Categories > Original > Romance > Friend's Forever No Matter What

Neko is Alex's Best friend?

by Neko-Loves-You 0 reviews

Neko and Alex have to sit together in EVERY class, Does he like her? Does he wanna make a move? HE CAN'T! They just met!

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2015-07-17 - 214 words

Neko's P.O.V

Me and Alex talked alot. We had many things in common. "Hey Neko. Do you wanna come over?" Alex grinned like a child in a candy store. "What do you mean? Silly did you forget~ We just met~" I looked at him, he looked a little sad, but yet happy... "Alex you know I have a brother right?" He looked straight up. "WHAT!? I NEVER KNEW THAT.." I laughed and took his hand, "Come, I want you to meet him~" He blushed and took my hand.

* Time skip to Kristopher, Oml if he saw this XD I'M SCREWED Spoiler kinda: He hates Alexander cx *

"Kristopher, Kristopher, KRISSSTOOPHERRRR!" He glared at me, "Yes? NEKO WHO IS THIS-- YOU'RE YOUNG STILL!!" He glared at Alex. Alex just looked at our hands together. "OH MY... No.. No.. No.. Listen, my name is Alex.. Or Alexander, Me and your sister are NOT together!" To be honest it broke my heart, Alex ment a little something to me. Alex still had my hand. " Kristopher, relax please let's just go home... Oh By the way, Alex has to come, I uhhhh- need to help him with HOMEWORK~" Kris nodded a ' Yes, OK ' Alex gave me a small smile..

What did I get myself into..?!
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