Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever Trying to Find you


by JessieIero 0 reviews

I will see you again

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-11-28 - 438 words - Complete

12/14/1999 - 11:12am

Dear Gerard,
I think I kinda get it now. You left to start a new life somewhere right? But if you did that why didn't you take me with you, we always joked about running away together. Just leaving for somewhere where we could live together by ourselves.
Christmas is coming, and your present is hiding in my room. I've had it for months. Since before you even left. I promise if you come back I'll give it to you. But if you don't come back, I'll never stop searching for you. I promise you.
I think I'm starting to forget the sound of your laugh, or the way you used to smile when you were trying to hold back.
Mikey came back to school, he's been ignoring me. I still don't know why he is mad at me. I feel like he has given up on you.
They held a memorial service for you at school. I didn't go, what's the point in having one when you're coming back for me. I think we should take Mikey with us, I don't want him to feel left out.
Ray keeps on giving me weird looks at work, it bothers me. Oh yeah! I started back at work, I'm now on every day after school. Mom said it might be good to keep me occupied, Joe agreed. Working at the music store is great, and the discount is even better. I used to love when you'd come in and just sit with me until I clocked off. It's kinda really boring without you now.
I keep expecting you to walk in the door and just hug me and kiss me and tell me everything is gonna be okay. Just like you used to.

My shrink keeps talking to my mom after each session, it makes me feel weird. I'm eighteen and my mom takes me to my appointments and actually has to talk about me with him.
Apparently Mom went through my room and found that folder again, this time it was under my mattress. I look at it every night, I don't want to forget your face. And those mix tapes you left me are the only thing keeping your voice in my head. I listen to them all the time, I sing along with you and I let them put me to sleep.
What am I supposed to do when you're not here Gerard.

You know, it's been 71 days now. You've been gone for over two months, well two months and ten days.
Maybe you're not coming back,
I really miss you.

Forever searching,
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