Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life or Death

chapter 9

by youngandreckless 4 reviews

chapter 9

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-20 - Updated: 2006-08-20 - 598 words

Chapter 9

Pete's POV

"stacey" I whispered nudging her. She opened her eyes slowly blinking up at me. "what time..."

"it doesn't matter we need to go." I pulled her up. "I packed it all" Joe said walking in and throwing a bag on the chair. She looked from the bag to me and then to joe. She shook her head violently backing away from me.


"you don't have a fucking choice this time! You have to go"

Stacey's POV

Whats the meaning of this?! Why all of a sudden.

"pete please?" how can he send me away at a time like this.

"Stacey if you don't get on that fucking plane tonight I don't know what will happen. Please...if you love me" damn it! How could he pull that card. Its not fair. I wrapped my arms around pete as tight as I could.

"I don't want to leave you" I felt his body stiffen. "I don't want to leave you either but we have too. He wants you now too" oh god. Crazy man wants me? Dude does he want to have some fucking threesome or something?

Joe's POV

"lets go! The plane leaves in thrity minutes" I yelled throwing the car in park. The farther away she was the safer she was. If I couldn't keep my own protected at the moment then I could atleast protect a friend.

"call once you get there ok?" I told her giving her a hug. She nodded once before walking over to pete. I watched the exchange between them wishing that I had laura back in my arms. Where the hell did this man come from. And why?! We left her at the gate we couldn't go any farther.

"c'mon man. She is safe now" I whispered tugging on his arm.

Stacey's POV

Ahhh why is life so fucked up now. I sighed in frustration throwing myself down on one of the chairs. The plane still had twenty minutes until it boarded. Grabbing the nearby paper I read the headline outloud.

"murder max martin exscaped from psych hospital four weeks ago" who the hell excapes from a psych ward. Laughing I tossed the paper back.


Pete's POV

I admit that not a lot of things scare me but this man does. This will be my first time meeting with him and I don't know if I will be able to contain my anger.

"so we meet at last
but not so fast.
You know my rules am I correct
Don't want another life wrecked."

Oh god. I'm not the best with rhyming words here this goes.

"I know your rules
and we are your tools.
We have done what you demand
So whats your next comand."

For a moment it was silent I was afraid he left.

"but rules are ment to be broken
right max martin.
Your game is over and you have lost
But at what cost?
My friend is found
And you are bound
Quick take a breath
Its life or death.

Oh shit! I quickly turned around and saw stacey standing there with a smug smile and the police behind her and max in handcuffs.

"" she just smiled kissing me. "there was a article in the news paper at the airport. He has a house not to far from and that is where laura is kept...she is coming home boys" I couldn't have been happier to hear that.

"excuse me I don't mean to interupt." I turned too look at the policeman " But the house was found empty"
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