Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Luck Charm

Chapter Twelve, Part One: Downstairs, Where No One Knows

by Black_Moon_Shadows 0 reviews

A romantic comedy is around here.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 339 words

Chapter Twelve, Part One
Down Stairs, Where No One Knows

Marion turned to look back at Eveie before closing the door. "Will you be alright?" Eveie's head turned ever so slightly. And Marion smiled. "Good night." She shut the door softly and turned to walk away, knocking into Maria. The two girls laughed slightly, rubbing their heads.

"Nice, Marion, nice." Her bright green eyes dance. Marion stuck her tongue out. They walked downs stairs to find their boys playing a video game for the last bag of Skittles.

Green met brown and identical smiles formed. Long, pale, fingers grabbed the red bag and put it behind a back. Maria and Marion sat down on the couch and opened the bag quietly. They munched on Skittles and watched their boys duke it out. The girls zoned out and woke to Mikey throwing the controller down.

"IN YOUR FACE!" Thin eyebrows were raised. Mikey turned to collect his prize but saw Maria and Marion sitting on the couch, grinning like cats, with the empty bag of Skittles.

"You witches!" Marion laughed and sat on the floor by Mikey. "I won those Skittles!" Marion pulled him in for a kiss.

"Well, you get Skittle kisses." Mikey smiled and purred.

"Mmm, Skittles and kisses in one, how purrfect." Maria and Gerard fell over each other gagging. Marion raised an eyebrow and Mikey rolled his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Marion and settled on the floor, while Gerard and Maria spread themselves a crossed the couch and on each other. Gerard played with Maria's hair as Mikey flipped through the channels.

"Oo! Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! We havta watch it! We HAVTA!" Marion bounced and pointed at the screen. Mikey sighed and clicked select and the opening credits for the movie flickered on. Marion grinned and settled herself into Mikey.

Gerard and Maria rolled their eyes and, even though the movie was pretty good, the eventually began to make out. Needless to say, heat was rising in two places that night.
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