Categories > Original > Horror > A Railway's Forensic Files


by LNER-NWR-Fanfics 0 reviews

Routh is Ruthless.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2018-03-18 - 248 words - Complete

Adrien and Gracie were talking at the shed. They barely remembered anything.

‘Oh dear..’ Said Gracie ‘That headache hurt more then an explosion..’

‘Bother your headache.’ Said Adrien ‘Where’s Percy?!..’

Both engines got a headache and passed out. They were seeing the things in the eyes of a piece of scrap?.. They saw ‘The Flying Biohazard’ rolling towards Percy. They witnessed his entire death.

They woke up.

They realized that Percy was disposed of for what he knew.

The engines called for a meeting with Sir Ronnington and Mr. Routh. They were disposed of shortly after.

The Railway mysteriously shut down one day. Thomas was at a railway museum because of his television fame. After some woman named Sharon Miller continued the show during the war. When he came back, Percy was there. Adrien was there. Gracie was there. They were all there. They were just smiling at him.

‘Hi Tom!’ said Percy

‘Tom?’ Thomas thought

‘It’s Thomas..’ He said.

‘Oh, okay.. Hi Thomas!’ Percy said.

The next morning, Thomas was going off to his branchline, where he saw Diesel with Annie and Clarabel.

‘Hi Tom!’ they all said.

‘It’s Thomas! Hear that? Tom. Mas. THOMAS!’

Diesel rolled away with Annie and Clarabel. None of them said anything else.

Sir Ronnington stepped up to Thomas.

‘Thomas.’ he said ‘I’m giving you Sector 07 duty for the day.’

‘Yes sir!’ Said Thomas. He puffed off to Sector 07.

The Biohazard Door opened. Thomas rolled in to Sector 07.1
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