Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast

Chapter 2

by wizardreject 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-09-19 - Updated: 2012-09-19 - 497 words

“Thanks” Saff said, walking into the lecture hall, Charlie held the door open for her,
“no problem” he said goodbye. Saff went up to the back of the hall, in the dark corner. The history lecture didn’t have many people in and the teacher wasn’t there yet though. She set her notebook out and opened up to page 237. Someone cleared their throat, she looked up. Stefan. With a sigh, she slid her legs to the side, letting him past. He sat down beside her, put his feet up on the ledge, leaned back and crossed his arms. Pulling his hat down over his eyes. Saff looked at him then back to her book.
“You know we’re in a lecture right?” she asked, he nodded,
“history lecture, i don’t need it” he lifted his snapback up and looked at her, she looked back at him in disbelief then he smiled and jerked his chin at the book, “go ahead. Ask me a question”
“tell me about the black death” she sat up and folded her arms. He tipped his head back,
“the black death, let me see… Otherwise known as the bubonic plague, started in China in the 1330’s, China was one of the busiest world trading nations and in October 1347 several Italian merchant ships docked in Sicily, coming back from China, a majority of the people on the ship were already dying and the disease spread around in days, soon enough it reached Europe” Saffy smiled, slightly impressed. She nodded,
“and the symptoms?” he bit his lip and bobbed his foot up and down rhythmically, thinking.
“Lets see… It starts with the victim developing a fever and getting pains, then they feel weak and tired but can’t sleep, their body temperature increases again then they begin to talk wildly, feel giddy and dazed. The next step is swollen glands on the underarm, groin and neck, called buboes, hence the name, bubonic plague. After this, bleeding under the skin creates blue/black blothes then red spots and rashes over the buboes then the victim dies” he smiled smugly and she narrowed her eyes at him,
“very good but i still think you should listen, you might learn something new” he raised one eyebrow,
“wow” he mumbled.
“What?” Saffy questioned, he smirked and shook his head,
“you really are a proper straight laced girl”
“i’m sorry, a what?” he sighed and sat back again, pulling his hat down once more,
“goody two shoes” he mumbled, her jaw dropped slightly,
“am not” she replied, he lifted his cap just an inch and looked at her from the corner of his eyes before shaking his head and dropping the hat again.
“Whaaaaatever” she glared at him for a few seconds before turning to the front of the lecture hall. The teacher walked in and dropped five heavy books down on the stand, creating a loud echoing thunder, disturbing every dossing college student. Except from Stefan.
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