Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch.16

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-10-17 - Updated: 2012-10-17 - 579 words

Gerard's P.O.V.
"Gerard! Frank! Time to get up!" I heard my mom shout. "5 more minutes?" I asked. "If you don't come up right now, no coffee." I bolted up the stairs while hearing a very terrified yelp come from my bed. "WHERE'S THE COFFEE?!" I shouted. "Easy, Gerard. It's brewing. Why don't you wake up Frankie?" Mom suggests. "I'm up!" Frank squeaked. I couldn't help but laugh as he came up the steps. If looks could kill, Frank would be a top murderer. "Gee, WHAT THE CRAP ON CRAKERS WAS THAT ABOUT?!" He shouted. "Sorry, but Mom said no coffee if I wasn't up. So, where's my coffee?" I desperately asked her. "Here you go." She sighed, handing me the sweet, delicious coffee. "Alright, let's get ready for school." I breathed, after chugging down my whole cup of coffee.
"Oh yeah, what makes you so tough?" Frank challenged, glaring at Aled. "What makes you so tough? Bitch, I'm on the football team. Now, let me ask, what makes you so tough?" He laughed evilly. "This." Frank responded and punched him in the gut. "You litte-" Aled started off but got kicked in the stomach by him. "Still think you're tough?" Frank asked. "You'll pay for this one, both of you. You guys won't be together all day." And with that, Aled got up and left with his crowd of turds. "Well, that went… good I guess?" I asked, getting up (With the help of Frankie). He shrugged and replied "Yeah, I guess. But we need to tell everyone else to stay near someone." I nodded. This is going to be a long week. "Alright, let's get to our next class." And we went our seperate ways.
Frank's P.O.V.
I trudged my way to English hoping that I won't be stuck in front of Aled again. I walked in to find that once again, the only seat is in front of Aled. Lucky me. "HEY FAGGY FRANKIE! OVER HERE!" Aled shouted. I sat down and mumbled "Fuck off." "I'm sorry, what was that, tough boy?" Aled asked holding his ear in front me. "I said, FUCK OFF!" I repeated, shouting the last part. "Mr.Iero. Language." Mr.wrinkles-who-wears-suspenders-with-a-belt warned. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes."Het faggy, after school be prepared in the parking lot. You'll need it." I sighed. "No, YOU'LL need the luck." I hope Gerard having a better class.
Gerard's P.O.V.
I watched in horror as Aled's crowd looked through my drawings. They were laughing and tearing pages apart. "BITCH GIVE THAT BACK!" I heard Pete's voice shout. "MR.WENTZ, LANGUAGE AND YOU'RE INTTURRUPTING THE CLASS. SIT DOWN NOW." Mr.who-cares-about –their-names barked. "Nah, THOSE FUCKERS OVER THEIR STOLE SOMETHING FROM A FRIEND OF MINE. THEY'RE TEARING IT UP RIGHT NOW." Pete once more shouted, pointing across the room at my tattered notebook. "Is this true, Mr.Wilum?" Mr.blah-blah asked. "No, it's mine." The Mr.Wilum/Dunk answered. "See, Mr.Wentz? It's theirs'. Now sit down and pay attention." "But then why would it have Gerard's name, address, and phone number in it?" Pete questioned. "Is this true, Mr.Way?" Mr.who-keeps-asking-these-terrible-questions asked again. "Yes, they beat me up in the hallway and stole it." I replied. "Mr.Wilum, go to the office.NOW. BRING YOUR FRIENDS." Mr. what's-his-name said through gritted teeth. Dunk whimpered and all of his friends and he slowly and dreadfully walked to the office.
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