Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Art of Song

The Brass Monkey

by -lIzZy- 6 reviews

The gang take a trip down the Brass Monkey

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-07-27 - Updated: 2006-07-27 - 1416 words

Downtown the gang had finally found the Brass Monkey, no thanks to Jay, who seemed to have been leading them in every direction but the right one. Outside the bar they met Jonathan who was literally dressed to impress. Not only was he wearing a tuxedo, but he had gold cufflinks, an overcoat, a top hat, and cane...not at all the regular attire for entering a bar, know...
"Hello," he said upon greeting them, "I trust you found this place alright?"
"Sure we did," answered Neil, "not at all thank to Jay here."
"Really?" he asked feigning surprise, "I can't imagine why? He's the one who put this place on the map, back when it was run by the Gigi brothers."
"Really Jonathan, you flatter me too much," said Jay sarcastically.
"You mean to tell me that you still haven't told them yet?" asked Jonathan. "You haven't told them what you are, what you were? You haven't told them about Andy or Night and Jay?"
"The past is the past Jon, there was no need to go into history that you and I both know we'd rather forget," he said defensively.
"Honestly Jay, I don't know how you pretend it never happened, and I don't pretend to understand why you ever gave up such a rewarding career..."
"Then stop trying to understand, and take it for what it is," he said frustrated, "besides what have you got to complain about, my departure only opened doors for you...look at you know you're Jonathan Sandrini and the Three Man Band!"
"That's a far cry from Night and Jay and you know it!" he shouted losing his cool.
"I shouldn't have come," said Jay suddenly, "I'll catch you guys later."
"You running out on your friends again," challenged Jonathan. Isn't that just typical of you. When things get tough Jay leaves."
"You can think whatever you want Jon, I don't really care at this point," said Jay. "I asked you one thing, and that was to keep your mouth shut. Now here you are spewing out everything I've been trying to live down for the past five years. I'm leaving!"
"Jay!" called Theresa, who up until this moment remained silent like the others. "Jay, come on. Come back!" but he just kept on walking.
"Don't worry," said Jonathan confidently, "he'll be back."
"What makes you so sure?" asked Atlanta.
"He wouldn't trust me with his friends long enough to leave a print on them," he said turning to Theresa, "especially one with whom he is...deeply acquainted with," and with this she blushed. "I suspect after the third number he'll have joined you."
"Third number?" asked Herry confused.
"Well you didn't think I came dressed here like this to eat did you. I'm singing tonight, and I was hoping Jay would join me." He looked at each one of them, guilty faces plainly showing. "What's this?"
"Well, if he didn't want us to know about this, maybe we shouldn't go in after all," said Atlanta.
"This coming from the one who came up with the idea of breaking into his room?" scoffed Archie.
"You broke into Jay's room?" asked Theresa astounded.
"Hey it wasn't my idea!" she argued, "Odie was the one that hinted we should check it out. Plus we were only looking for Jonathan."
"So now it's my fault?" asked Odie.
"Maybe Jay should have just trusted us with the truth?" stated Neil, sparing a minute from staring at himself through the bar windows, to make this observation.
Silence gripped the group before Theresa spoke up, "You broke into his room?"
"Well are we going in or not?" asked Jonathan, dismissing the question with a wave of his hand, and whom they had forgot was standing right in front of them the whole time.
"Well we said we were going to a party," said Archie "might as well enjoy it right?"
"I guess so," agreed Theresa, glancing back down the street for any sign of Jay. "You're sure he'll be back?"
"Okay, well if you're sure," she said.
The entered the bar not knowing what to expect, but what they found was certainly not what they had pictured for a standard bar. It was like a miniature of the Copa. Gigantic stage up in front, tables set up with fancy clothes over them, a mini bar towards the side of the room, pictures hanging everywhere of famous singers and swingers, but the one that stood out the most was actually the smallest one, decorated in a fading golden frame. Inside it was a picture of Jay almost five years ago, with a microphone hanging down from the ceiling as he sat by a Piano.
"Wow, this place is so..."
"Weird!" said Neil, "where are all the babes, and Dj's?"
"It's not that kind of bar apparently," said Herry.
"It's not a bar at all actually," said Jonathan, "It's a club. A club that every swinger has to play at least once in their life. Everyone gets a chance to take the stage that wants to and they sing."
"Oh," said Neil sarcastically, "Greeeeat!"
"Well take a seat while the band sets up, and wait for the crowd," he said ushering them farther into the building. "Meanwhile, why don't you all order a drink or something?"

In a matter of minutes the place picked up, leaving the gang rather surprised. Who knew that people still came to places like this? Before long Jonathan started his show with the help of the band playing that night, who of course turned out to be The Three Man Band after pre-arranging the gig with the owner. He began singing classics like "Witchcraft" and "My Way" which riled the crowd into a frenzy, and that's when they noticed Jay had come in. He waltzed over to their table and took a seat beside Theresa right across from Archie and Atlanta.
"What made you change your mind and come back?" asked Odie.
"Only Herry has the keys to his car," he said sighing.
"That's right we drove down here didn't we?" asked Herry chuckling. "So there anything you want to tell us about this place Jay?"
"...They make really good Shirley Temples?" he said.
"Haha, he means about the pictures in here," explained Atlanta taking a swat at Archie, after he kicked her under the table.
"I used to come here," he said.
"Could you be any more vague," said Theresa. "Did you used to perform here?"
"Oh right," he said as if dismissing the subject, "that. Now and then I did, but that was ages ago. Can't sing anymore."
"I didn't realize you could just up and lose a pitch like that?" asked Archie.
"Well surprisingly you can," he answered warningly at him.

When Jonathan spotted his cousin come in, he began almost immediately concocting a plan to get him up on stage. Duh...serenade Theresa...gets him jealous.
When he finished up the song he was singing which was "The Best is Yet To Come," he turned over to where they all were singing, and walked down the stage over towards Theresa, to whom he gave his hand to.
"Would you honour me with the next two dances?" he asked, surrendering the stage to whoever wished to sing. Theresa politely took his hand and walked onto the dance floor, where dozens of couples danced to and fro in their evening gowns and suits.
"I feel a little underdressed," she whispered into his ear.
"Nonsense, " he said, "you're as ravishing as any other lady here tonight."

When Jay saw his cousin walk up to Theresa, he knew what he was trying to do, and under no circumstance was he going to go up and sing in front of everyone. Never again he whispered over and over to himself never again. That's when he saw her put her head down onto his shoulder, and forgot all about the war to stay calm. He got, walked quietly over to where the band was playing grabbed the microphone, and waited for his cue. There was no way he was going to let Theresa fall for some swinger...he was just looking out for her best interest...It's not as though he was jealous...

Before he started he caught Theresa's eye and winked...


If you want to know what happens next, i'm going to need some more reviews

and if you want the lyrics to the song...please state so...
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