Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Am The Fallen

Search and Rescue

by WeAreTheFallen 0 reviews

When your life goes missing you find it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-08-23 - Updated: 2012-08-23 - 895 words

That night about ten angels gather in our house. Rafael has blocked off the kitchen completely. He claims it’s needed for medical purposes. Everyone in the house was under the impression that angels couldn’t get hurt. The look on the male angel’s face tells us that he too believed this.

All I know is that tonight is the night. Everything has been packed up and ready to go since we first knew that the angels were after Violet. Due to the fact the whole group is distracted we can finally slip away.

Just as I drop the last bag off the roof a voice sounds in my head, it’s barely audible at first but then I hear it again, loud and clear this time.

Frank, he came to the house. Help.”

It’s Violet; I’d recognize her voice anywhere. Why the hell would she be calling for me? She was the one who ran away. Although I’m frustrated with her I reply. It’s obvious the angel needs our help.

Where are you?”

A picture of trees and dirt clouds my vision causing me to fall forwards off the roof. Thankfully I manage a quiet landing. The last thing we want is for the angels to find us in the middle of leaving.

“Gerard, she’s in trouble,” I whisper as our group gathers their stuff and begin to walk towards the highway.

“What do you want me to do?” the dark haired vampire questions.

For a while I don’t say anything. I really don’t know what we should do. Sure I know Violet’s in the woods but I don’t have an exact location. We can’t exactly go traipsing through the woods calling out the angel’s name; we’d draw attention to ourselves.

“I’ll go,” I finally answer. “You take the others to the inn and once I find Violet we’ll meet you there.”

Gerard nods before picking up his pace to take up the lead. I cut across the street, breaking into a run. The sooner I find Violet the better. I don’t like knowing that Violet is alone and possibly hurt.

About twenty minutes later I’m following a trail of broken tree branches through the woods. My senses are on high alert, picking up any little noise or movement. There, behind some over grown plants is Violet. She’s curled up, clutching her knees to her chest, blue eyes wide.


“I’m here,” I whisper, picking her up.

As usual Violet pushes on me, trying to get her feet on the ground. This time I’m not putting her down. She can fight all she wants but it isn’t happening.

“Put me down blood breath, I can walk just fine,” Violet growls, beating on my back with her fists.

“I don’t think so angel so why don’t you stop hitting me and just relax,” I answer as I begin to walk in the direction of the inn.

“Where the hell are you taking me? Where’s Ronnie?”

Although Violet has stopped assaulting me she still manages to grate on my nerves. I don’t give a damn about Ronnie; personally I hope Rafael sent him to the underworld. That’s where creatures like him belong.

“Don’t forget that you called me for help. I can go and put you right back where I found you, Violet.”

“No, don’t do that,” Violet gasps.

“Then behave.”

For the next twenty minutes everything is quiet. I try not to think too much, knowing that Violet can read my thoughts. The last thing I want is for her to read my mind and find out something I don’t want her to know.

“Frank, can I please walk?”

Sighing, I put the dark haired angel down, letting her lean on me a little as she limps along. Sure it’ll take us forever to reach the inn but I think both of us are more comfortable with this. Violet hates all kind of contact.

“I met you’re sister,” I blurt out in need of some kind of conversation.

Violet stumbles a little, blue eyes staring at me, “What do you mean?”

“Arella, she’s your sister, you two have the same eyes.”

The angel shakes her head, “My sister is still alive.”

“Believe what you want sweetheart but I met her, we made out,” I smirk.

Violet gives me a disgusted look, limping a little bit faster. I let her stay a few paces ahead of me. As usual I’ve said something that has pushed the angel just a little closer to the edge. There’s no way she’s ever going to feel the same way about me as I feel about her so I might as well.

Almost three hours later we arrive at the inn. From outside I can hear people talking; two males arguing with each other. As Violet pushes the door open I see him…Ronnie; the only vampire I’ve ever truly hated.

Gerard’s eyes are on fire as he turns to me. Ronnie, who just a moment ago looked ready to rip someone’s head off, softens his expression as Violet snuggles up against him. Once again that bastard has managed to screw everything up.
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