopped you did they?”

“No,” Aura’s bright blue eyes wear a look of confusion. “What’s wrong Violet?”

I can’t just come out and tell them, sure, I want to but it isn’t my place. Ronnie has to tell them about the threat of the angels coming. Knowing him he’s got a plan. Instead of answering I just shake my head and laugh a little, playing it off as if I’m just a silly, paranoid girl. I know Aura doesn’t believe me, she’s smarter than that. I need to watch what I say around these creatures.

“I like your tattoos,” I say, hoping the change of subject will help smooth things over.

Aura smiles, holding out her forearms so I can inspect the bats that are permanently inked into her snow white skin. I’m still amazed that vampires can get tattoos. I guess anything is possible.

“How are you and Jacky?” I question, still tracing over the bats with my fingers. I’m sure it’s annoying but things like this, these tattoos in ageless skin just fascinates me.

“We’re wonderful,” Jacky answers, coming up behind his girlfriend, smoothing some of her blonde hair down before resting his chin on the top of her head.

I smile at them. I’ve never seen two beings more perfect for each other. Aura is quiet and reserved around others, while Jacky is usually more energetic and talkative. The two balance each other out nicely.

As I go to say more Ronnie and Alex walk into the room. Both of them look worried. My first thought is that Frank has shown up to drag me back to Gerard’s clan; then again I don’t get that from Ronnie’s look. His eyes tell me that what is going on is worse…much worse.

From my seat I hear nothing, no footsteps, just complete silence. This makes me uneasy. Ronnie and Alex step aside as a bright light plays across the room. Then I see him, hovering just above the hardwood floors. Big white wings take up the doorway, tawny colored hair falls in wavy locks to bronzed shoulders, and caramel colored eyes bore into my soul.

“Violet, I need you to come with me.”

Author's Note;" Bum bum I kind of left you guys with a cliff hanger. So I introduced a lot of characters this chapter. Some more than others, but don't worry, I have a plan. haha. Anyway hope you enjoy. :) R&R.
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