Categories > Original > Horror > A Railway's Forensic Files

Sector 07.1

by LNER-NWR-Fanfics 0 reviews

-Live Sodor Newsbroadcast-

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2018-03-18 - 812 words - Complete


‘Hello, I am Reporter Ryan Bachmann and Breaking News: The Private Engine of The Sodor Research Company: Named: Jackson Jupiter - Has mysteriously disappeared! There is a $500,000 Reward for anyone who finds him, a $5,000 for anyone who knows where he is or could be and a $420,000 reward for, if this is the case, knows who has captured and/or murdered Jackson. This is Ryan Bachmann signing out.’

‘It’s okay, Michael’ Said Percy in a comforting voice ‘I’m sure we’ll find your brother soon’

‘I’m sure you’re right Percy. You’ve worked on this railway for about 90 years, right? You know the people!’ Michael said with a shimmer of hope. Percy didn’t want to burst his bubble. All the workmen he knew when he came to the railway are dead now.

The next day, Percy, Adrien and Gracie were shunting in the yard. Patch and Michael were sent to take over for Jackson while he was missing at the Sodor Research Complex. Diesel oiled in to the docks with a freight train for Sector 07. He was about to say something rude to Percy and the Diesel Shunters but then there Diesel was in a cloud of green smoke. Diesel had broke down. He was taken away by a local diesel.

‘Blasted.’ Said Adrien ‘Who’s gonna take that train?’
Thin Mickey, The younger brother of Big Mickey, swung towards them.

‘Why don’t you three take it?’ He said

‘Not a bad idea.’ Said Percy. All three engines buffered up to the train and head up to Sector 07. It wasn’t took long of a journey. They saw alot of the local engines on their way. They saw Thomas
‘Hello!’ Thomas said with a whistle.

‘Hello’ Percy whistled in reply

They saw Gordon who had stopped at a Local Station.

‘Be careful! Don’t let the ghost train get you!’ Gordon said with a smile.

Percy just rolled his eyes.

But then they saw something odd. Patch and Michael were on the line arguing with the Manager of the Sodor Research Complex: Owen Routh.

‘You are not to take ze train. We have put Diesel to ze job.’ He said.

‘Why aren’t we allowed to? Why is that oily disgrace allowed?!’ Patch said with anger.

‘Grease and Oil!’ Said Gracie ‘But Diesel isn’t taking the train!’

‘Full throttle.’ Said Percy

‘WHAT?!’ Yelled Gracie in reply.

‘Just do what he says, you twit!’ Adrien yelled at Gracie.

They were so fast they just thought it was the Wild Nor’ Wester passing by.

‘See!’ Said Adrien ‘Listen to the elderly and good things will come out of it. A life lesson for sure.’

‘Hey!’ Shouted Percy ‘I’m not that old!’

The Shunters laughed. Percy then thought for a moment. Why were his brother and Michael fighting with Mr. Routh? Little did he know. That he’d find out once they got to Sector 07. What Percy and The Diesel Shunters would find in Sector 07. Would be horrifying. They'd answer all the questions: What was Sodor Research Researching? and why? Why did Jackson always travel to The Complex and Sector 07 all the time.. And why?

The engines pulled in to Sector 07. The S07 Signalman diverted them into a never-before seen area of S07. They looked left. They looked right.

‘Jesus Christ..’ Said Percy. ‘Edward?... James?..’

Percy was shedding tears.


Something was rolling towards them.

It was Jackson. His sockets were blank. Black. It looked like a void with smoke pouring out. As if it was intentional. The worst part was.. - He still had a smile on his face.

‘D-D-D-Don’t look Adrien.. Gracie.’ Percy said

They shut their eyes tight.

The train switched lines and stopped right where they were supposed to. There was no humans in the area. Just broken down machines, organic material. Even corpses were being lifted by faceless A.I cranes of the future. That were being shipped somewhere… Percy stared at the truck they were being put in..

‘Sodor Research Co.’

‘What in the hell?’ Said Percy ‘Why are dead corpses being sent to The Complex?’

Percy looked up. ‘Biohazard?’ He said.

.. It clicked in him. All these new engines, diesels, electric trains, whatever.. Have been made out of these corpses. Biohazard, A.I Only Cranes...

‘What is this? What am I?!..’ Percy said. He then looked at Adrien and Gracie. But when he looked. Their faces were gone.

‘What were you?’

His train then mysteriously disappeared. Percy tried to run but the door was shut.

‘He knows too much’ said a voice

Percy heard a whistle. An engine with smoke deflectors and two tenders rolled towards him. It was the Flying Scotsman. Percy stared at Scotsman as he rolled towards him slowly. He could feel his face melting.

Before Percy knew it..

He had been disposed of.
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