Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I love you too much

Chapter 22

by pepe_soldier 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2013-06-11 - 884 words - Complete

Mikey's pov:

My brother was sleeping in the bed. Frank was sitting on the floor and I was leanes on the wall. I was thinking about everything. Complete situation was confusing me, but, on the other hand, it was crystal clear. That guy, Max, wanted us dead. Not just Frank, all of us. That wasn't good. We got to be smarter than him. For now, while Gerard is recovering, we'll stay here and just hide, but soon we'll get out. I was sure of it.

Frank's pov:

Mikey was thinking, he wasn't paying many attention about me. I was looking at Gerard all the time. I don't know if Mikey even knows about us, but I'll just keep my mouth shut. If he knows, okay, if he doesn't know, even better. I didn't know what should I do now. I remembered everything what happened past few days. Too much things happened, and all of that was confusing and sounded so unreal, actually it sounded impossible. I was probably the only person who knew about vampires from earliest age.
-Frank? -Mikey's voice stopped me in thinking.
-Mmh? -I looked at him.
-Are relationship with my brother? -he asked.
-Um...kinda. I'm not sure -I answered and Mikey nodded. I suprised myself with that answer, but it was true. I wasn't sure of it anymore. What will happen? I still love him, but not that much as before. I don't know why. Maybe all of this and Mikey's presence just made me feel kinda uncomfortable about our relationship. It seems like I'll break up with him again. It was very hard decission, but I had to do it. If I don't love him that much, why to make everything harder, and why to blame him? I don't want to hurt him, I really don't, but it seems like I'll have to.
-What time it is? - I asked Mikey.
-It is...9:52 pm. Why? - he said after he looked on his watch.
-I need just some fresh air - I said and stand up.
-Be careful. I'll stay with him - he said and looked at Gerard.
-I will - I said and got out. It was a little chilly outside, and I left my jacket inside. Sky was dark and cloudy. There wasn't any stars. I took deep breath. Fresh air was relaxing me. Just in the moment when I decided to come back inside, I heard something. Someone was in the wood. I didn't moved. I just stayed there, sitting in the grass. Someone jumped out from wood right on me. I just screamed.

Mikey's pov:

I almost fell asleep, and then I heard Frank's scream. I fastly got out. Frank wasn't there. There was just one note:
'If you want your friend back, be in your brother's house in midnight. Be alone.'
What was that supposed to mean? I was confused. It was 10:30 pm. I couldn't do anything for now. I sighed and came back inside. Gerard was still sleeping. It seemed that I'll have to leave him alone. He's safe here, I think. Time was passing slow, very slow. I was reading that note over and over again. What will haappen if I don't come? I couldn't even imagine. I was getting more and more nervous. It seemed like I'm here for hours, but actually it passed just 20 minutes. It's almost 11:00 pm. I couldn't wait anymore. Why everyone has to choose midnight? Gerard was still sleeping. I looked on my watch. 11:25 pm. I decided to go now. I left note on Gerard's pillow and on the other side of it I wrote:
'Just stay here, on safe. Don't even try to come.
I got out. Now it was raining. I didn't cared much. I was walking through the wood. It was a long way to Gerard's house. When I finally came there, it was dark. It was empty. It was 11:57 pm. I decided just to wait. I was waiting next to the back door, but nothing. Then someone covered my mouth with hand.
-Shh - it was familiar voice. I looked. It was Gerard.

Gerad's pov:

30 minutes ago:
I woke up. First I mentioned piece of paper. I rubbed my eyes and read it. I needed one second to understand what is going on. I grabbed my jacket and ran out. It was raining. I had to be fast. Mikey probably was in wood already. I was running. I had to find him. If Frank is in danger, we're gonna do it together, doesn't matter what note says. I came to my house. It was empty and dark. I remembered what happened at the Black house last time. But it's Max this time. I was walking around the house. Then I saw Mikey. He was leaned on the wall next to the back door. I covered his mouth with my hand. When he saw me, I moved it.
-What are you doing here? - he asked me.
-Saving you two - I whispered.
-Frank is the only one who is in danger
-Believe me, I was in similar situation, this is a trap - I whispered again. And then we heard evil laugh.
-Two Ways are always better than one - it was Max. His vampires surrounded us.
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