Categories > Original > Horror > A Railway's Forensic Files

Unfinished Business

by LNER-NWR-Fanfics 0 reviews

L'Ecossais volant~

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2018-03-18 - 481 words - Complete

‘What’s wrong Percy?’ Said Thomas, in a concerned voice.

‘He has unfinished b-b-business-s-s-s….!’ Percy stuttered in reply.

‘Oh pl-ease.’ Said Diesel ‘Who has unfinished business?’

‘F-f-f-f..Flying Scotsman!’

Thomas and Diesel rolled their eyes and rolled away.
Two Diesel Shunters rolled in about an hour later whilst Percy was shunting trucks.
They were carrying scrap metal for Sector 07. Percy saw this and was quivering. He could recognise pieces of James in that pile of scrap. But there was a different one in there. A whistle. A whistle that he barely recognised. The trucks started shuddering. The diesel shunters started yelling. So did Percy. But they looked behind and saw it was just Arry and Bert bumping the trucks.
‘Arry! Bert! Get back to Sector 07 will you?!’ Said Percy angrily

‘Like you’re the boss of us.’ Said Arry and Bert in unison.

Arry and Bert biffed the Diesel Shunters and oiled away.

‘Stinky Steamies.’ Said Arry

‘Traitor Diesel.’ Said Bert

‘Man, they are rude!’ Said The Boy Diesel

‘Indeed they are!’ Said The Girl Diesel

‘Ugh. Anyways. I’m new to the Island of Sodor. I’m Gracie. Who are you, green steam engine?’ Gracie said

‘Hey! Don’t forget me! I’m Adrien, green steam engine.’ Adrien said with a slight bit of anger

‘I’m Percy. Percy The Small Engine. I’m a tank engine!’ Percy said happily
‘So who are those trucks for? Are they for you?’

‘No’ Said Adrien ‘They’re for that engine, Jackson.’

‘Do you think some small shunters like us could take THESE? These are extremely heavy engine parts.’ Said Gracie with attitude.

‘Indeed!’ Said Adrien with concerned look on his face. ‘We had to go to Vicarstown to get them. It took us hours to get here. We’re almost out of fuel. We couldn’t make it to Sector 07!’

‘We don’t even know where Sector 07 is!’ Gracie said with attitude (again) as Jackson rolled in.

‘Heya kiddo’s.’ Jackson said. ‘Me train’s ready, right? Oh dear I am so sorry I couldn’t meet up with you at Vicarstown. I was busy at the complex!’

‘Yeah Yeah, Sure Sure..’ Said Adrien

‘Well Said, Adrien’ Said Gracie ‘You ALWAYS make up excuses for you to not travel far out to Vicarstown. You only go there if you get to pick up Foreign Passengers and you’re just so lazy, I can’t take it. You make us wait and you’re old iron.’

Jackson was about to apologize but Adrien cut him off

‘Oh blasted, Jackson. Take your trucks, will you?’ Adrien yelled

‘Ey driver’ Said Jackson ‘Turn on me radio, will you?’
Jackson backed into his cars and went away.
For the rest of the day, Adrien and Gracie helped Percy shunt at the docks, it was a busy day. When Patch arrived that evening, work went even faster.
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