Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > the girl that you love

Headfirst slide into coppers town on a bad bet

by meesheemooroo 0 reviews

Pete helps Emily with a little Predicament.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2014-02-07 - 2077 words - Complete

"hey, when did you realize you loved me?" I asked Patrick asked while laying in his bunk with him at about 2AM just talking about silly things. It was dark but I could still see him looking at me.
"hmmm, It's hard to pin point an exact time, because to my knowledge I've always felt this way about you. But I'd have to say after I had picked you up In the rain, and had that weird conversation on who I was. The exact moment you told me your name, something just went of in my head. And I've been bananas over you ever since." he laughed.

"when you tried to get me in the car, I seriously thought you were a killer. really. I thought you were going to kill me." I said laughing.

"Do I really look like a killer to you?" He said faking offence.

"no, you just look like my boyfriend now."

"what about you? when did you realize you were in love with me?" he asked

"Well like you said its hard to pin it down, I was just so confused. I had never bee in love before. hmmmm... the night we met at your hotel, when we were looking out your window and you were begging me not to throw my future and dreams away because of a loser guy, then you held my hand, but it really kicked the next mornng when I woke up in the same bed with you, even though nothing happened.I remember I woke up with your arm around me I just looked at your face and how peaceful and gentle and sweet it was." I said then kissed him on the cheek.

"Oh gosh, I'm not any of those things" he said "By the way, I knew you were watching me. I just didn't want to call you out on it." he laughed.

"your last name Is so cool. Stump." I said. then we both started saying his last name over and over until it sounded funny.

"Your last name is pretty cool too." he said. "Law"

"yours Is way cooler." I said

"no, it not its like tree Stump, its dumb. It use to have an H at the end but I changed it because people kept pronouncing it Stumpf"

"I still like it. trees are cool" I laughed.

"yeah? Well you can have it if you want it... one of theses days" he said.

"you cant give me your last name, your using it" I said and it made him laugh.

"well, I was thinking we could both have it some day." he said

"oh" I said.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..uh..jump the gun or anything. I don't want to be a Brendon. besides I'm not like asking or anything, right now, I just-"

"Its okay, it was cute. I liked the Idea." I said beginning to comb my fingers through his hair and smiling.

"I'm glad I didn't scare you or anything." he said.

"you cant scare me. your too cute." I said laughing.

"no, your cute!" Patrick said in a lovey dovey voice.

"I will throw you off the bus! Let's see how cute you guys are hitching a ride to the next venue!" Pete called from the bunk below us. and Patrick and I began cracking up. "besides Trick's mine!"

about a month or so of nonstop traveling across the U.S. followed. Patrick and I grew closer than ever. we were always together, the rest of the guys didn't even seem to mind. I was cleaning out the FOB bus while the guys were in the venue sound checking and stuff (Even though Patrick said its someone else's job and I didn't have to do it, but I did anyway to feel useful) when Pete walks in and sits down on the couch.

"hey, don't you have a job to be doing?" I teased.

"nah, not right now." he said. a minute passed before he spoke again. "hey, so I noticed you crying over running out of milk yesterday."

"yeah, I like milk. so? I said throwing some wrappers into the trash bag.

"just sit down. you don't need to be doing that." he said. I obeyed.

"sorry." I said defensively.

"and that. you do things like that." he said matter of factually.

"Did you come in here to pick a fight?! Because that's how it looks to me." I said accusingly.

"no, Em. That's just how it looks to you." he said trying desperately to get some kind of point across.

"okay, so what the hell are you talking about Pete?" I demand. He promptly gets up and goes into the bathroom.

"I just cleaned that!" I yell after him.

"you shouldn't" he yells back. he comes out with a box which he plops on the counter.

"why do you have tampons Pete?" I asked confused.

"they were for you." he said.

"hey! that's not nice Pete! coming in here and accusing me of being mean because I'm on my-" he cuts me off with a frustrated growl.

"I just noticed...well... I think you might be pregnant ding dong."

I just looked at him. he puts the box back Where he had gotten it.

"Em, for the pat week you've been throwing up claiming its some sort of on again off again flu. you've been moody, and you don't want to eat things with strong odors that's what happens in the first part..thing. my sister was pregnant, I know these things."

"oh god. your right." I said stunned. I just stared off into space.

"you okay em?" Pete said looking at me.

"no. nope. nonononono. can't tell him. nope. what do I do?" I said freaking out on Pete.

"you should tell Patrick." pete said.

"nope, any other options?"

"well I have this coat hanger.." I stared at his words in horror. "Emily. I'm kidding. stop freaking out!"

"what the fuck Pete! you cant tell me to stop freaking out when you have no Idea what this is like!" I yelled.

"Em, you've only known you were pregnant for like two minutes now. It can't be that bad already." he laughed.

"no, pete. About Patrick! we haven't even been together that long! I cant just be like oh hey Patrick nice show tonight, were having a kid." I began to cry.

"chill Em. lets find out if its for sure or not. lets go get you a baby test thing" he said.

"how? all we have are buses." I said

"I jacked someones car keys earlier, one of the sound guys. turns out, people will just willingly loan you there car." Pete chuckled.

"yeah, if your famous." I rolled my eyes. we went out to where the staff parks and pete hit a button until he found the right car. A big black Cadillac Escalade. we both get in starts it up and drives away from the venue.

"Do you even know where we are?" I ask. he checks out one of the signs.

"East ridge road?" he said

"no, what state!"

"maybe Tennessee?" he said doubtfully. he pulls over and checks his phone.

"huh, evidently, were in Chattanooga Tennessee" he said.

"do you really think this car is low key?" I ask.

"best I could do." he replied.

"so you don't think you could of done a little less better than a huge Cadillac? nope, no celebrities in here!" I said. So were driving around god actually knows where, for god know what. In a huge posh car, looking for pregnancy tests. awesome.

"why are you helping me with this?" I asked

"because were friends, and I kind of figure I owe you one." he said.

we pull up at an old gas station and go inside. we start looking around until we find some pregnancy tests.

"which one do I get?" I ask confused.

"I don't know there's like only two brands to choose from...oh get this one it tells you sooner." pointing at the one on the left.

"okay, how many do I get? " I ask. seeing like 20 boxes.

"I don't know! get all of them!" he said frustrated.

"sure Pete, that would work IF I WAS 20 DIFFERENT PEOPLE! I thought you knew these things!" I said. Pete groans and grabs three and we walk to the counter. The cashier was an old angry looking man. Pete throws a fifty down and grabs the boxes and we run back to the car.

"what the hell was that Pete?" I said as he peeled out of the gas station."

"I don't know. I felt like he was judging me." he said "besides its not like we stole anything, I gave him a fifty. okay we need to find you a bathroom. hope you really have to pee cause theirs three sticks." he pulled over at a trucker rest stop. "2006 Patrick would of loved the hats in here" he said jokingly Patrick was one of the last things I wanted to talk about right now, another was peeing on plastic sticks we got out of the car and walked over to the bathrooms "I'll wait outside the bathroom here and you go pee on sticks."

"gotcha" is all I said as I went into the ladies rest room. I will spare you the whole pee stick details. but the directions said I had to wait 5 minutes for the test to read correctly.

"did you pee on the stick yet?" Pete yelled from outside.

"yeah!" I yelled back.

"whats it say?!"

"I dunno, It takes 5 minutes!" I yelled.

"how do we make it go faster?!"

"we don't. we have to wait!" I said laughing.

"dude! you might be having my best friends baby!" he said

"we don't know that yet!" I said. he was quiet for quite some time.

"do we know now?" he asked. I checked my phone. It was time. I looked at all 3 of the tests then the box. then the tests again. all had the same symbol.

"we know pete!" I yelled.

"well?!" he yelled anxiously.

"Patrick's going to be a dad!" I said nervously with my voice tightening. I felt like crying. Pete came running through the ladies bathroom door and looked at the tests on the counter. then the box just like I did.

"your going to be a mom Em!" he said excitedly and grabbed me and gave me a tight hug. I then began to bawl.

"Em, its okay. Patrick will understand, he'll be happy." he said helping me to the car.

"don't want to tell him. I'm afraid" I said crying. he put me into the car and went around to the drivers seat, got in and started the car. I just kept crying. he clearly didn't know what to do. we were a block down the street when he broke his silence "hey, it wont be that bad." he said. I went on with my crying. "I know!" he said "lets get you some milk! you love milk!" he said enthusiastically. but I ignored him and continued crying. "Ice cream? a puppy? diamonds? a Porsche?" he said running out of options of things he could get me to stop my sobbing. "you have to calm down before we get back. or Patrick is going to know somethings up. you can tell him when the time is right. I wont say a thing." he said making me look at him and dry my eyes.

"Promise?" I said.

"yeah, I swear." he said. I began wiping away my snot and tears. my phone began to vibrate and I saw it was Patrick calling.

"oh man! its him!" I yelled.

"well, answer it!" Pete yelled back. I did.

"hey Patrick!" I said.

"hey hun, where are you? you don't sound good. are you okay? is Pete with you?"

"yeah I'm okay. I was sick. Pete took me to get something for my stomach, were on our way back" I said.

"oh okay. how did he get you anywhere?" Patrick asked confused.

"he stole a car. an Escalade." I said casually

"what?! he stole a car?!" Patrick asked with shock and worry in his voice.

"yeah, were pulling in. see you in a minute!" I said hanging up on Patrick. I was dreading seeing him as we got out of the car. I don't know I could keep this secret, or for how long.
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