Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angels And Demons

Hopeful Yet Hopeless

by drtylttlscrt 5 reviews

""Umm... Frank, I'm certain, now." said Gerard, shaking even more than before. "Certain? About what?" questioned Frank curiously, tilting his head to the side."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2014-03-25 - 1197 words

"Mmmph..." moaned Gerard sleepily, as he had just woken up at 6am. He sat up and yawned loudly, stretching his long, slender arms out behind his head. "Eurgh..." he exclaimed, observing the half-eaten apple still sitting on the table, covered in brown patches as it had been left there for so long. He gingerly and delicately held it by the pip, pinching it with his index finger and thumb, and he looked around to find somewhere to put it. Finding nothing in the living room, he walked into the kitchen and found the bin, where he chucked the old apple. Not knowing what else to do until Frank woke up, presumably at his usual time of 10am, Gerard padded back into the living room, turned on the TV and flicked through the channels until he found something he liked.
"The weather today..."
"This rare kind of parrot can only be found in..."
"Umm, what do you mean Alexis was with Kevin at the..."
It took Gerard a while to find something, but, eventually, he found a programme that, for some reason, stood out to him. It was another episode of the programme with the kissing couple on the park bench. The man was on one knee in front of the woman.
"Will you... will you marry me?"
"Oh... oh, my God... of course I'll marry you!"
The woman was crying tears of overwhelming joy, and Gerard couldn't take his bright red eyes away from the glass television screen. A small, twinkly tear formed in his eye too, and it trickled down his pale cheek and past the corners of his pale lips. He sniffled as the tear hung like an icicle from his chin, and he smiled an envious smile. Memories of what he "confessed" to Frank yesterday filled his mind, and he began to think that maybe... maybe he did love Frank. As he watched the couple on the TV kissing and embracing each other tenderly, he imagined that one of them was himself and that the other was Frank. He wondered what would happen if Frank had said "yes" when Gerard asked if they could kiss. Frank would probably have to teach Gerard how to kiss, even though Frank had never kissed anyone before either. Gerard imagined how nice and simply magical the kiss would be, although it was quite hard to imagine, seeing as he had only recently discovered what a kiss was. He began to feel butterflies fluttering around restlessly in his tummy, telling him to talk to Frank about his feelings. He desperately wanted him, he was perfect - nice, kind, smart, unique and - as a bonus - he was very attractive. His hair was dark brown and a little short, and it was very slightly spiky and fluffy at the top. He wasn't very tall - he was only around 5'4" - and he had amazing, colourful tattoos up and down his arms, and he had a black scorpion tattoo on his neck. He had the cutest nose with a metal piercing on the right side of it, and there was also one on the left side of his bottom lip. Gerard's favourite physical feature about Frank, though, was his eyes - honey-hazel with little russet rings around the pupils. He was perfect in every way to Gerard, and he made Gerard feel less significant - he made him feel as if he wasn't good enough for him, and he felt like Frank wouldn't find him attractive enough. Plus, Gerard was a vampire, so he thought that maybe Frank would rather go for a human like himself. Gerard began to sob a little more, feeling hopeful yet hopeless, before falling asleep again. He needed to clear his mind somehow, however sleeping didn't seem to work as well as he'd hoped it to - he dreamt of Frank. Nothing was really happening in his dream, though - it just consisted of pictures of Frank's handsome face, and of all of those eye-catching tattoos of his, and he could hear taunting voices in his head like the voices Frank used to hear telling him that they'd never be together, along with other equally taunting voices reminding him of how utterly perfect he was.

About 4 hours later, Frank trotted down the creaky, wooden stairs and put his hand on the metal door handle that lead to the living room, however he didn't open it straight away, as he heard strange noises coming from inside the living room.
"Mmmm... mmmph! No! Ahhh!" screamed a voice from inside... Gerard's voice.
"Gerard? Are you alright!?" asked Frank, concerned, swinging open the large, white door.
"AH!" shouted Gerard, shooting up and panting heavily. "Yeah... yeah, I'm fine, I was just having a bad dream, is all... thanks for waking me up."
"Hey, that's OK... let's turn this crap off." suggested Frank, flicking the TV switch on the wall, as the programme about the couple in love had changed to a cheesy, painful-to-watch high school show about sassy, stupid, 14-year-old girls who "so totally need a man with a 6-pack immediately or else they'll commit suicide by stabbing themselves in the face with a high heel".
"Yeah... so, umm... Frank?" asked Gerard timidly, fidgeting with his long, white fingers and shaking noticeably.
"Yeah, Gerard?" replied Frank, sitting next to Gerard on the comfortable sofa.
"Umm... Frank, I'm certain, now." said Gerard, shaking even more than before.
"Certain? About what?" questioned Frank curiously, tilting his head to the side.
"I'm certain that... I'm certain that I love you. I-I mean, I feel butterflies in my tummy, a-and I just, I mean, you're so p-p-perfect, and I cried over you this morning, before you woke up, a-and, I..." stuttered Gerard, but he had to stop himself as his lovesick tear waterfalls made his voice crack.
"Gerard... I don't love you, but... it's sweet that you'd cry over me like that..." replied Frank, smiling a little.
"Does that mean you won't kiss me? Does that mean we won't be together?" asked Gerard sadly, hoping that, by some miracle, Frank would kiss him and they'd be together.
"Umm..." responded Frank, looking down at the carpet beneath them both. He then quickly put his tattooed hands on Gerard's broad shoulders and gave him a quick yet sweet and affectionate kiss on the cheek before shyly darting off into the kitchen like a nervous schoolgirl, giggling like one too. Gerard just sat there, still as a statue on the soft sofa, not moving, not saying anything. His pale cheeks flushed bright red, and he managed to stutter out a few broken fragments of exclamations and potential words, but that was it. He was so speechless, yet he was so relieved.

The rest of the day was very awkward, much like the day before, except this time, they made a little more eye contact with each other. Each time they did, they blushed and giggled nervously, but they didn't kiss or hug, or anything, really. They were both too shy, and, as much as Frank didn't regret kissing Gerard's cheek, he thought he should wait a little while before doing anything else.
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