Categories > Original > Drama > New Member

Break down

by stashleylover 1 review

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-08-20 - Updated: 2012-08-21 - 815 words - Complete

Sara had stayed with Stefan all night in his room. He kept waking up, getting nervous and worrying, but she'd always just hold him and he'd be fine. She felt like his mother or something, having to tuck him up every half an hour. The next time he woke up, it was 10 in the morning, so she kept him awake. "I'm really sorry Sara, but I think I must just be homesick now, thanks for everything last night though." he hugged her, and she smiled weakly, she needed sleep. Lots of it, judging by the bags under her eyes. Stef sat on the sofa, watching Jeremy Kyle. Sara started thinking whether she should tell Ash about what Stef was saying last night, but he'd confided in her, she couldn't tell anyone, that was down to Stef, for when he felt the time was right.
"Ash! Get in here and eat your breakfast!" she screamed from his doorway, waking him up straight away. "What the fuck Sara?!" he threw the nearest thing he could reach, which happened to be an empty mug. It smashed against his door as Sara shut it behind her, running down the corridor.
She opened the door and told Stef she was going to Elliot's to pick up some guitar strings, but she was actually going to Dru's. Ash walked into the kitchen, looking for Sara. He glanced out the window, and she had already got down the stairs and was turning round the corner. "Fuck's sake" he muttered, falling down heavily next to Stef. "What's up?" he asked, looking worried. "Sara's gone to Dru's." Ash answered curling up as he was just in his boxers and a vest top. "She's not, she said she's gonna get some more guitar strings from Elliot's shop." Stef said absentmindedly, watching the TV again. "No, she always stays at Dru's for the day when she's upset, its their thing, they've done it forever really."
"Well why would she be upset?" Ash looked guilty...

"When Sara lived with her mum and step-dad, things were shit for her. She'd get beaten up at school by some chavvy girls that were jealous of her because she hung out with me and Dru, the 'popular lads'. She'd go home everyday with me, so nothing would happen to her, but when she got home, it would start again, with her step-dad..." Ash's voice trailed off, wincing as he remembered the bruises and scars dotted around her face and body. "Ash? You OK?" Stef waved his hand in front of Ash's face, whistling to get his attention, but he could see that his eyes were glistening, filling up with tears. "Ash.." Stefan started to speak but Ashley butted in. "He'd beat her if she ate anything that he claimed was his, which turned out to be everything they had in the fridge and cupboards. She'd wait till he'd go to work, then she'd eat so much, trying to fill herself up. Then she'd hide out at my place and wait for him to get drunk and forget everything. He did that everyday, get home from work, get angry, drink until he passes out, then in the morning, he'd go to her room and grovel til she forgave him, then he'd go to work, come back and flip out at her, hit her and her mum. It was horrible seeing her cry when she got to school, with the bullying and shit, it was the worst years of all of our lives. But then, 3 years after it started when we were 16, she found all the girls that had hurt her, and went and did the same to them, and we helped her. We should have stopped her, I know, but it made her happier, and we wanted her to be happy." Ash looked at Stefan with tears making his vision blurry, but he could just make out that Stef was crying too. He put his arms round him and hugged him. They both stopped crying quickly after, pulling away. When Stef sat back, he couldn't shake the butterfly feeling in his stomach that Ash had hugged him, and Ash felt like his hand was tingling from touching Stef.
They both looked at each other at the same time, telling each other what they felt with their eyes.

They attacked each other, ripping their shirts off and crashing their lips together. Stef moaned as he slid his tongue into Ashley's mouth. They were lying on the sofa, Stef on top, shirtless. They stopped, looked into each other's eyes, which were almost the same shade of brown. Then Stef grabbed the older boys hand and led him into his room, with a naughty grin on his face...

Sorry this one is a lot shorter, but the first was only longer to let you know whats going on quickly. Please give me feeback! Thanks x
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