Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Free fall

The North

by panda_1418 1 review

Dismay takes Julius to a frozen hideout

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-08-16 - Updated: 2006-08-17 - 563 words


It had been twelve hours since Delilah had tried contacting Julius on his blackberry, and nothing had changed. Al and Scarlett were doing everything in their power to track Julius, but his signal was being blocked. Al said it had something to do with the plane he was in. It was somehow disguising his signal.

Al sat at his computer, staring at the radar, waiting for a chance. Meanwhile, Scarlett was checking every signal channel, waiting for something to pop up. Delilah could do nothing to help. As she watched Al, she sympathized for him. He had been sat there for most of the night, waiting, waiting. His eyes were drooping.

"Here, Al," Delilah shook him on the shoulder. "Why don't you get a coffee or take a nap? I can watch the monitor."

The "Big Man" yawned and stretched. "Thanks, man. Think I'll catch some Zs."

He got half way to the door before falling asleep mid-step, and collapsing on the floor.



Julius had tried to sleep that night, but it was not that comfortable, being strapped to a cold, metal table-thing. He stared up at the plane roof, wondering about the Academy. Did they think he was dead? Were they tracking him? Could they track him? How was Delilah? Did she know he was alive?

His thoughts were interrupted by Dr Dismay sticking his face in Julius'. "Sleep much, Dreamboat? Thought not. You'll be happy to know we're landing soon."

"Yippee-do, I can't wait." Julius replied, closing his eyes. "Where are we, anyway?"

Dismay chuckled maliciously. "The Arctic, the farthest point North in Alaska."

"That far? Why couldn't we go to the Bahamas?"

Dismissing him, the doctor wandered back to the cockpit.



Scarlett had just come back from dragging Al to the nearest couch. She watched Delilah sadly, as the young spy stared intently at the screen. She was wiggling her fingers, trying some sort of voodoo, when a beeping started. Delilah leaped up.

"I did it!" she cried. "Scarlett, I've got a signal! He's in ..." She examined the map. "Alaska?"

"Give me his coordinates, kitten, and I'll set you up a jet."

Those words were so good to hear.



A short while after his signal popped up on the monitor at the Academy, Julius was unloaded from the plane. As soon as the doors opened, he was shocked at hoe cold it was. Probably didn't help that all he had on was a pair of jeans and a sweater.

Dismay and Nurse walked for a while before, out of the snowstorm, a small mountain emerged. By this time, Julius was freezing his tail off. There was a steep slope up the side of the mountain. After walking for about half an hour, Julius was ready to just die from the cold.

It was then that they entered a cave - and to Julius' relief, it was heated. He was so happy that it was warm, he failed to noticed Dr Dismay advancing on him with a needle, until it was too late.



Delilah, Scarlett and Al were all on the fastest jet they could get their hands on, and on their way to Alaska. They couldn't get there fast enough. All three were anxious to get to the cold north.

Delilah went into the back of the jet and gazed out the window. "I'm coming, Julius,"
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