Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Different Sort of Bond

Chapter 19

by Balder 6 reviews

The Party

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Neville - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2014-04-21 - 1786 words

A Different Sort of Bond

Disclaimer: See previous chapters.
Author's Note: NC-17, AU

Chapter 19
The party was being held in a large room on the third floor. There was a seventh year student in a tuxedo checking invites at the door. Harry asked, “How did you come to be Sluggy’s doorman today John?” The young man shrugged and said, “I’m here because I got detention. This might be boring but it’s a lot better than scouring pots for Snape.”

Harry smiled, “Very true. Here are our invites then.” He handed over all of them and John opened the door for them. Inside was bright and noisy. People of all sorts in bright party clothes milled around with crystal glasses chatting and laughing. Before Harry and Daphne got more than half a dozen steps inside Horace Slughorn was at their side.

“Bravo Harry!” he said. “You and your date look smashing! Let me guide to the refreshment table for a drink of punch then there are lots of people anxious to me you.”

“The drink sounds fine but I want to spend some of the night dancing with my date,” Harry replied. “And some of it talking with my friends.”

“Of course dear boy!” Slughorn said as he lead them to a long table off to one side. “However there is a few hours yet before dinner and the dancing isn’t until after that so we’ll have plenty of time to introduce you to several people almost as famous and influential as you are!”

Harry pasted a smile on his face and followed. Resigned to hours of tedium and fake politeness. If he concentrated he could feel that Daphne felt the same way. Ron was dragged Hermione in the direction of a group of Quidditch team captains and Tracey was trying not to look as if she was dragging Neville towards her father. When the reached the wall they saw two tables, one with a punch bowl and several bottles and behind it was another seventh year student.

“Hiya Harry,” Cho said. “I’m getting extra potions credit for keeping the punch unspiked. Can I pour you a cup?” Her face didn’t look as cheery as her words but Harry was just happy she wasn’t crying. He was about to accept when Argus Filch dragged a student in by the ear.

“Arr! Perfesser, I caught this young hellcat in t’other room with a bottle in ‘er hands,” he started. “I took it from ‘er and asked to see ‘er invite but she don’t have none so I brought her to you. You want me to just throw ‘er out or should I get,” he paused to grin viciously, “creative about ‘er punishment?”

Harry and Slughorn turned at the same time to see Astoria Greengrass struggling in Filch’s grip. Daphne looked over shoulder and groaned, “Merlin Astoria, what are you up to now?”

The younger girl looked furious, “I was just trying to leave a Yule present! This squib has no business touching me much less manhandling me like this!” She glared up at the much taller caretaker, “If father knew he have you horsewhipped!”

Daphne rolled her eyes, “Tori, he’s on staff here so yes he does have the right. And as for father if he heard you’d been out breaking into parties and causing a scene it’s you that he’d be angry at.”

Horace Slughorn grinned as soon as he heard that and gestured for Filch to let the girl go, “Well now Mr. Filch it is almost Yule. I think we can dredge up enough holiday spirit to be lenient this time. I’m sure the young lady just wanted to join her older sibling for the party. Everyone loves my parties! Isn’t that right my dear?” Without waiting for an answer he turned to look at Daphne, “I’m sure her sister will be willing to chaperone her for the rest if the evening.”

“Of course professor,” Daphne said with a sigh.

“Wonderful,” Slughorn said. He took the bottle from Filch’s hand, “You say this was your gift?” He examined it carefully, “My word! This brandy was bottled a hundred and fifty years ago!” He turned to Cho and said, “Four glasses please.” Turning back to Filch he said, “I hope you’ll join us Argus?” To Astoria he said, “You are a bit too young for this libation young lady but I do thank you most sincerely for it!”

“Aren’t we too young as well?” Harry asked.

Slughorn laughed jovially, “No my boy, certainly not! The lovely lady and yourself are old enough for a glass of brandy.” He deftly removed the wax covered cork of the dusty bottle and poured a generous amount into each cup as Cho handed it to him. He handed it around and was about to make a toast when Filch drank his whole glass in one gulp.

As Slughorn frowned and started to comment Filch gasped and clutched at his throat. Slughorn immediately vanished the other glasses then crouched down and forced a bezoar down the throat of Argus Filch. It didn’t help unfortunately and the man soon died.

Astoria slipped away during the commotion and triggered the portkey her father had given her. It’s presence was why she was given the task. She had a means of escape that the school wards did not block. Once at the safehouse she noted the address then sent word to Malfoy Manor by owl. “It was so thoughtful of Potter to provide me with both escape and an owl to call his enemies with,” she said and chuckled. She had been hoping to kill Dumbledore but told herself that Filch was also a good target. At least she hoped he was because the dark lord was unkind to those who failed him and she had just told him where she was.

Back at the party chaos had ensued. All students save Harry and Daphne were sent back to their rooms. Slughorn and Snape agreed it was basilisk venom in the brandy.

“Immediately lethal to all but these two,” Slughorn said as he gestured to the joined couple, “and sadly a bezoar is no use against it.”

Snape was heard to mutter that it was Potter’s fault but he said that so often that nobody paid any attention.

The name on the card attached to the bottle with pink ribbon was Dumbledore’s but only the potion masters knew this and they were sworn to secrecy. Albus also forbade the expulsion of the younger Greengrass and was unhappy when he heard she’d portkeyed away.

“I was hoping to talk to her and turn her away from such foolishness in the future,” Dumbledore said. He turned to Daphne, “Please do not mention any part of this incident to your parents my dear and if you see your sister tell her she still has a place here next semester.”

Daphne agreed with a smile even though she wasn’t planning on doing either one.

Harry was assuming it had been an attempt on his life and was feeling guilty and not saying anything to anyone.

The conjoined couple were sent to their room and the adult staff remained to discuss matters.

Once beyond earshot Daphne said, “I know what you are thinking Potter! It wasn’t your fault anymore than it was mine! “

“It was probably meant for me,” Harry replied miserably.

“No,” she refuted. “Astoria knows we are both immune to all poisons remember? She was trying to kill somebody else and I doubt it was Filch. If she goes home we’ll have to question her but I doubt she will.” Daphne frowned, “She’s probably off reporting to them.”

Harry looked worried now instead of guilty, “Then I hope it was Filch she was supposed to kill because otherwise Riddle will consider it a failure and punish her.”

Daphne looked sad and worried but her words were angry, “Why in the world would she get this involved? I just can’t understand her anymore.”

“Maybe we can arrange a rescue,” Harry said. “I know where that portkey goes. If we can reach a floo fast enough we can get Tonks and Shacklebolt over there. They'll grab her but she’ll be alive and healthy and you’ll even get your chance to ask her some questions.”

Daphne smiled at that and took off at a run pulling him behind her, “Let’s be off then and get to that fireplace!”

Soon Harry had passed the info to Tonks and Kingsley. They promised to get over there and bring the better fighters of the order with them. He turned to Daphne, “I think that’s as much as we can do. Do you want to floo your folks?”

She considered that then shook her head, “No, not until I know more. The Deputy Head probably sent an official warning letter anyway. Once we hear more from any source then we’ll have more information and can pass that along.”

Harry yawned, “In that case let’s try and get some sleep.”

The next morning their breakfast was interrupted by Tonks coming by. "Hello cousin!"
She called to Harry as she came in. "I've got good news for you and your hand holding buddy here."

"You found Astoria and she's okay?" Daphne said. She had been very worried about her sister. In spite of her sister's animosity toward her she didn't want anything to happen to Astoria.

"Even better!" Tonks said and grinned.

Harry guessed, "You not only did that but caught whomever came to meet her at the compromised safehouse?"

"Exactly!" Tonks said. "We caught Malfoy Sr. and Jr. and they are in custody and being questioned as we speak. If we're lucky we'll get evidence to arrest a whole lot more of Voldemort's men."

"Thanks for the news Tonks," Harry said. "Care to join us for breakfast?" Harry and Daphne were eating alone that morning as Hermione, Tracey, and Neville were eating in the great hall so they had plenty of room for a guest. "I'm sure Dobby would be happy to make you a plate."

Tonks shook her head, "I wish I could Harry but I'm only here because you being the Black family heir got me out of work temporarily so I could come and update you. I have to get back as soon as possible."

Harry stood up and shook her hand, "Alright Tonks, and thanks again from both of us."

"Anytime cousin," she replied. "Us Blacks have to stick together," she said and left.
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