Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Deathfics

Passion (Death #2)

by kirayasha 0 reviews

Kagome's untimely death and the reasons behind it...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru - Published: 2006-07-20 - Updated: 2006-07-20 - 1048 words

Passion (Death #2)

By kira

Author's note: This was written for Live Journal's 30 deathfics. My character is Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru looked down at the head rolling at his feet and then back up at his brother. In one of the rare moments in his life, Sesshomaru felt afraid, very afraid, when he saw the murderous look on his brother's face. He looked around at all the shocked faces staring at him and despite his fear; he felt an odd urge to laugh, until he saw Rin's horrified expression. He did not mean to kill the miko, but he just could not stop himself. He had had enough and then some of her whining and complaining about everything and when she uttered the word, "oswari" sending his brother sprawling face first into the ground over some trivial offence, something snapped.

"Gomen..." he said as a very slight smile tugged at his lips.

"Gomen?!" Inuyasha snarled. "You kill my woman and all you can say is sorry?" The hanyou looked at his elder brother in like he had three heads.

"Hai. This Sesshomaru is very sorry."

"You'd better fix things and quickly, so I can kill you!" Inuyasha growled through gritted teeth.

Sesshomaru, ignoring his brother's threat, looked down at the severed head, nudging slightly towards her body with his toe. "It was just that this Sesshomaru couldn't help himself..."

"Nani?! And stop kicking her head!"

"Hai...Like this Sesshomaru just said, he could not help himself. He was tired of seeing her bully you. It's so demeaning for a son of the great Inutaisho to be humiliated like that by a mere human."

Inuyasha looked him like he suddenly sprouted another head. His mouth opened and closed a few times without any words coming out. "Wait a minute..." he finally sputtered. "You're telling me you finally felt something akin to brotherly love for me and you pick and this way of showing it?!" Inuyasha pointed to his dead love.


"But didn't it occur to you that this might piss me off more than your show of hatred towards me?" Inuyasha said as an unexpected wave of calmness settled over him.


Inuyasha closed his eyes as he tried to make sense of things. "Don't you think before acting?"

Sesshomaru gave him a look of puzzled disgust. "You sound just like my mother."

"You think maybe she has a point?" He glared at his older brother.

"Iie... But I do remember her always encouraging me to be more passionate in my undertakings." He looked down at the miko's body. "I think she would approve my actions here. They were motivated by passion." Sesshomaru said in what he hoped sounded like a reasonable tone.

Inuyasha shook his head and muttered under his breath, "And they say I'm the idiot son..." He sighed.


" are you going to fix things back the way they were, or am I going to show you how passionate I can get?" Inuyasha grinned wickedly at his brother while he cracked his knuckles menacingly.

Sesshomaru glanced over at Rin, who nodded worriedly at him, and sighed. "Fine. This Sesshomaru will 'fix things back to the way they were.' Just put her head where it belongs." Feigning boredom, Sesshomaru drew the Tensaiga and with a quick downward strike he slashed through Kagome's body, narrowly missing his brother's head. The fact that he had failed to notice any gaki around did not faze him in the least.

"OI! Watch it!" Inuyasha yelped as his brother sheathed his sword.

"Gomen..." Sesshomaru said as he turned neatly on his heel and proceed to walk away.

"Uh, Sesshomaru, how long is it supposed to take before she wakes up?"

"It's instantaneous, why?" Sesshomaru paused and turned to look at his brother. Quirking an elegant eyebrow at him, he waited for his brother's reply.

"Well, for some reason it's not working..."


"Hai! If I said it didn't work, it didn't work! You didn't break it did you?" Inuyasha said in a strangled voice.

"Iie, it's not broken...It worked on Kohaku before." Sesshomaru strolled over and peered down at Kagome's lifeless body. Pulling out the Tensaiga again, he motioned with it for Inuyasha to move away, and then tried again. "Oh hell..." he murmured softly when she failed to revive.

"I'm losing my patience, Sesshomaru! Hurry the fuck up and revive her or you're going to be passing her by on your way to the netherworld," he growled.

"Shut up, so I can think..."

"You mean you can actually think?"

"Spare me your sarcasm as it isn't helping any. Did it ever occur to you that she might want to stay dead? The other miko wanted to be dead... Maybe you have this thing for dead women and she's merely trying to make herself more attractive to you..." When all he got in reply was a low growl, he added, "Didn't think so..."

The afternoon sped by in a tense couple of hours before Sesshomaru finally achieved success.

"Wha...what happened to me?" Kagome said groggily. "I didn't pass out, Inuyasha, did I?" She looked around at her friends' worried faces. "Or did I suddenly fall asleep? You know, I did have this strange dream I was in hell with Kikyou and she wouldn't let me leave..."

"Fascinating..." Sesshomaru said softly. "So that's why it wouldn't work." He smirked at his brother, who was busy helping Kagome to her feet, and neatly sidestepping the small crowd that was starting to gather around them, he looked around for his companions. "Rin, Jaken!" he called out as he left without so much as a backwards glance.

Sesshomaru had managed to get about ten paces away when heard a loud shrill voice behind him. "He did what?! Get out of my way, Inuyasha, so I can purify his ass! I'm sooo going to kill him for this! You hear me, Sesshomaru?! You're dead meat!!"

/Oh hell! Perhaps I should have left her dead and dealt with my brother's wrath instead.../Sesshomaru thought as he grabbed Rin, and gathering his youki, he took off into the early evening sky, leaving a sputtering Jaken to grab onto the end of his fluff. "Douitashimashite..." he said as they dodged a few purifying arrows, before disappearing from sight...
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