Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Five

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

Learning names was never so romantic before.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 521 words

Chapter Five
Emily's glasses were fucked up, hanging off her nose, when he walked in. Eveie turned to him sharply, then motioned to an empty chair. She looked over to Emily. Her eyes were moving under her eyes lid quickly, and Eveie laughed slightly. She turned to him again and smiled.

"I don't know your name." He smiled.

"I'm Ray Toro, and I don't know you're name either." Eveie laughed slightly.

"Eveie Farlen." He took her hand and kissed it.

"It's nice to meet you, Eveie. Now, I'm going to ask you to a party, and I'm kinda nervous about it."

"Well, if it helps, I'm going to say yes."

"That's nice, thanks. It kinda creates a comfort zone. Would you like to go to a party next week?"

"Oh! I can't!" Eveie slapped her forehead, and Ray's face fell. She looked up and smiled at him. "Kidding. I would love too."
Lauren prepared Eveie for her date by having her snort a small amount of crank. Emily came over to help Eveie into her two-sizes-to-small pants, and her complicated boots. Emily gave her some speed, just in case (A/N: I have this thing about speed...). Ray was three minuets late. Eveie thought it was cute.

They got to the party and Eveie met his band mates. Mikey- a cute pixie-ish boy, Gerard- his brother, tall pale and beautiful, Frank- a short boy, with a taste for sarcasm, and Matt- drunk, crazy, and bloody annoying. One guys there was pretty tall, with reddish hair and a lip ring. He looked perfect for Emily. Eveie snorted.

Ray introduced him as Andy Hurley, a triple majoring basterd trying to be hardcore. Andy smacked him playfully.

Eveie was heading back for another drink by the front door when it banged open. Emily and Lauren rushed in, pupils dilated, and their eyes wild and crazy.

"Eveie, we've gotta hide. Hide us!"

"What the fuck did you do?"

"Snorted all of mom's stash."

"Oh, fuck me sideways!" Eveie pulled the girls into the back of the house. Back to Andy and Ray. Ray looked happy to see her again, but puzzled by the two girls her hands were clamped around.

"We've got to hide these two bitches," Eveie panted, pushing the crankers away.


"Just help me hide them!" Ray and Andy put their drinks down. They dragged Emily and Lauren up the stairs and hid them in the bathroom. Ray and Eveie stood outside the door, panting slightly.


"SHIT!" Ray pushed Eveie into the door, his hands pressing above her shoulders. He leaned down as if he was going to kiss her. Eveie closed her eyes and held her breath until the footsteps of her angry mother faded away. Eveie sighed with relief. Her eye opened and met Ray's. He smiled. She smiled back, and tilted her head a little, pouting her lips about.

Ray grinned and bent his head so that his lips brushed Eveie's. An electric current shot through them both. Ray stepped back. Eveie covered her mouth. He looked as though he might run away.

"Ray, please..."

"Stop Eveie."
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