Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Art of Song

A Letter From Mom

by -lIzZy- 6 reviews

Neil accidentally lets slip that he'd been in Jay's room, which leads to his departure for the night and the contents of that letter he found.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-07-28 - Updated: 2006-07-28 - 1123 words

The silence on the way home was overbearing, or at least it would have been had there not been anything to talk about.
"Why Archie, it feels like the perfect night to serenade your best friend don't you think?" asked Atlanta, making the whole team burst out laughing at the expense of Jay and Theresa.
Theresa and Jay, who were sitting beside each other in the back, beside Neil and Odie, were blush profusely as each member took a turn adding on to what had taken place that night.
"Who knew Jay could even have fun," commented Neil.
"Yeah was a one time deal," said Jay, answering the unasked question of the night.
"So why did you give up singing?" asked Herry, turning his head and nearly taking the truck off the road at the same time.
"Don't you think you should focus more on the road, than me?" asked Jay smiling, noticing that Theresa had grabbed hold of his arm while the truck started to swerve.
"Yeah, but I wanna know!" he said suddenly. "I were..."
"Awesome!" finished Atlanta, "and I second Herry's question!"
"Yeah Jay, don't leave us in the deep here, we are your friends after all! You know you can trust us," said Archie.
"No he can't, or else he would have told us the contents of the letter he received yesterday," put in Neil without thinking.
"How did you know about that?" asked Jay, suspiciously.
"...Ms. Athena..."
"What about Ms. Athena?" asked Jay, growing slightly red.
"We just came across it!" he squeaked.
"We?" He challenged. "Let me tell you something WE seems to have forgotten. That letter was in my room, and the only way you could have found out about it, is if you went in!" Now donning on him, he looked at each face and saw the guilt there. "You snuck into my room? Tell me that part about you being my friends again?" he asked opening the door of the truck, forcing Herry to stop. Looking around once more at them, he stepped out of the vehicle shaking his head, and disappeared into the night.

"Smooth move," shot Odie, "now we'll be lucky if we ever get anything out of the guy!"
"What did you need to know?" asked Theresa. "It's not as if he's anymore mysterious than any of us." Putting the words out there, they knew she was right.
"Well if it's any better, we really were looking for Jonathan in there," whispered Atlanta.
"But we'd be lying if we said that the prospect of getting a better look at Jay never crossed our minds," said Archie, always having to have the last words when it came to Atlanta.
"But what did you expect to find that you didn't already know...aside from the fact that he has a really nice voice?" asked Theresa.
"To see if he had a sense of humour for one thing," said Neil plainly, watching as the others nodded their heads.
"Well what about that time he pulled a prank on you after the capture of Medusa? Albeit you were captured, but he got you back safely," she argued.
"I...guess," he agreed, "but what about his serious lack of fun?" again watching as the others nodded their heads.
"Guys...come on," said Theresa, "you know very well on our days off he usually takes us to the beach. Quit making excuses, there's absolutely nothing mysterious about Jay...he's just the leader, and with that job comes more responsibility than most!" They knew she was right, but how on earth were they going to apologize to Jay? He probably wouldn't talk to them now! Realization hitting her, Theresa turned to Neil and asked, "what about that letter?"
"Oh, I haven't read it yet, but I found it hidden underneath his lamp and..."
"Being as curious as nosey as you filched it," finished Archie.
"Well, you're one to talk, I'm not the one who stole his CD!" he argued, now on the defensive.
"Guys! Enough! Neil, give me the letter," ordered Theresa. Not waiting for him to make a decision, she took it from him and stared at the manila envelope for a moment. Opening it up and pulling out the letter, she noticed at the top the letter being addressed as Dear Son. "It's from his parents," she whispered.
"Well don't hold back on us now," said Atlanta. "Read it!"

It read:

Dear Son,

The seventeenth is drawing closer and closer, as is the fourteenth. I apologize for sending this so late, I just wasn't sure that you wanted to hear the news I have to tell you. Recently I've been contacted by the police, who are doing their annual two years check up on your brothers case, and I wanted you to know that your name has officially been cleared of the matter. I know that you hold yourself to blame for the entire incident, but I've been deprived of one son for five years, and I can't stand to lose another! I know these things were never your style, but I wanted to invite you back home for the week of the fourteenth and seventeenth of April for your father's and my twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage, and of course...your brothers anniversary. The family dearly wishes to see you, and I know that if I saw you there, it would give me strength enough to pull through the week as well. You know any friend(s) of yours are as welcome as you are, and I dearly hope you can attend...if the Space Station approves of course...

Loving and Hoping,
Amaryllis Sandrini-Deneuve

Ps. I hope you've been flossing the entire time you've been away, those sparkling teeth had a price tag you know!

"Wow," said Neil.
"I know, that letter was so sad," said Atlanta.
"No not that, did any one else no that Jay had his teeth done up?" he asked seriously.
"You've gotta be kidding me?" asked Theresa, "after listening to the whole letter, the only thing you focus on are his teeth."
"What can I say?" he asked sheepishly. "I'm not a fan of drama."
"So says the Drama Queen himself," whispered Archie into Atlanta's ear, making her erupt into a fit of giggles that could put Woody Woodpecker himself to shame.
"Joking aside," said Herry all of a sudden, "we'd better find Jay and apologize." The others nodding their approval of the idea, started planning out what they were going to say once they had found him.


Before I post the next chapter, i'd appreciate, if it's not to much trouble, a couple of reviews...should be out sometime tomorrow!

Thanx and enjoy!
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