Categories > Books > Sherlock Holmes > Only Lies Have Detail

Stay The Night

by whatsupwatson 0 reviews

"Why did you leave?" "To save you."

Category: Sherlock Holmes - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2014-02-13 - 618 words

I quickly picked her up and walked into the other room.

She placed her hand on my chest and I walked up the stairs taking her to her bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and walked to the bathroom dampening a cloth.

"I came back for you." She shouted from the other room. And it a small voice she whispered "I love you."

I didn't know what to say, so I instinctively whispered back "I love you too" I wrung out the cloth leaving it slightly damp. I entered the room and placed the cloth over her nose in attempt to stop the bleeding. So much has happened, I don't know what to do, what will I say to John?

"Usually when I invite people round for dinner we eat not fight." She laughed a little.

"You invite people a lot then?" I smirked holding the cloth on, trying to make it not hurt.

"I used to, until I met you."
I placed her hand on the cloth and as I did she slipped her hand on top of me.

"I better go." I blushed slightly standing up.

"Stay...please. Even if it's just for dinner."

"I'm not hungry."

She looked down into her lap and I stared at her bloody nose. I was the one who caused the damage and I was in the wrong. I needed to make it up to her, nobody would notice me being out a bit later than I usually am.

"But I'll stay." I smiled, sitting back down.

"Did you mean it-"

"Mean what?"

"Mean it when you said there was no us."

I brushed my hand through my hair, nervous with how to respond.

"What do you mean by us though? We're just two people who enjoy each others company."

"Two people who enjoy each others company is you and John. I wouldn't say what you have with him is what you have with me...Or is it?" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes turning to her. "I understand."

"And...I don't think John loves you in the way I do."

"It's getting late I bett-"

"Please stay. Just tonight. I've missed you and I don't get to see you. And I know you're going to want to keep...this secret and I've spent so many months alone."

I had to stay. I might aswell. What she said was right, I didn't get to see her and there was an us. What's the point in staying at home with people who don't care or staying with the one person who does.
"Tonight that's it." I whispered looking to my feet.

I took off my blazer and shoes getting into the bed, she lay behind me both of us facing different directions. The silence filled the air,it had been over a year and I couldn't think of anything to say to her. After a while the one thought that had always bugged me but I was scared to question came to mind.
"Why did you leave?" I whispered just incase she was asleep. She didn't respond at first then I felt a small tug on my hand and I turned round to see she was facing me.
"To save you."
She placed a kiss on my head and closed her eyes.

The morning came and as I awoke the bed was empty and I grabbed my blazer thinking she had left. I walked downstairs to the smell of burnt toast and air freshener. I laughed slightly to myself as I saw her spreading butter over the charcoal coloured bread.

"Good morning." I said leaning up the door.

"Morning lazy. You were always the one to be up last."
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