Categories > Cartoons > Avatar: The Last Airbender > Branches Of A Tree

Love Over Morals

by shasta 0 reviews

Katara confronts Sokka on his love for Toph

Category: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Aang, Katara, Sokka, Other - Published: 2006-10-14 - Updated: 2006-10-15 - 486 words

Chapter 3
Love Over Morals

(Two minutes later above ground)

"What do you think your doing?" Katara asked heatedly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Sokka stated innocently.

" why was Toph kissing you?" Katara said confidently crossing your arms.

"Oh that...I...I love her, and apparently she loves me too." Sokka said timidly looking at the ground.

"ARE YOU INSANE, she's only twelve!" Katara screamed.

"I know but I don't know what to do, I have to choose between my morality and my love for her." Sokka said with a shaky voice.

"What do you feel you need to do?" Katara asked sighing, her voice now calm and sympathetic.

"I wanna show her she can be loved...that everyone deserves to be loved." Sokka said with a blissful look in his eyes.

"Then show her." Katara said blankly. "You're okay with this?" Sokka said wide-eyed.

"I know there's nothing I can do or say to change your mind." Katara said calmly.

"So uh...what happened with Roku and Aang?" Sokka asked with concern.

"Well I'm a branch of the avatar, able to master all the elements, and when Aang dies I'm able to enter the avatar state, since I'm technically the next avatar in the cycle because of Aang's closeness with me." Katara said plainly.

"You're kidding right?" Sokka said blankly in disbelief.

"No." Katara said flatly.

"Wow...I'm related to the avatar." Sokka said daydreaming with a stupid grin.

"Uh Sokka?" Katara said with an eyebrow

"My sister is the next" Sokka mused to himself.

"SOKKA!" Katara yelled with annoyance snapping her brother back to reality.

"What, who?" Sokka then noticed Katara standing to his side looking very annoyed.

"Oh...hey Katara." Sokka said blushing with embarrassment.

"You're really weird, has anyone ever told you that?" Katara said coldly.

"Are you implying something?" Sokka said suspiciously.

"You're an idiot." Katara said with a laugh.

"I see." Sokka said plainly.

(Meanwhile in the cavern)

"Is it wrong for me to feel this way for him?" Toph asked guiltily.

"No... in fact you deserve him, if you truly feel this way about him then let nothing stand in your way." Aang told her sympathetically.

"Yeah why not, might be fun." Toph said slyly with an evil grin.

"Anyway, what happened with Katara and this Roku guy?" Toph asked inquisitively.

"Well Katara is a branch of the avatar, able to master all the elements, and when I die She's able to enter the avatar state and takes on the full responsibilities as the next avatar in the cycle." Aang said nervously.

"How?" Toph said bluntly.

"Katara and I have grown so close over the course of a few months that...we connected on a spiritual and physiological level and it sort of just happened." Aang replied with a warm smile.

"Wow... as if one avatar wasn't enough trouble." Toph laughed jokingly.
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