Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Gems and things

Chapter 12

by NerdHerd 0 reviews

Robin is disappointed and decides to attack the base

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2018-01-03 - 812 words - Complete

*Hey Guys! I can’t believe the popularity of this story. Sorry it’s been awhile, I haven’t had time with Christmas and everything. We survived 2017! Congrats!”

Robin POV

“No! They beat us! They killed it! How?” I yelled, dissatisfied with the mission.

“It was Obsidian, sir. She killed it,”
“Again? That is final! We are attacking their base in one hour. Gather the troops!” I commanded.

“Anything else, sir?”
“Hmm, Yes. Electrum. We are finishing this tonight,”

Obsidian POV

“Foxy, did you get it?” I asked, concerned that the mission did not go as planned.

“Right here,” he said, holding up the tube.
“Great. I think we should get some rest. It was rough out there,”

He agreed, and walked off.
I noticed Armin sitting on a chair, trying to stop his head from bleeding. I walked over to him.

“Need some help?”
“No, no. I just- Yes, yes I need help,” He replied, frantically trying to cover his head wound. It was bleeding down his face, and staining the collar of his shirt.

“Here, I’ll um, go get more bandages. Meet me in the bathroom. I’ll help you get cleaned up,” I suggested, and he agreed.

As I was walking back to the bathroom, I noticed it was quiet. Too quiet. It was usually bustling with people.

I walked quicker as a feeling of anxiety washed over me. I finally reached the bathroom and saw Armin.

He was huddled over the sink, trying to wash away the blood.

“Hey, I got more bandages,” I announced, holding them up.
He turned to me and I saw the injury.

“Oh, my god that doesn’t look good,” I grimaced, grabbing a paper towel and getting it wet.

I wiped away the blood only to have more drip down.

“You are just getting beat up, aren’t you?” I teased, hoping to lighten the situation.

“Yeah. I guess I’m used to it, though,”

“At least your ankle finally healed up!” I noticed.
“Hm? Oh yeah! It got better when you were gone. It has a pretty nice scar, too,”

I finally got him cleaned up, and bandaged the injury.

“Alright, I’m no doctor, but I think that will hold it,”

Armin was about to speak, when the lights suddenly went out.

“What? What’s happening? Obsidian! Your gem! It’s glowing,” Armin realized.

“Yeah, it does that. It’s not very useful, though. The light only shines behind me,”

“Oh. We should get out of here. To see what’s wrong,”

“Good idea. But be quiet. We should stick together,”

I peeked my head out the door.
“All clear. Where should we go?” I whispered.

“My dorm has more weapons. Let’s go there first,” Armin said, stepping outside.

We quietly rushed to the dorm hall, and quickly realized that we saw none of our teammates.

“Where is everyone? Not even the daytime troops are here,” Armin noticed as he opened his room.

The lights were out here too.
“I don’t know. Something is wrong,” I shrugged.

After I said this, heavy footfalls came bounding down the hallway.

He quickly grabbed his weapons, and stood behind the door. I drew my scythe, and stood beside him.

“Open the door on three,” I whispered, Grabbing the handle.
“One, two, THREE!”

I flung open the door, and Robin was standing in front of me, while his troops followed behind him.

He smirked.
“Hello, Obsidian, we meet agai-“ before he finished the thought, Armin hit him in the head with the butt of his sword.

He fell to the ground, and we took off down the dark hallway.

“That felt great!” Armin panted, running along side me.
“I’ve wanted to do that for awhile,”

“Heh, good timing, too,”

The men were on our tails, and we were almost to the exit.
“Almost there!” I ran faster, and Armin tried to keep up, but tripped.

“Obsidian! Help!” He pleaded as they surrounded him.

I turned around to help him, and swung my weapon at the men. They backed away just enough so that I could grab his arm, and pull him out.

“Thanks, now let’s get out!” We sprinted to the exit and took cover amongst the trees.

Dawn was beginning to break, and the sky was full of oranges and pinks.

“We made it! And in one piece!” Armin celebrated.

“Yes, we did! But, where is everyone else?” I asked, and heard the men exit the building.

Small green laser beams aimed towards us.

“Lazer sights. How is that even fair?” I muttered as I heard a gun fire. A dart full of green liquid shot into a tree.

I plucked it out before Armin and I muttered in unison, “Electrum.”

We looked at each other with fear in our eyes and started running deeper into the forest.

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