Categories > Original > Humor > Army Of Two

Chapter 6. (Kent)

by ImAFlyingDonkey 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2013-01-25 - Updated: 2013-01-25 - 866 words

Chapter 6.

I’m still not one hundred percent sure what had just happened. But now I knew for sure I wasn’t the favourite member of the group. I had insulted my girlfriend, and my best friend. All whilst helping a girl who I barely new.

All I new was that Forest Handie went to my primary school, she was the year below, and that her mother passed away when I was in year three. Meaning she must have been seven when it happened. I don’t think I ever actually talked to her. Only once when Mrs Leroy told me to apologise to her in front of the class. Because I nicked her pencil case and threw it around the room.

I kind of regret that. Forest seemed such a lovely girl. A little quiet. A little nerdy. But I feel sorry for her, with her mother passing away. And people being so horrible to her around school. And her dog is so cute. She has the friendliest chocolate Labrador. And secretly, I think she’s kinda cool. With her converse which she thinks she’s hiding under her kilt. And she’s pretty. In a not obvious way. But what could I do about that. I was with Myra. The orange mess of a girlfriend.

“Keeeeennnntttt!!” called Myra from down the hall. Oh God she’s already seen me!! I couldn’t get away with putting my head deep in my locker hiding my face. “I have decided to forgive you about this morning. But only as my amazing boyfriend has been picked as captain of the rugby team!!” she screamed, smiling from ear to ear.

I loved rugby. It’s a great game. But when you have a father, who was a professional rugby player when he was younger, pushing you to join every team going. The game kinda turns sour. Boring. And just not fun anymore.

“Yeah… great!!” I said painfully. Myra didn’t get my sarcasm and replied with “Yeah!! I wanna be your head cheerleader!! Can you sort that out for me??”
“I don’t think that’s the way it works, but I’ll ask. Ye-…”
“Aww!! Yay thanks!!” She reached up gave me the fakest cheek kiss ever, and turned on her heels and trotted away. I just stood there gawping. What just happened??
From up the corridor, I saw Ty, Jett and Ash walking up with “swag” towards me. They just looked like a pack of lame donkeys, not cool at all. Ty just walked past me. He obviously noticed me. Just hadn’t forgave me yet. Jett followed in his footsteps and pretended I didn’t exist. But Ash gave me a smile.

Ash was my only true friend out of that lot. I have been friends with him since year two. When Phil Hunter had cornered him in the cloak room and I have saved him from a punch. I guess you could say I’m good at sticking up for people.

The bell rang. I grabbed my English book from my bare locker, stuffed it in my bag and slung it over my back. I followed the flow of people making there way down the corridor. Swerving the odd people coming the other way. I hated the look some of the younger people gave me. It was as if they were scared of me. Was it because of my reputation with the police?? Or the fact I’m just older. Or maybe its as I’m friends with Ty and his crew.

Whatever it was I didn’t have time to think now. I quickly did a little step hop thing and was standing outside my English class room. I joined the end of the queue into the room. Which wasn’t all that long. Meaning I was one of the first to show up. I stared at the ‘Shakespeare’ poster wall. ‘The Tempest’. ‘Midsummer Nights Dream’. All the popular ones. With a bit of text that a student had written about it.

All of it basically how great it was. But tucked at the bottom, a bit creased were people brush past it, was a bit about ‘Romeo & Juliet’. it read;

‘I enjoyed it. Don’t get me wrong. Shakespeare was a great play write. But to be honest the character of Romeo bored me. And Juliet seemed a bit slutty. He should have spent his pen ink on writing something, that not only popular with people like the characters can refer too. But something a little scene. A bit out there. I guess he was at the time. But none of his characters reflect someone like me. I guess its what the school wants us to literature, then so be it. I just think it’s a load of crap.’

I was in disbelief. I would never even say something like that about the great play write himself. Whoever wrote that, had some proper guts. I looked down at the bottom of the page to see a name that really shocked me. For someone who didn’t say a word, had a lot to say on paper!! The name read

Forest Handie.
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