Categories > Books > Dracula > Seductions of the Dark

Chapter 10

by rainia_nytewolf 0 reviews

Love is remembered.

Category: Dracula - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Romance - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-09 - 799 words

Authors Notes- Originally there was going to be a bit that I wrote but it didn't fit and I didn't like it so I just decided to leave it the way it is with Carly's (Lady D) part first. Hope you like!

Chapter 10- Love Remembered

The rain was still hammering everything in its path as Vlad stalked the shadows, he was returning from his meeting with Rainia to where he currently went to slumber. Though his face was as impassive as it always was, he was beaming with joy inside. His accidental meeting with his love had cleared up a few questions and the obvious answer as to how he was going to meet her. Literally bumping into her wasn't his original plan, but it went well, very well. His eyes flashed in desire, he could still taste her sweet lips on his own.

Rainia's warmth still lingered from where she had snuggled against his chest, and he could inhale her scent that lingered on his clothes. The rich aroma of chocolate that strangely belonged only to her, had decorated her skin for as long as he could remember. It was odd since she tasted of peaches from the lip-gloss that she always wore. He grinned inwardly. Even this time and age she still had a liking for peaches.

Vlad paused shortly and looked towards the sky. The clouds, though thick and grey, had a lighter color to them and a slight tinge of pink, signaling the approach of dawn and the harsh rays that came along with it. With a sigh, Vlad resumed his walk to the abandoned motel where he slept since he was awoken.

The broken sign to the motel swung noisily against the aged lumber from the howling wind that just didn't seem to want to let-up. Vlad stepped out of the shadows and disappeared into a mist that seeped through the tight boards holding onto the doors and windows.

Reappearing with his clothes completely dry, Vlad made his way to the back room and shrugged off his jacket. He had left his cloak with Rainia as she had fallen asleep wrapped up in it. Vlad allowed a smile to grace his face as recalled the happenings of earlier that night.

They had spent quite a bit of time kissing and getting reacquainted with each other. At some point Vlad had moved them so Rainia's back was against the wall and his length was pressed against her. Both of them were lost in each other and oblivious to the time.

At long last Rainia pulled away to breathe and buried her face in his crook of his neck. He could feel her smile against his collar as she snuggled against his chest and held on to him tightly. He soaked up her warmth and reveled in it. Her scent was intoxicating; it took all his self-control to stop himself from taking her right then and there.

Feeling her soft breathing against his neck, Vlad looked down and found that Rainia had fallen asleep in his arms. Her dark eyelashes stood out against her pale skin and her kissed, reddened lips were slightly parted in a slight smile.

Holding her against him, Vlad removed his cloak and wrapped it around Rainia. Placing his arms underneath her knees, Vlad scooped her into his arms and carried her to her room. The same room they shared all those centuries ago.

Laying her gently upon the bed, Vlad brushed a stray piece of hair from her face and lightly kissed her forehead. Rainia sighed in contempt and snuggled deeper into his cloak. With a smile and a silent promise to return the next night, Vlad disappeared into the night.

Relaxing into his makeshift bed, Vlad closed his eyes and his breathing slowed until it stopped all the way. His movements ceased and he surrendered to the darkness of his slumber.

The early morning sun breached the horizon, slowly rising into the sky. Bright sunlight flooded the tower room where Rainia slept peacefully, lost in her dreams. The offending glare woke her and she yawned widely, reaching wildly for the cord to pull the drapes surrounding her canopy bed shut. When her bed was drenched in darkness, she snuggled back into.... wait. Rainia opened one eye and dragged the thing that was covering her up to her face to examine it closer.

It was, of all things, a cloak with what looked to be a dragon for a clasp. It smelled completely unique, a mix of blood and a rich, velvety dark chocolate. Rainia smiled to herself, realizing whom the cloak belonged to and draped it once more over her. If Vlad couldn't be with her in the physical sense during the day, she'd settle for this. Just this once.
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