Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Am The Fallen


by WeAreTheFallen 2 reviews

Things just go downhill from here.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Published: 2012-08-19 - Updated: 2012-08-20 - 1148 words

“And what happens if I say no?” I question as the rest of the creatures begin to move forwards, forming a block between me and Rafael.

“Terribly sorry,” Rafael answers with a tight smile. “What I meant to say was, Violet, you have no choice but to come with me.”

My eyes begin to scan the room for possible ways of escape. The garage is there but then I have to fumble around in the dark till I can find the switch to open the thing. It’ll take too long. There’s the front entrance but I’d have to get past Rafael which will never happen. In my peripheral vision I see the glass wall of windows off to my left. That might be my only hope. I can burst through the windows, and, if Rafael doesn’t have other angels waiting around the house, I can run to Ronnie’s bike and get as far away from the place as possible. To leave Ronnie and the rest will hurt, but in the end I have to stay alive.

“She isn’t going anywhere with you or any others of your kind,” Amelia growls.

Rafael laughs, “Silly little girl.”

“Nobody calls me a silly girl,” snarls Amelia before twisting into her werewolf form.

Instead of sticking around I fight my way past the fur and claws of the werewolves and distorted faces of the vampire towards the glass wall. Running full speed I crash through, falling onto the glass shards the litter the grass outside. Ignoring the pain I make a run for the bike shed.

Just before I reach the shed an angel swoops down in front of me. For a second the light given off by the thing blinds me. My eyes adjust quickly. The angel hovering inches away is one I’ve never seen before.

She just stares at me, one blue and one green eye looking directly into mine. Her long brown hair flows down past her hips, blowing lightly in the breeze. I glare back, cursing her for getting in the way of my escape.

“Just where do you think you’re going?”

“As far away from you as possible,” I answer quickly before taking off around the corner of the shed.

I loose my footing, causing me to face plant into the dirt. Scrabbling to my feet I glance over my shoulder. Not seeing the angel I continue around the shed, intending to just go back to the door and take off. This angel had other plans.

An electric pulse flows through my body as a hand wraps around my arm. Twisting around I come face to face with the same angel from before. Clawing at her hand, I let out a scream hoping someone from inside would come to my rescue. I have no such luck.

To give up the fight now and just accept my fate would be stupid. I won’t be taken down. I kick and struggle, eventually placing my hand over the angel’s perfect face. Slowly, I drag my nails down over her neck, my nails somehow cutting into her flesh, light flying out of the gash I am forming. My nails reach down to her ankle.

As the angel screams in agony, clutching at her side I take off into the woods. I’m on my own now.

Tree branches hit me in the face, cutting the exposed flesh on my arms. I run until the sun begins to set; I push myself to the extent of my physical strength. Just as the sun disappears behind the mountains in the distance I collapse, everything going dark.

Ronnie’s POV

A cry from outside draws Rafael away from the fighting. Had he not heard it I have a feeling none of us would have made it much longer. We’d lost Violet; she took off when everything went to hell. I’m just hoping she made it out alright.

Scanning the room I just feel defeated. Amelia and Shayla are still in werewolf form, licking at their various wounds. Aura, who was graced with healing powers, is tending to Jacky though I do see her eyeing the others. Cecilia is sitting in a chair, silent tears rolling down her face. She’s ignoring the cuts that cover her arms and legs. Zero, our tracker, is standing by the broken window, her green eyes rolled back into her head. Andy stands by my side, Ryan over by Cecilia, trying to comfort her. Our only casualty was Derek. He was Celia’s brother.

Sighing, I limp towards the middle of the room. There is a large gash running from my shoulder to my elbow, it leaves a trail of blood behind me. I try and ignore the feeling of lightheadedness as my life source leaves my body. As the clan leader I need to take charge.

“We’ve lost the angel. As of now I have no idea where she could possibly be. It isn’t likely that she’ll try and make contact. Violet won’t do anything that might endanger her or one of us,” I take in a shaky breath, trying to keep my thoughts clear. “Obviously we will be moving on. I want Celia, Ryan, and Andy to go off to the east. Shayla, Aura, and Jacky you will go through the woods. So that leaves Zero, Amelia, and me to go west. We’ll meet up at the inn at the edge of town.”

Andy steps forward, “Ronnie, none of us are in any kind of condition to be doing any kind of activity.”

Turning to him I snarl. How can he just step in and poke holes in my already shaky plans? Violet would have shut him up with some witty response but she’s not here to. She’s somewhere, maybe hurt or wishing that someone would come find her.

A single tear escapes from the corner of my eye but I wipe it away quickly, hoping no one saw it.

“Violet wouldn’t have wanted us to give up. If we stay here we’re giving up. Rafael might have left but he’ll be back. We need to move.”

At that I limp off towards my room, slamming the door behind me. Within the confines of my room I break down, grieving for the loss of a friend. My tears splash down onto the floor, heart being ripped out due to the absence of Violet.

Falling to my knees I let a yell erupt from my mouth. It’s an empty plea, one I know won’t be answered.


Author's Note: So there's a new chapter. This one has been done and undone and redone at least four times. I eventually came up with this. I really hope you guys like it. Um, anyway R&R
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