Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Fate and Destiny

Discovery That Would Rather Not Be Made

by Dessmonda 11 reviews

The team returns to the Brownstone, still in shock from being informed that Atlanta quit. Jay goes back to talk with Hera and learns where Atlanta is.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-07-23 - Updated: 2006-07-23 - 1121 words

Authors Notes: Okay not my best chapter and it is really short but it's semi important. I am sorry that it took my awhile I was busy...sorry but updates should come slightly faster now that I now what is going to happen!

Disclaimer: I thought I owned Odie but apparently I was wrong. I don't own Class of the Titans and Cronus is NOT trapped in my best friends closet!

Discovery That Would Rather Not Be Made

The group was seated in the living room, looking at torn up pieces of pictures. The only thing each picture had in common was that Archie had been ripped out, completely removed. There were several different pictures; Archie had stopped looking at them after the first three. No one wanted to say anything but they all knew that seeing the torn up pictures were hurting Archie.

Something in a picture (or lack of) caught Theresa's gaze and she reached over and picked it up. The picture was supposed to be of Archie and Atlanta dancing on the Island, just the two of them but like all of the others only Atlanta remained. Theresa sighed and placed the picture back on the table.

Archie took one look at it and had to turn away. 'Atlanta how could you do this to me? Easily I guess...' finding the pictures had been a shock and he could only guess what they were suppose to represent. 'I can't believe that she wants me out of her life...well after what happened...' And no, the event Archie was thinking about was not the fight they had earlier.

"Well, at least we know that she's mad at Archie and not us," Neil said breaking the looming silence, "so Archie should fine Atlanta and apologize for what ever he did wrong."

Everyone stared at Neil, and Jay was going to tell him that his 'plan' was all wrong when Theresa spoke up, "Neil's right," every except Neil looked at her like she was weird. "I meant about finding Atlanta, not about the other part."

Jay nodded his head in agreement and was about to inform the group of his plan when he was interrupted again, this time by Archie. "So what are we all waiting for, we have to find her. I know we tried once before and didn't find any trace of her but maybe we didn't look hard enough!"

"Archie listen to me. She hates us-you and I don't think she'd listen even if we managed to find her. Honestly what do you want to do kidnap her?" Jay finally managed to say something.

"It is plausible..." Odie interjected, not looking up from his laptop.

"I was joking," was all that Jay replied with on the subject of kidnapping Atlanta. "But what we can do is some of us can stay here and a small group can go looking again. I'm going back to the school to see Hera. Archie and Theresa can go look for Atlanta and the rest of you can stay here. But no matter what you're doing constantly check back with the others on your PMR."

Once everyone had informed Jay that they would, they all parted ways. Jay had decided to walk/jog to the school and Archie and Theresa were going to look in various places. Jay was worried about Atlanta for several reasons. One was that the prophecy might be broken, but the more important one was that she was now venerable to Cronus. He sighed and quickened his pace until he stood outside the school for the third time that day. He entered and made his way to the janitor's closet. Once he was there he placed his medallion thing on the door then took it off, opened the door and entered. Jay reached up and turned on the light and entered through the portal to where the gods had hidden themselves.

"Miss Hera," Jay spoke when he saw his mentor, the elderly goddess turned around but didn't say anything. "I was wondering something, well we all were."

"You were wondering where Atlanta is," Hera responded knowingly. Jay nodded his head and Hera continued, "Hermes took her home, they left just before the rest of you came in."

"Why didn't you stop her? What about the prophecy?" Jay questioned his mentor, still not wanting to believe what happened.

"It was her choice to leave Jay we did try but her mind was made up. We can not interfere, and unfortunately the prophecy is not going to happen unless you can convince her to come back."

"Thanks Hera," Jay replied not feeling any better, those weren't the answers he was looking for. He left his mentor and went to leave back into the school but before he did he took out his PMR. "Odie? It's Jay."

"Did you find anything out, like where Atlanta might be?"

"Yes I did...she went home. Hermes took her right before we came."

"At least we know where she you want me to inform Archie and Theresa so they can come back."

"Sure Odie, I'll be their soon and we can discus what are options are." Jay closed his PMR and placed it back into his pocket and began to walk back.

"Theresa?" Odie asked, doing what he told Jay he would.

"Yes Odie," came the semi confused reply.

"Jay wanted me to inform you that we found Atlanta...or rather know where she is."

"That's awesome. So where is she?" Theresa replied delighted.

"Hermes took her back to her house, and Jay wants you two to come back so we can discus what are options are."

"Alright Odie, Archie and I will be there really soon." Theresa replied to Odie sadly, she hung up and turned to Archie. "They found Atlanta," Archie looked excited until Theresa continued, "Hermes took her home. We have to get back to the brownstone."

"I knew it," Jay muttered to himself as he walked back to the Brownstone, "I knew she went home. That's just great the prophecy is broken once more and I'm to blame. I should have...I don't know done something!"

He walked at a brisk pace not really paying much attention as he walked through the small path in the park that went through the woods. So he was extremely surprised to hear a voice come from the trees, he stopped and looked in the general direction the voice came from. The voice once more repeated what it had said before. "I have to tell you Jay...I'm very disappointed in you."

Authors Notes: Next chapter Atlanta makes an appearance again! And cookies to anyone who can figure out who the voice is.
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