Categories > Movies > Underworld > Reincarnate

A Second Chance?

by Mada 1 review

Rated PG13 for language. This is a story about if Lucian had been looking for a female Corvin instead of Michael.

Category: Underworld - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Kraven, Lucian, Marcus, Michael, Selene, Sonja, Viktor - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2005-06-18 - Updated: 2005-06-19 - 513 words

The door opened and there stood the man who had turned Marie away before.

"Oh, hello," Marie said, surprised.

The man stood glaring at her, "Why did you come back?"

"I came looking for my cousin, Michael," she told him.

"Michael?" the man said, with such malice in his voice, Marie winced from it.

"Yeah," she said. "One of your little 'followers' took my cousin, and I want him back."

"I would hand him over to you, dead of course," he started. "If only he was still here."

"Well do you know where he went?" Marie asked loudly.

"Come in," the man said. "There is someone I want you to meet."

Marie stood for a moment.

"Shit, what am I gonna do if they try to suck me dry?" she thought.

"Alright," she said reluctantly. "Um, by the way, do you have a name or something?"

"I'm called Kraven," he said turning around.

Kraven led her through the large entrance room to a door in the back. She found that the door led to a series of dark hallways. Kraven took her through the twists and turns which led to a large metal door.

Kraven moved so that he stood in front of a pin-number reader (a.n./ Does anyone know what these things are called.) so that he blocked her view. She heard the little beeps of the pin number being punched in.

The door made a loud sound and slid open to reveal a hallway-like room. On one side was a two-way mirror, which she could see led into a control room of some kind. On the other side was a large mirror-door that led into a large, dark, and extremely creepy room. Inside was a large chair, almost like a throne, and from what Marie could see, there were markings all over the floor.

Kraven went into the control room and had the mirror-door open. Marie stood, transfixed, as the glass slid smoothly apart. She suddenly felt a gust of dusky, moldy air hit her face and she scrunched up her nose a moment before she sneezed.

Kraven's head jerked up.

"Sorry," Marie said. "Dust problems."

Kraven just looked at her darkly and walked by.

"I'm kraven a tissue, jackass," she added under her breath.

"Follow me," Kraven said going into the dark room.

They went toward the large chair and Kraven kneeled down before it.

Marie just stood looking at him thinking, "What the fuck is he doing?"

"What do you want, servant?" a loud booming voice said.

Marie jumped and looked around widely. Then she saw him, the most disgusting thing she'd ever seen.

It was a blueish, grayish, tall man with veins popping out everywhere.

"My lord," Kraven said. "I have brought you a surprise."

Kraven stood with his head bowed down. He took a hold of Maries arm and pulled her forward.

"This, my lord."

The man stared at Marie for what seemed like forever. His face in shock, his breathing became labored.

"Could it be?" he said breathlessly. "Have I been given a second chance?"
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