Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Surprise!

Untold Feelings

by Chatty_Pants 1 review

Just read.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-15 - Updated: 2006-09-15 - 1320 words

"Please, please, please wake up. Wake up Jay! Please I'm begging you!"
Jay gave a small moan as he opened his dark brown chestnut eyes. His tired eyes at first caused everything to appear as a large blur. He wasn't able to make out anything. Once his vision had cleared just a mite, he saw someone. It looked like an angel, but was it? Did this mean that he had died once more?
"No. No not again," Jay thought weakly as his head pounded as if there was a whole band of amateur drummers practicing in there. He couldn't be dead though. There were so many things that he hadn't accomplished and never see again. Theresa, his friends, Theresa, the gods and goddesses, Theresa.
His vision became a lot clearer and he saw something that was even more beautiful than an angel and goddess combined and sent relief flooding through his body. It was Theresa. He tried to say something but all he could manage was a small groan.
Theresa looked up slowly and saw her face for the first time. What he saw killed him inside. Her eyes were swollen from crying so much and she had lines of worry all over her face and made her looked like she had aged ten years in how ever long he had been asleep. Theresa's normally neat, silky orange-blonde hair had knots and tangles throughout her hair and her make up was running like a waterfall gone wild. He was disgusted with himself for doing this to her, yet she still looked as beautiful as ever in his eyes.
Jay tried to speak again but all he got out was an intelligible murmur. He concentrated as hard as he could and was able to form a single word.
Jay saw Theresa's eyes sparkle with happiness, joy, relief, every wonderful emotion that a person could feel. A small smile started to spread across her face as it turned into an enormous grin.
"Jay. Jay! You're awake! Guys, he's awake!"
Jay noticed the others run toward with speed that could have even matched Atlanta's. They started to bomb-bard him with questions.
"Do you feel any pain?"
"Are you alright?"
"Can you speak?"
Jay tried to answer these questions but all he could get out was a small croak.
"Well, I guess that answers one question,"
Everyone one of the heroes, excluding Jay, turned toward the speaker, which just happened to be Neil.
The five members of the team shook their heads just as Chiron walked through the door.
"So he's awake then?"
Archie, Atlanta, Odie, Herry, Theresa, and Neil turned to face each other before nodding their heads.
"Thank Zeus he's awake. Now all of you leave this room immediately. Jay needs rest to recuperate,"
Everyone groaned with disappointment but they still left nonetheless. All six remaining team members may have been disappointed but none were as letdown as Theresa. She followed behind the others with her head down and a slack in her walk. Jay saw her in leave in such sadness that he went down in his body and spook the most words that he could muster at the time. They came out fairly strong and forceful yet by the end, his words were softer then a whisper.
"Why do I need to sleep? I just came out of a deep slumber,"
With every word, Jay lost a bit of energy. But being part horse, Chiron's sharp ears picked up every single word spoken. The centaur mumbled something about teenagers not understanding how important their health was before calling his friends back in. Theresa was the last one to leave so she heard Chiron call her back in. She went to call the others back but they had already left the secret wing of the school. Normally, she would've run to get them, but this was her chance for some alone time with Jay.
Theresa entered through the doorway to Chiron's Study with her hips swaying and hope shining in her eyes. Her feet moved gracefully over the purple-cemented floor without making a sound. Theresa sat down in the comfy green, well-worn chair next to Jay. Her dazzling white smile brightened the whole room and made her look ten times as beautiful as Aphrodite despite the minor technicalities.
Jay and Theresa sat in a silence that seemed to last for eons to them. But it wasn't any ordinary silence nor was it awkward in any way. It was a comfy and enjoyable silence. Nothing moved to them. It was as if time stopped just for them so that they could enjoy each other's company. But they knew that that would never happen as long a Cronus was around. As if he would stoop time for them.
Jay tried to sit up so he could be closer to her but he fell back in pain before he moved even an inch. It hurt him to much to move. It even hurt when he blinked. He detected Theresa's eyes moving toward his chest. He noticed that it was covered in bandages and wraps. She moved her hand and laid it on Jay's chest. She left it their for a few seconds but removed it when Theresa noticed him grimace in pain.
Theresa's eyes began to sparkle with new tears. She couldn't believe that she had done this to her leader, the man she had loved for so long. The green-eyed goddess brushed away a stray strand of her orangish-red hair from her face. As she did so, a water droplet from her eye fell downward to Jay's bare, bandaged chest.
Jay immediately frowned and moved his large, rough cut hand on Theresa's small, delicate smooth one. This had caused him a lot of pain but he ignored it. He squeezed her hand as hard as he could which wasn't very hard. He looked up to see the girl of his dreams face become a light shade of pink as a small beam appeared on her face. Jay knew it. It was time. Time to say the words that he had longed to say since he first met her. But Jay had to say it quickly. He felt his eyelids become droopy and every blink was a little longer.
"Yes. Jay what is it?"
Jay took a small gasp and dug deep in his heart to find the words that both men and women fear and yet love at the same time.
"Theresa. Theresa I-I-I..."
Jay felt himself drift off to lala land as he tried to finish his sentence. He struggled to stay awake a little longer but it was no use. It was too late. He was gone. What he had to say would have to wait until next time.
Theresa looked at the peacefully sleeping figure of her best friend. She smiled to herself as she knelt over to give Jay a peck on the cheek.
"Whatever he had to say," Theresa thought. "it can wait. I can wait a little longer until I find out what it was he had to say."
With these words floating around in her head, she left the study wondering what it was that Jay had to tell her.

Ok. I know your thinking. Wow she actually updated. It's a miracle. I know it is so no need to make a comment about it.
This was originally supposed to be at least tow or three parts but I decided to give you the third I already had so you wouldn't have to wait any longer. I think an almost two month wait is long enough. I am also very excited because I will be turning 15 in a week on the 23rd. Yay. Don't forget to review. And also excuse the bad title. I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head and I was in a rush to do so.
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