Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemical Romance: the (Disney) musical

Gospel Truth part 2

by nicolagirl 1 review

Frank is let down by his friends.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2013-09-23 - 178 words

AN. To my favourite reader lolhai, dude your awesome! But, I’m sorry honey! This scene wont be that long…but the scene after will be long! So hope you enjoy this mini scene :L

Scene 5

As the camera pans away from the bar we see it slowly zooms into another part of town where Frank is trudging through the snow looking very sad. Following slowly behind him are the five fan girls. He cannot see or hear them.

Skyler: (to camera)
If there’s one thing that got to Frank the most, it was his friends behaviour towards him.

CUE ‘Gospel Truth part 2-Hercules’.

He dragged himself through town.
His friends were acting mean and uncouth.
They were as mean as they were ruthless,
And that’s the gospel truth.

AN. See, short? I know the lyrics don’t really make sense but I couldn’t come up with anything so, sorry. But the next chapter will be long! I Pinkie Pie promise! If I break that I will be next in Pinkie Pies cupcakes :L
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