Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's Not Over

Aislinne had continued running until she'd found a large forest. It was like something out of a story book. She stopped running and started walking instead, deeper and deeper into the forest. Finally she sat down on an old tree stump and burst into tears all over again. It wasn't just over Gerard anymore. It was for Penina, Acantha, Mikey, pretty much all of her friends. How could she have just taken them all forgranted? How could she have taken Gerard forgranted?

She looked up and gasped. Gerard was standing right in front of her. Now she knew she was crazy "What do you want me to do?" She sobbed "Tell me what to do!" But Gerard just smiled at her and then faded away "No, don't leave me!" Aislinne shrieked. And then bit her lip, hoping that nobody was around. They'd think she was insane. Maybe she was.

Her Mom had said that she just needed to continue living her life. Well if she was going to do that, then were some things she had to take care of first.

When she finally got home (she'd got lost five times on the way back) Acantha was sitting in her room "What are you doing here?" Aislinne sniffed "I thought you hated me."

"I've been thinking." Acantha sighed "Well, you were proved wrong about the Ray thing. And I guess I was sort of jealous at the time, so you were half right and half wrong. And maybe I was too quick to judge with this whole Mikey situation. I mean, the story you told me was way different from the one Mikey told me and I kept believing his because I was pissed off at you. But all along, I guess yours was more realistic. And you are my best friend, right?" Aislinne nodded "Well I should always believe my best friend over anybody else."

Aislinne burst into fresh tears and sat down next to her best friend. Acantha put her arm around her "Just because you forgive me doesn't make me a good person." Aislinne sobbed "I've hurt so many people. Mikey wants to talk to me, but I can't without feeling bad about Gerard. I promised Penina that I'd talk to Anna and get her to back off but I didn't and now Anna is still bullying her. I was so horrible to you and never bothered to apologise. So yeah, I'm sorry for everything I said."

"I'm sorry for everything I said too. And it's not too late to talk to Anna for Penina or to talk to Mikey. I can get everyone else to forgive you too. Everyone's seen how unhappy you are. They wanna help you."

"No, I don't deserve anybody's help." Aislinne sighed "I'm gonna do this by myself."

"No you're not because I'm gonna help you and I don't care if you say you don't need any help. I'm your best friend and I'll give you help anyway." Aislinne smiled "Now why don't we watch a movie or something because this conversation is getting pretty deep."

Aislinne giggled and flicked on her TV then put in Orphan. They sat on her bed, chanting along with the lines and eating popcorn. It was almost like old times and for a while, Aislinne could forget all the bad things that had happened.

"Everything okay Penina?" Mikey asked when she got in from ice-skating "Where did you go?"

"Ice-skating." Penina sighed, sitting down next to him "I thought it was just gonna be me and Frank but he invited Jennifer and Mia as well."

"You sound like your his girlfriend or something." Mikey laughed.

"I wish I was." Penina muttered under her breath.

"You have a crush on Frank?" Mikey cried "Aww, my baby sisters first crush!" He hugged her close.

Penina pushed him away "Leave me alone. It's stupid anyway. He loves Mia."

"Yeah, he does."

"Wow! Thanks Mikey!" Penina cried, running upstairs.

Mikey was confused "What did I say?"
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