Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vergessen

Mine eyes had seen..

by whysosilent 2 reviews

Waking to a world never before seen..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Other - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2006-10-23 - Updated: 2006-10-23 - 1055 words

As night fell, we slowly rose. I awoke before Gerard, I felt such an energy that I'd never felt before as I rose that night. It was as if all was new. I had taken so much for granted before, and now..I could see the night for what it really was. A blessing, or so it seemed. I was a young vampire, never having had a kill, or felt the thrill of the hunt. I was simply in awe of the night.
As I stood alone, Gerard woke. He got up, and I turned back to him. "What does this mean, Gerard? Are you going to leave me? As you always did. And find another who can amuse you more then love you? Because that's what you did in life, and why should death be any different?" He stared intentedly at me, and he had a look of hurt mixed with shock on his face as he spoke, "I never.." He stopped. He realised that indeed, he had done that. Many times. He hung his head in shame. "I..I don't know how to make up for that." I walked closer to him. "Tell me that you're sorry. And that you won't do it to me anymore, and mean it." I watched him, and I waited. He then looked up at me, and he spoke, "I love you." I was taken aback. Not what I'd been expecting to hear. He could tell I was stunned. "Does that work?" I smiled slowly, and nodded, then spoke, "But don't think that everytime you get in trouble, I love you will save you." He smiled, and he closed the gap between us, and pushed me into a wall. As my back hit the wall, he leaned down, and kissed me with a passion I'd never felt..from him, nor any other.
We soon dressed, and we decided to go out, and explore the glorious being that is the night. We slowly moved together, engrossed in the company of the other. I'd no idea how much I'd missed him the two days he'd been gone. Someone from an ally startled us. A man. He came towards us, he had a swagger in his step, and Gerard was getting protective of me. He pushed me behind him, and he placed us between a building and the street. We could bolt a few directions if need be.
The man came towards us, and he spoke in a slurred tongue, "Son..what'da pretty one you've made for yerself. She's right...right pretty. But, I'm afraid, she's not for you.." Gerard held his head high, and he lashed out at the drunk as he tried to touch me. Gerard's nails ripped at the man's face. The drunk stumbled back, and he landed on the sidewalk with a thud. He slowly got up, and he pulled the bottle he'd been drinking from, and he swung at Gerard. He missed the first time, but he came back, and broke it across Gerard's face. Gerard fell against a wall, and the man picked a shard of glass up, and went at Gerard again. He drug it back across his face, and stabbed him in the forehead.
I could watch no longer, and I thought irrationally, and I charged at the man with the glass. I kicked him in the shin, and I swung my hand at his face, I got part of his face in my nails, and I swung again. I again got part of his face, so this time, I retracked my nails, and took that part of his face with me. He screamed in agony, and he ran back towards the ally when a group came around a corner. I was oddly afraid of them. One of them shoved a cross in my face, and I hissed. I didn't touch it, or them, but it brought stinging tears to my eyes. I snarled, and fell back towards Gerard. I heard a scream, and then silence. The others from that group come out of the ally, and were wiping their hands, "It's dead." They looked towards us, but they did nothing. They walked off. I got Gerard to his feet, he was bleeding kinda bad..I had to take him somewhere..he couldn't stay out here. We had friends who lived near by, they'd let me take care of him there..
I walked him the half block to Tayler and Frank's apartment. I knocked on the door, and Frank opened it, "Hey! Whose..what happened to him!?" He moved and told us to come in. We walked in, and Tayler came out in the living room, and then she gasped at Gerard. She pulled Frank away, and I could hear her, "He's dead! Why's he here?! Oh God! He's dead!" Frank told her to calm down, and he came back to us. He came to look Gerard over, and I lead Tayler away,to the kitchen. She heard Frank scream, then nothing..She started to run, but I had her wrist. I slowly pulled her back, and sunk my teeth in her neck. She too screamed, and I made her drink from me. She then fell over on the floor. I rolled my eyes, and grabbed her by the back of the shirt, and slowly pulled her into their bedroom, which had no windows. I tossed her on the bed, and then went and did the same to Frank. I got Gerard to his feet, and he was walking slowly, but on his own. He was already getting better. We too held up in their room, we knew the sun would be up soon. As would our new friends..
As they slowly awoke during the next day, we explained what we'd done, and they were not mad at all, strangely.. Tayler was very excited about having to kill people. We'd always known she wanted to be a murderer..We all come to the conclusion that the people who kill our kind aren't worth keeping, to kill the killers, we have to have more of us..So, we kill the rest of our friends, then maybe even some that we don't know..Not what I would have guessed that I'd been doing after I got out of college, but, what ever works.
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