Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Without You Is How I Dissappear

Chapter 2

by xxundermyskinxx 0 reviews

“Need some help?” A beautifully husky voice asked.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2013-04-30 - 1194 words


The cigarette almost fell from his lips as he watched her in fascination. He’d had a few crushes in his lifetime, but this was different. He had never been so mesmerized by another human being before. He found himself physically and emotionally wanting her so that it was almost painful. He found the slight swish of her hips and the way she shoved her very long hair out of her face, to be very enticing.
Suddenly, another figure exited the car and Gerard wrinkled his nose in disgust. Jim Anderson sauntered over and, hooking Barbara by the waist, planted a long, passionate kiss on her lips. She threw her arms around his neck and returned the affectionate gesture. Jim pushed her up against the car, causing her to drop her forgotten lunch, and they entered into such a heated tongue war that Gerard was afraid they would rip off their clothing any moment. He turned away as bile rose in his throat and he angrily crushed out his cigarette. Perhaps he had no reason to be angry, after all, Barbara wasn’t his girlfriend. It was simply the fact that a guy like Jim didn’t deserve a girl like her.
Jim was one of the star football players at Belleville high. A jock. Gerard wasn’t one to stereotype people, but Jim just happened to be the most stereotypical jock he had ever known. He was praised for his athleticism and good looks and walked the halls like a god. He had a nasty attitude and the IQ of a gold fish. He was approximately as shallow a puddle and had been nominated Homecoming King this year. There was also a rumor that he had sneaked off and hooked up with the Queen during the dance. He treated his girlfriend like she was nothing more than a trophy. Gerard suspected that the only reason he was even with Barbara was because, well…. She was hot.
The couple finally released each other and Jim headed off in the other direction. Barbara picked up her bag of Burger King and turned toward Gerard. Shit. He thought and picked up his backpack to disappear before she spotted him, but he hadn’t realized it was unzipped. All of the contents spilled onto the steps, paper and art supplies flying everywhere. Cursing under his breath, he quickly began shoveling it back into his bag, but it was too late.
“Need some help?” A beautifully husky voice asked.
Gerard’s eyes seemed to travel a mile up her long, thin legs before he finally saw her face looking down at him. A half-smile tugging at her lips.
He opened his mouth to respond but he only uttered some strangled, tongue-twisted sound. Before he could stop her, she knelt down and started shuffling the papers into a little stack.
“You’re into art I take it?” She asked, flipping through the drawings.
Gerard shrugged, perhaps not talking would be in his best interest. He might have a chance at coming across as mysterious, rather than socially inept.
“These are pretty good.” She continued, “I like this one a lot.” She added, pausing to study a comic he had been working on for several days. It was a sketch of a handsome, wealthy man crouched in a graveyard and looking into a pond. The reflection that shone back was a sickly, twisted looking boy with hollow eyes.
“So far that’s my favorite too.” Gerard muttered. So much for not talking.
“Very cool.” She grinned. She tucked her hair behind her right ear, revealing a row of five small, silver hoops reaching from lobe to cartilage.
“Thanks.” He said quietly, taking the papers from her hand and stuffing them in the bag.
The bell rang and they stood. “You’re late for class.” He added.
“So are you.” She pointed out and then held up her bag. “Besides, I still haven’t eaten my lunch.”
“If you get caught skipping class and eating food from off campus, you’ll get suspended for sure.” Gerard informed her.
Barbara mocked a terrified expression. “Oh the horror!” She exclaimed and then laughed good-naturedly “I think you should come join me.”
“I don’t know.” He hesitated, “I have Bio 2 next and Mr. Wilkins already despises me.”
“You’re being a wuss.” She observed, “I’ll give you my fries.”
Gerard sighed, “Bribing a fat kid with food is not very nice.” But he followed after her.
They sat at a picnic table outside the cafeteria and watched as freshmen and sophomores shuffled past with their trays of food. Mikey spotted his brother and gave a shy, awkward wave. Gerard nodded an acknowledgement and turned back to Barbara.
“Who’s that?” She asked, biting into her burger.
“My little brother, Mikey.”
She gave a nod, “That’s cool. I’ve got a brother too.”
Gerard raised a brow, he hadn’t known that. Not that he had stalked her or anything, well not really. “Oh? Does he go here?” He asked nonchalantly, vaguely wondering whether that was a creepy or appropriate question.
She let out a laugh, “God no. My mom tried sending him to a private school, but he dropped out last year and ran off with some exotic dancer. We’re not sure where he is at the moment.”
“Oh…” Gerard bit into a fry, “Errrr I’m sorry. That sucks.”
“Yeah, it kind of sucks.” She shrugged, “Now all of my mom’s attention is on me, but she’s been working two jobs ever since my dad left. So, she’s never really home to enforce her rules.”
Through his mouthful of French fries he made a sound of understanding, then swallowed and said, “Yeah, I know how that is. My mom works a lot too. When I was younger, I stayed with my grandmother almost every day. She’s the one who got me so interested in art and music; she’s super cool and supportive.”
Gerard couldn’t believe how easy this girl was to talk to. She seemed very down to earth and nonjudgmental. Plus, they seemed to have come from similar backgrounds and, judging by her Iron Maiden tee, she had great taste in music. Again, Gerard was sickened by the thought of such an awesome girl wasting her time with Jim Anderson.
They chatted a while longer about things that really didn’t matter at all, and then finally Barbara stood up and tossed her trash in the garbage bin.
“Well, I guess I’ll make an appearance in my World Lit Class before I head home.” She said stretching her arms over her head in a quite alluring manner.
Gerard nodded, trying not to watch the way her tall body elongated further as she stretched. “Alright well I’ll see you around then, I guess.” He slung his bookbag over his shoulder.
“I’m sure you will.” She said with a wink, “It was cool finally talking with you, Gerard.”
With that, she turned and sauntered away, leaving Gerard to watch after with lust in his eyes and a pounding in his heart.
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