Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch.3

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

WARNING: Sexual Scenes.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-10-04 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 755 words - Complete

Gerard's P.O.V
When I looked down I saw Frank also had a problem with Frank Jr. After he was done with my penis he tried to get up only to be shoved down. ""What-" he began. "Look down." I whispered. He groaned as I ripped off his pants. He jerked his hips up when I started to pet his cock. "Uhhh- Ger-Gerard." He moaned to me. I smirked as I pulled down his boxers. "Please." He whined. "Pushy, aren't we?" I licked his chest down to his stomach and took his length in my mouth. "SHIT!" he yelled as Frank Jr. came pouring into my mouth. I happily swallowed all of his cum. "Frank? Gerard? Are you okay?" Mikey asked, banging on the door. "Yeah. We're playing… a game." I said. Frank clamped his hand over his mouth realizing what I meant by game. "Oh. Okay ,please make me some food. And can we watch a movie tonight?" Mikey said, banging on the door. "Alright, alright. Frank I hope you don't have any plans tomorrow." I said. "I only planned on hanging out with you to." He said, pulling on his boxers and pants. Frank tossed me my boxers and pants as I began pulling them on. I opened the door to see Mikey come tumbling in. "What game were you playing? MAKE ME FOOD!" He said to us. Mikey is a little… off-topic a lot. He says one thing that leads to something totally different. "We were playing… Left for dead 2." "I LOVE THAT GAME! I NEED FOOD NOW!" "Calm down. Go into the kitchen and I'll make you food." "Okay." He said happily. He sipped out of my room with Frank on his heels. I slowly walked out of my room with one thought on my mind. Does Frank mean that he really loves me or just wants a quick fuck? I walked into the kitchen to find Frank and Mikey fighting over if The Misfits or Anthrax is better than the other. "1) Misfits kicks Anthrax's ass. 2) I don't feel like cooking so I'm going to get a pizza." "Can I come?" Frank asked over and over again. "Okay, Frank. Frank. Frank. YOU CAN COME!" "Yay!" He said while ordering the pizza. "We better start walking because my car's at the shop." "Okay Mikey, We'll be back. And seriously, DO NOT touch the toaster. Please." He nodded and ran into the living room. As soon as we walked out of the house Frank asked "Did you mean it?" "You course I meant it. I've been in love with you since… since… since I've met you." I ended with a whisper. "Really? I have to admit it, I've been in love with you since the beginning of time. So what you did there was like being in heaven." He said. "Well let's see if we can find the light." I replied closing the gap in between us. I licked his bottom lip hungrily for his taste. He happily opened his mouth and we explored each other's mouth. "Fags!" some homophobe shouted. "U MAD BRO?" Frank shouted at the lady. "No at least I can have kids." She said. "We can always adopt you know!" He shouted back sticking up his middle finger. She frowned and walked into the pizza store. We walked in and ordered a plain pizza. "That's them." The same homophobe whispered at us. "Bitch." Frank growled. "Whatever Fags. I hope you like Hell because that's where you two are going." The homophobe snapped back. "As long as I have Frank then I'm glad that I'm going to Hell. As a matter of fact, give me the one-way ticket right now. And is that all you can think of? Fags? Bitch please." I said, giving her some of my sass. We grabbed our pizza and walked outside. "I hate homophobes." Frank said. "Same. They get under my skin. Why can't they face the fact that we love differently?" I asked. "I don't know, and calm down." I didn't know I was shaking. Weird. "Gerard, you might want to see this." Frank said to me, pointing at our house. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" I yelled while shoving the pizza at Frank, leaving him behind. I yelled. I ran into the smoke-filled house to see the toaster on fire. I found the fire extinguisher and started to fight the fire. After a half-hour, I finally defeated the fire. I breathed a sigh of relief when a thought came into my head. Where's Mikey?
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