Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > The Art of Song

Treading in Deep Waters!

by -lIzZy- 2 reviews

Hermes with his new found discovery calls up the titans with this findings. Then to make matters worse...they're to report to Poseidon's Kingdom for the qualification rounds of the Dorium...Poor Jay!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-08-15 - Updated: 2006-08-15 - 1178 words

"Jay?" asked Hermes voice over the PMR. "I need to speak with Theresa for a moment. Do you think you could pit her on?"
"Yeah sure, what's the problem?"
"Yeah, just a minute!" Turning around, he handed the PMR over to Theresa, who'd been sitting in silence with him for the last hour. "Hermes wants to speak with you," he explained after a curious glance.
Walking to the other side of the room she said, "hello?"
"Theresa," came his voice, not that Jay was trying to eavesdrop. "I've got something important to ask you."
"Alright?" she asked hesitantly.
"Do you remember that vision you had of Jay's parents?"
"Yes," she answered looking over to Jay, whose silent not goaded her to continue.
"Well you see, I've just come back from a rather interesting conversation with your mentor Persephone, and she seems to think that it's, strange as it sounds, Hera who's currently being held prisoner with Cronus."
Jay jumped up from the bed and walked deftly behind her, and turned her around after she'd clicked off his PMR. "Can you do a mindsweap for her?"
"I can try."


"Hera!" came his voice. "Well this is certainly an interesting turn of events is it not? Instead of gaining the cooperation of your young protégé with his parents, I get the satisfaction of using you. How delectable!"
"He's smarter than you give him credit father!" she sneered at him.
"Well of he's anything like his obstinate ancestor Jason, he'll be here...when and how are the only questions."


Silently cursing, she turned to Jay. Seeing it in her eyes, he simply nodded. Rubbing a hand through his hair he walked back over to the bed and sat.
"Oh boy!" he muttered. "Isn't this a sticky situation?"
"If I'd have just mentioned to her what I was coming here for than..."
"Don't blame yourself! Hera's a grown woman and can make up her own mind concerning her actions. What we have to do decide what our will be." Smiling she walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. "Do you want me to call the others?"
Standing and giving her a slight buss on the forehead, he muttered, "That would be great!"


"Doesn't it seem lately that all we're doing is saving people from Cronus?" asked Archie, "and they all seem to be connected to Jay for some peculiar reason, and being so close to the Dorium and all?"
"What are you insinuating Archie?" asked Jay coldly.
"Nothing...I'm sure I've voiced my opinions on the matter well enough."
"Honestly!" said Atlanta shaking her head, "men! How are we going to come about this?"
"I don't know," said Jay whispering, when his PMR rang out again. "Jay here!"
"Jay!" came Hermes voice, as his picture flicked across the screen. "Don't worry, I'm just calling to ask about the mission?"
"Have you found them yet? The Dorium takes place in less than a week!" he said rambling on. "If there isn't a challenger within the next nightfall...well I'm sure your imagination isn't that lacking as to come up with a creative idea of what will happen?"
"Why does there need to be a challenger so soon if it's not until next week?" asked Archie.
"That's the way the ladies roll," he replied.
"How are we supposed to show them that there is a competitor?" he asked again.
"Well you see, down in Poseidon's Kingdom, reside the worlds first Coral Instrumentalist Band, and they haven't made music since the last bearer of the gift graced it's halls. The qualification test set by the Muses, is to bring the life back into deep halls of Mariana's Trench."
"Great..." said Jay sarcastically. "Just great."
"And we have word also on Hera," he said, voice growing a little stricter. "Cronus will be attending the qualification rounds."
"Hold up gang," he said raising his hands on the little screen. "During the preparations of the Dorium, the world is set into a large stalemate so to speak. No war can take place during a competition that set the scales as one of the highest in the world...quite literally," he said on a chuckle. "So until you find a challenger, I'm afraid I can't let you touch Cronus...over and out."
Clicking the PMR off, he rounded about in resignation with all the looks sent his way. "What!"
"Well I should think what's rather obvious Jay," said Neil bringing his eyes up and over his mirror. "We have to get you down to Poseidon's Kingdom."
"And why would that be?" he asked maliciously grinding his teeth.
"Cause you are going to compete aren't you?" asked Herry.
"No, I'm not actually, but I see the need to go to Poseidon's Kingdom! We can see if Hera's all right. Knowing Cronus, he won't leave her out of his line of sight until this ordeal is over and done with!"
Sighing Theresa walked over to Jay, "I'll give Poseidon a page," she muttered.
"Thanks!" he said giving her a smile.
"And I'll secure us a boat for the trip to the Mariana Islands," said Odie.
"Where's that?" asked Neil and Herry together.
"It's in the Pacific...close to Japan," he said on a sigh.
"Don't worry about it Odie," said Atlanta slapping him on the back, "I'm sure Theresa can set us up with a ride with her great- great- great...grandpops."
"How deep is this Trench anyway?" asked Archie nervously.
"35,810 feet!" replied Jay with some amusement. "It's the deepest part of the Ocean!"
Groaning, and slightly pale, he walked over to Jay's bed and took a seat with his head in hands. "Are you sure it's necessary to venture down that...deep below...just to check on Hera?" he asked. "I mean if you aren't competing-"
"Done!" said Theresa coming back into the room. "We're meeting Poseidon at Thessaloniki Bay!"
"Great!" groaned Archie, "well let's say goodbye to the folks...and get moving."
"No!" said Jay suddenly, "We're just going out for a little while, there's no need to make anyone suspicious." Looking at Theresa he asked, "whereabouts on the Bay?"
"In it!" she replied.
"Odie," said Archie, now a sickly green colour. "Go secure us that boat."


"This isn't so bad is it Arch" asked Jay manning the wheel of the boat Odie secured.
"Shut up!" he said leaning over the side as Atlanta patted him softly on the back.
"What the-"
"Archie!" yelled Atlanta as he was sucked under. "Archie!" she continued.
"Don't worry young one," said a deep and commanding voice, "I've simply sent him to my kingdom. Less bumpy for the poor lad that way."
"Poseidon," said Theresa in joy.
"Dear Theresa, I'm glad to see you all have a fine interest in music," he said gathering them all up, as he parted the waves to his Kingdom down below. "Come," he said issuing them with his hands. "We've much to discuss."


Sorry about the wait! My computer's on the fritz!
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