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Letter from Ari- uploaded by Miles

by intoyouricyblues 10 reviews

May be triggering.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2013-07-26 - 479 words

anything not in slanty writing is Ari's words, not mine.

Hello, all. It's Aria O'Rourke here. It's 11:14 pm and I'm currently in my bedroom trying to decide what belt to use. Wouldn't it be ironic if I used the one my father whipped me with? Anyways, these are my final words, goodbyes if you will.

First and foremost, my big brother Miles. Miles, I'm sorry for doing this, I really am. But I can't take the pain any longer. The scars are getting too cluttered. People stare even more. I can't be Dad's plaything any more. I love you, I really do. Remember the time when you and I ram away to Ms. Shmidt's house after Dad and Mom were having a row? I had never laughed so hard that night. You were the one who's arms I cried in. I remember the first time he beat me. You stood up to him. So yeah, you didn't after but I understand. I'm okay with you not defending me anymore. As Mom says, I'm a woman and any man can use me any way he pleases. I love you. I'll miss seeing your bright blue eyes and your crazy green hair that mom nagged you about. I'll miss hanging out with you at school and sticking together as we were the stereotypical 'emo' kids. Remember when I stuck that ice cream cone in Nadine's face after she called you gay? BITCH HE'S STRAIGHTER THEN THE POLE YOU DANCE ON! Those were good times. Well, I must continue on with this. 'Milo', you're my everything. Don't ever forget that. -Aribaby xo

Ryannnn! How are you? I hope you're okay. I miss you. A lot. Or at least miss talking to you. You were my other big brother. I love you. Stay strong. Don't do anything stupid okay? Stay strong for Miles. Be there for him like you were for me. Thank you for helping me run away, even if it was a failed attempt. Thank you for talking to me. I needed that. Help others who are in my situation, or any bad situation. Have lots of cute babies and grow to be a happy old man. That's what I want. Be yourself and don't take anyone's shit. Never let them take you alive. I love you so much. I'll be watching over you. -Angelbaby

This last part is for everyone else. Aj, Ash, Sadie, Becca, AlexisScream, Jazzy, CarcinoGenesist,

Thank you. Thank you for making me feel welcomed here, for accepting me, for reading my shit, for talking me out of it, for letting me know it's okay to not be okay. I love you all. Stay strong.

'Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone. 'Cause I know there's someone, somewhere. Prayin' that I make it home.'

'So here's one from the heart.'

xox Aria
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