Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

At Helena's surprise party, something major spoils it...for Gerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-07-26 - 592 words

A barrage of tiny raindrops pounded down on the wet dirt of Ophelia's Field when Gerard and Helena left the house. Their coats became wet and slick with rain and the soles of their boots were caked with dirt.
The beautiful night was covered with black storm clouds and no matter how bright the stars burn, none could penetrate the cold infinite blackness. The sweet sounds of nocturnal animals were silenced by the thunder's loud clapping. The field was lit up like a stobe from the lightening.
A new wave of sounds coming from Masque's Hall as they approached it joined the dark natural symphony. Laughter and talk that sounded human.
Gerard grabbed the water-spotted door handle. He opened it and there was Ray, Bob, Mikey, Serafina, and Tabatha standing before them, clapping and cheering.
"Wha-?" Helena half-laughed in confusion. "What's going on?"
Gerard planted a kiss in her hair, "Happy Birthday sugar".
Birthday? thought Helena to Gerard. My birthday's in January, Gerard. Remember? We already celebrated it.
Gerard smiled, "I know that. I guess I should explain. This isn't your human birthday. This is your undead birthday. A year ago tonight, I tuned you into a vampire. You aged one year dead".
Helena looked at the crowd again. This is her un-birthday?
Serafina stepped forword and took both of her hands, "So we, your coventant, are commerating it with style".
Helena turned to Gerard, "Is this why you wanted me to wear this stuff?"
"Yep," he answered.
"I'll take your coat and boots," said Ray to Gerard.
"And I'll take yours," said Tabatha as she went over to Helena.
Helena unbuttoned her raincoat and slipped it off, revealing that she was wearing a long shimmering red dress with sparkling red jewels beautifully gracing the collar and breast cloth. She was also wearing black high heels with gold heels.
Serafina gasped, "Helena, you're beautiful!"
Helena blushed beet red but it soon turned into a glowing blush when Gerard leaned over her ear and whispered, "I especially love the dress. Shame you won't wear it long".
Helena couldn't help having a devious smile curling in her lips. Gerard always tore her dresses when he was turned on. But it would be a small shame. She really likes this dress.
"Well!" Mikey got everybody's attention. "Let's start the party".

Everyone was heading to the plant room. Mikey was leading the way.
"I grabbed you a very corpulent man for taps," he told Helena. "I have him all tied up. All I need to do is get the tap in and we'll have Type B in wine glasses."
They approached their destination and there was a collective gasp.
The man that Mikey brought was tore into huge and little pieces and his organs and blood were scatteed everywhere. But what really caused the shock was that the glass panel behind, written in blood, said:
I've come home, my Beloved
"What the fuck?!" Ray covered his mouth with disgust.
"Who did this?" Tabatha shook her head. "We're the only ones here!"
Gerard saw this and fell to the ground. Helena rushed over to him and kneeled next to him, "Gerard! What is it?"
"She came back..." Gerard said, frightened. "S-She's back..."
"Who?" asked Helena.
He turned to her, "Sloane. My fiencee in blood..."

A/N: The long awaited chapter and I apologize. But now I have my own computer and now I can go on here whenever I want. Next chapter is coming up as soon as possible. I promise you that. R&R, kids.

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