Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Serenade me with a coffee burn...

Chapter 004 - A Brand Old Face, Knocking At My Winters Door

by imogen993 1 review

Another chapter so soon? It cannot be. Oh yes. Im in a weird mood.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor - Published: 2006-10-20 - Updated: 2006-10-20 - 1046 words

Authors Note: Wahay! Update. Yes, I know my last one was very very very very short. But this one makes up for it. Thanks to those beautiful people who reviewed, names arn't being put up this time because I just can't be assed. Sorry.
Anyway, a challenge. Where is this song title from? Get it right and you get a limo, $3000 and a new puppy. Bwahhaa. Loves, - - Imogen.


[Chapter 4] -

I woke up the next morning, and instantly craned my neck towards the clock. 8.14. Thats good. nearly 3 hours to get ready. I trudged my way into the bathroom, and stepped into the shower after undressing. Luckily no-one else was awake, so I could take all the hot water. After letting the hot water run down my body, I stepped out and brushed my teeth. Wrapping a towel around me, I quickly returned to my bedroom. Another look at the clock told me I had been in the bathroom for 45 minutes, making it 9.00am. I blow-dried my hair, turning my hair into a complete mess. I turned my straightners on, and whilst waiting for them to heat up, I clicked the stereo. 'The Academy Is...' blasted through the speakers, and I quickly turned the volume down, hopeing not to wake anyone up. I turned back to my straightners, and then started to pull them through my hair. After 10 minutes, my shoulder length, ginger hair was now pin-straight.

I opened my wardrobe, and pulled out a few things. Slipping my plain green t-shirt over my head, and then pulling my grey jeans on, I looked back into the wardrobe. I pulled out a white hoodie, and grabbed some flats. Sliding them onto my feet, I then turned back to the mirror. I applied some mascara and eyeliner, and decided on some black loop earings, considering anything else would clash with my horrible sun-like ginger hair. Looking back in the mirror I considered myself.

Not perfect, but as good as I can get.

My self-confidence had dropped dramatically since Dan had started abusing me; he insisted I was ugly and fat, and that he was only doing what he was doing because he needed a vent. I didn't understand then, but I do now. Looking in the mirror, I saw what he saw; an ugly, fat monster. I still wasn't happy with my weight; I had managed to drop from a size 10 to a size 8, but I still wanted to be smaller.
I would have to sigh and look happy for now.
Looking back at the clock, It was now 9.27. Time enough to get some breakfast.

Heading downstairs, I grabbed a cracker and a glass of orange juice. This was my daily morning meal; If I had my way, I wouldn't even eat that. I reckon it's these unessacary peices of food that stop me from losing weight. But my mom insists.

After taking a few bites of the cracker, and downing the orange juice, I glanced back on the clock. If you hadn't noticed by now, I have a habit of looking at the clock. No reason for it, I just always have had. Anyway, it read 9.54, so Pete should be here any minute. Just as I thought that, the doorbell rang.

Grabbing the door, I revealed a huge smiling Pete.

"Heyyy!" He grabbed me, and pulled me into a hug.
"Urr, Thanks P-Pete, urm, can I have my body back?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry." He let go of me, and headed towards the bus that was parked outside. He shouted back to me;
"c'mon! We are going in the bus!!"
I grabbed my keys, and put the note that I had written last night to my parents on the table. Shutting the door, I jogged to catch up with Pete.
He started running, and I wondered why. I was greeted almost suddenly with my answer; A massive hoard of screaming girls trying to rip him to shreds. Grabbing my hand, he hauled me onto the bus, and as soon as he was on himself, whoever was driving the bus hit the gas, sending us both flying.

"Haveing fun?"

I heard Patricks voice, and then I realised what he was talking about. Pete was lying underneath me, and I hadn't even bothered to move. Quickly jumping up, I mouthed a 'sorry' and went over to Patrick. He also gave me a hug, but a much nicer one than the bone crushing hug Pete had given me earlier.
"Hey!" He released me, and sat on the couch.
"Hi. How are you?" Even I noticed how English and posh I sounded then. Way to go Izzie, enforcing the 'English people are posh' stereotype.
"Fine. Just been kinda bored that's all."
I nodded, and looked around the bus. It turned out the death driver was Dirty, and I noticed he was talking on his mobile phone.
"You do realise that's illegal here?"
He looked back at me, and nodded. Then we all screamed at him.
He just rolled his eyes, and turned back to the road, still with his moblie.
I looked to where Andy had just resumed his XBOX game with Joe, and watched them playing their games for a few minutes. After about 10 minutes, Pete got up, and walked over to the fridge. He got out 6 cans of Pepsi, and threw one at each of us, including dirty, who again, took his eyes off the road to catch it. He even took his hands off the steering wheel. I swear, we were going to die.

"CATCH!" Pete yelled at Andy, who turned round just in time for a Pepsi can to hit him right between the eyes.
"OWWWWW! PETE YOU GOD DAMN IDIOT!" He glared at Pete, and then turned back to the XBOX. He then, like a twat, opened the can. The Pepsi squirted all over him, and the poor guy had to go and clean it all off. He really wasn't having a good day.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the London concert hall that they would be playing at.

Patrick guided me in, and smiled at me.

"Welcome to the first concert of the tour."
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