Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying

How My Worst Fears Are Letting Out

by Blood_Red_Summer 1 review

this is when the gang gets to meet your mom! woo!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-01 - Updated: 2006-11-02 - 1300 words

Goddamn Pre Calc, I knew I should have taken chemistry! Damn laziness. Patrick walked away with Roxy on his arm, and she looked happy about it! Ah, but we're still going to her house to hang out, even if Pat wins, which he won't...

Great, last period gym was freakin' fantastic as usual. Football is not my sport, I only took Team Sports to warm up for soccer in the spring, I don't like this "pull his flag/you can't throw" bullshit, I already knew that. Now to meet Roxy, ah, there she is. "Hey babe!" I bound up to her and wrap her up in a hug. "Can't wait to see your bedroom!" I made a purring sound and caught Patrick's look of hurt and disgust.

"Yeah, okay here we go!" She threw some books into her Inuyasha messenger bag and Andy asked her about it. Great, here we go again, more anime. We cut through the football fields behind the school and over a fence, through a backyard, then Roxy took a break from discussing Yu Yu Hakusho with Andy and announced that we were here. It was just a small house, but she said that she had three younger sisters, making a family of six with parents and her, and how could a family that size live in a two-bedroom house?

"Mumma, I brought friends!" Roxy called through the house as we entered the back door and crossed through the kitchen only to stomp to a room with caution and danger signs in different languages all over the door.

"That's nice dear, mommy's trying to sleep," a slurred voice called from behind a closed door at the end of a hallway. There were empty Bud Lite cans littering the floor, and the stench of rotting wheat sifted from.

She shut her bedroom door behind us and gave us a good look around. I flopped onto her bed onto my stomach to pick up a thick volume off of her nightstand and read the title aloud. "Market Management? What the hell?" She looked at me and pointed to the large corner bookcase. My mouth dropped open embarrassingly. "Those are all yours?" I squeaked. Pat smiled.

"Wow," was all he said as he made his way to read the titles. There were more heavy reading college material books, some on gardening, yoga, and a lot on art. Then there was your general thick novel fictions, and some coloring books, I have no idea what for, and wasn't about to ask.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCKING HELL????!!!" I squealed like a little girl because what I had mistaken for an ugly orange shag pillow was actually alive and it moved. Roxy absolutely pissed herself laughing.

"That's Cinnamon. She's my pet fox..." she panted. The rest of the guys were on the floor grabbing their sides. Lovely, the second time today, but I guess that my reaction was kind of funny, but how was I supposed to know, but I joined in on the laughter anyway. When we all calmed down, Roxy wiped away a tear and opened the door of a small white refrigerator that I hadn't noticed and offered us all Mountain Dew, my favorite. She threw a can at me and slid open the bottom draw of her armoire to toss a bag of sour cream and onion chips and another of Funions. "I know they're horrible for you, but it's okay...JUST SHUT UP AND EAT THEM, ANDY!" she laughed.

We spent about a two hours there, then decided to split because we all had homework, studying, Tai Kwon Do (Andy), and the like, but I made a point to be the last to leave. After Patrick left, with much persuasion, I laid back on her bed, careful of Cinnamon, who then decided that she liked her bed in the corner better, and scooted over for Roxy to join me. When she was sitting next to me, I pulled her on top of me and nuzzled her neck with my lips.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked in what I hoped to be a sexy way. I could feel her breath get caught in her throat and her skin heat up.

"No," she whispered in my ear, the breath tickling me. "I've never had a boyfriend." I honestly wasn't expecting that, so I was silent for a bit until I realized that it was my turn to talk.

"Then let me be your first, please." I was practically begging, what more could she want?

"Sure." And she moved her face to match her lips up to mine. My hands found their way to her waist, and hers were combing my hair. I was in ecstasy. Pure bliss. Wow. So this is what it's like to be truly happy.

Hmm. So my first boyfriend is Pete Wentz. I heard some girls talking about him in Clothing II and found out that he's captain of the soccer team (I love soccer) and he was 'odd', a LBR, Looser Beyond Repair. Aaaand, do I care? No.

"Do you have any other tattoos?" Pete asked, gently tracing my dragon with his index finger.

"Maybe...but you'll have to find them," I dared him.

He raised his eyebrows and growled, "A challenge? Well, I never back down from a challenge." His fingers went from my face to my lower back, under my Panic! At The Disco T-shirt to feel for any skin that's different from the rest, due to the ink (yeah, I don't think that that's true, but whatev, deal). Not feeling anything, his hand continued up my back under my bra strap. 'It's gonna be soon...' I thought.

"Bingo." Pete triumphantly pulled my shirt up to see the black cat between my shoulder blades. "That's hot." He started kissing my neck, only to find the paw print below my left collarbone. "Wow, and I thought Andy was bad," he joked. Then we both heard the angered yell of my mother, and it sounded like she tripped over her bedside table again on her way to throw up in the bathroom. I knew it was too good to be true, now she was going to meet Pete and show her worst side, i.e. hungover, and he was going to realize that I'm too much of a freak to deal with...that can't happen. She won't mess up my life here, like she did back in Door County.

"Pete," I whispered urgently to him. "Hide in the closet, please. She'll be in here in a minute." He gave me a look, but did as I said. Just as the door clicked, mom burst in in all of her frazzled, raveling robed glory. And with a cigarette dangling from her lips, a beer in one hand, and dark circles under her eyes, she did fit the look of white trash. Which is what she is.

"Eh, what're you doing?" she took her cigarette and ashed on my carpet (that you I vacuumed), then proceeded to hack phlegm (mingled with blood) up and spit it into my wastebasket. Ew.

"Homework," I grunted. I was really glad that Pete was in the closet and unable to see what I popped out of. Mother gave me a startled look, like she didn't know how she got in here, and shook herself, then left.

"Sorry Pete," I apologized for my mother, then explained to him that now was not the best of times to meet her."Right now, we're all the other has, my parents are divorced and Dad got my little sisters, my older half-sister lives on her own. Because of Momma's drinking penalties, I was considered old enough to live with her and take care of her."
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