Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life or Death

chapter 7

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 7

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-08-20 - Updated: 2006-08-20 - 470 words

Chapter 7

Stacey's POV

What is with this guy and going days with out contacting us. It gets old fast. "I think its time for a visit again" I growled narrowing my eyes. We had been playing with these fucking articles for the past four days and not getting anywhere. I told him once I'll tell him twice he doesn't want to fuck with my temper. The guys were hesitant to allow me to go but once again we found ourselves at the park.

i knew he was behind me i could feel his eyes burning into me. I decided it was time for me to have first say.

"This is getting old.
The truth is untold.
The shit you gave us
Is nothing to impress.
You speak in a riddle
Leaving me in the middle
You say Joe is your demand
But that's not what you command.
You want something more
But were not a store
You pick and choose
But just wait. Youre gonna lose"

"Little girl you just wait
in my hands is your fate.
You let your mouth run
Are you done?
You need to listen
Cause you see there's something your missin
I'm the one wth the upper hand
You will listen to my demand."

"You talk about a demand
but yet you don't command
what is it that you want?
I do not like this taunt.
She is my friend one of the few
Do you know what you've put me through?"

"she is happier with me
so why don't you flee.
He cant give her what I can
That is what I demand"

"you demand something that's not yours to take
but I guess that's a little to late.
You say you want her love
What is this you speak of?"

"a love that will be mine
it's a hard thing to find"

"so you get her's by force?
Your not the source.
The love she has belongs to Joe
Why cant you just let go?"

It was all starting to make sense now. Joe and laura have been in the spot light for a little while. He must have seen them together and wants what they have. I decided to take a shot in the dark.

"what happened to the one you once loved?
Is she now in the land above?"

I didn't get a reply so I decided to turn around. There on the ground were more pictures. I grabbed them before running back to the car. "are you out of your fucking mind!" pete yelled as I opened the door. Oh well. You cant please everyone. I for one was happy with tonights work.

i was going to write more but i figured laura can have some fun! Laura! we are never writing another story with a crazy man who rhymes
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