Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch. 20

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-11-14 - Updated: 2012-11-14 - 711 words

*Months Later*
Gerard's P.O.V.
"But look at it!" Frank shouted. He called everyone over to his house to look at what he managed to make. A lasso. "Uh, Frankie? When are you going to use a lasso?" "NOW!" Frank shouted at us before running out of the house. "FRANK!" we shouted. Ray, Bob, Pete, Mikey, Catie, and I walked outside but saw nothing. "Split up. And try looking for him. I think we know he's probably going to lasso some stranger." I said. Mikey and I began walking around the neighborhood looking for him. "What was that?! Dude, where is he?! Holy crap, bro I'm scared." Mikey whispered frantically, clinging to my arm. "Mikey, shhh, he'll hear us and then lasso one-" I went interrupted by Frank shouted "LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE!" and lassoing Mikey into a bush. "HOLY CRAP!" I shouted before running. After about five minutes of running, still hearing Mikey screaming, I finally ran and hid in the trees near an abandoned house. "Where do you think he is?" I heard Pete whisper. A flashlight shined on my face as they kept walking. I was about to walk out of the mini-forest, but what I heard next made me freeze. "I don't know, but all I know that Gerard and Bob are the only ones not caught. Where can they-WHAT'S THAT?!" Mikey shouted. I closed my eyes waiting for the lasso to wrap around me fling me to the ground. "Wait, so I can find a bunny but not my brother?" Mikey asked, shining the flashlight on the bunny and not my face. I held my breath until they moved away from the trees. My mind screamed for me to move, but I couldn't. I hate lassos.
"GEEEEE-RARD! WHERE ARE YOU MY FOOT BURRITO?" I heard Frank call out. Foot burrito? Where does he come up with this stuff? "Over here. I saw something move." Frank whispered. Once more, the flashlight shined on my face and they walked right past me. Again. "Dude, what was that?" "IT'S WAS ME, BATMAN!" I shouted before jumping out of my hiding spot. Mikey screamed like a girl before jumping into Pete's arms. "THAT'S SO NOT FUNNY, GERARD!" Mikey screeched. We all started laughing and then Frank lassoed me to the ground. "FRANK! WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted. "We caught you, so you have to be lassoed. Duh." He laughed. "I jumped out on you, therefore, you should be the ones lassoed." I giggled. Frank began dragging me around (Still lassoed.) And we began to look for Bob. "Hey Gee, wanna see something funny?" Frank whispered. "Sure." I replied. Frank then began walking around a telephone pole around and around. "Frank, stop. No Ow! Frankie, this hurts! You're cutting off circulation!" I whined. Eventually we began making our way back to his house. "BOB! IT'S DONE! YOU WON!" Frank yelled. "GOOD!" yelled Bob who somehow appeared in front of me. "How the- Never mind, you're a ninja so…" Pete babbled as we walked back into Frank's house. "Frank?" I asked. "Yeah Gee?" He said. "CAN YOU LET ME OUT OF THE LASSO NOW?!" I shouted. "Fine, but that is one fun lasso thing." And I was set free. "FREEDOM! I CAN FINALLY EAT YOUR FOOD!" I shouted. "TO THE PANTRIES!" Ray screamed, which was followed by our "HUZZAH!"'s. "Boys? Can we come into the living room?" We heard Mrs.Iero ask.
After raiding the fridge and pantry, we walked into the living room to see Mrs.Iero, Mrs.Wentz, my mommy!, Mrs.Bryar, and Mrs.Toro sitting around. "What's up?" Pete asked. "Well, we're just telling you after these few months that all of us are taking a trip up to the mountains in Pennsylvania. But it's really only for a weekend." Mrs.Wentz told us. "SWEET! ROAD TRIP!" Frank shouted. "YAY! WHEN DO WE LEAVE?!" Mikey shouted. Pete came up behind him and whispered "We leave at midnight. No one can know." Before breaking down and laughing. "We're going next weekend so be ready." Mom informed us. "Alright, well I'm gonna go sleep. I'm exhausted." Catie yawned. We all nodded in agreement and went down into the basement. Not before long, we all passed out.
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