Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Made From The Sharpest Things

I'll Never Let Them Hurt You, I Promise

by x_phobia_x 2 reviews

this chapter had nothing to do with vampires. I put that title because it fit with the plot.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-11-06 - Updated: 2006-11-06 - 1680 words

/::Lyric/Title Interpretation::/

I'll never let them
I'll never let them
I'll never let them hurt you, not tonight
I'll never let them
I'll can't forget them

I'll never let them hurt you, I promise
[Taken from "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" by My Chemical Romance]

Isabel awoke in a warm soft bed unknown to her. Her eyelids were heavy, but she still opened them. There was a warm towel on her forehead. She reomved it sitting up. She regretted it instantly as a sharp pain came to her head and she touched it on instinct.

"Easy there. I don't think you're done recovering."

She looked over towards the voice speaking to her. Her eyes, unlike before, were very clear now and she took advantage of this to take in his features. He looked tall from his sitting stance on the bed. His hair, which she had acknowledged before was a silvery-blonde and was combed nicely on his head. He was wearing eyeliner that surrounded his emerald green eyes. His skin color was a milky pale, his jaw chiseled and his shoulders very much defined. His chest looked strong and straight through the fitted black t-shirt he was wearing. She found him attractive, yes, but that wasn't important right now.

"Hello, sleepyhead," he said brightly smiling warm to her. She glanced around finally able to tear her gaze from his.

"Where am I?"
"At my place. You're safe here."

That she would find out for herself.

"So you just picked me up and brought me here? You kidnapped me?!"
NO! You were running from someone, remember? You looked like you were in trouble. I just...helped you."

"Who are you?" she asked. If he was lying, she needed to know his name in order to tell the police once she got away. He looked at her for a second in disbelief.

"I'm Gerard Way.." he started hoping she would get it, "Lead singer of MCR..."
She looked at him confused and a little lost.
"Okay, what's an MCR?"
"You've never heard of a band called 'My Chemical Romance'?"
"No. I'm not that big on music, sorry. I barely watch tv."

He looked at her in disbelief. He hadn't met a girl yet that didn't know who he was.

She nodded her head in confirmation. She removed herself from the bed in search of her shoes. She didn't have a coat or sweater, so she headed straight for the bedroom door.
"Wait, where are you going? Don't leave yet. You haven't eaten anything, you don't have a coat and...I'd rather take you where you're going so I know you're safe," he said standing to block the door.

"Dude, you don't even know me. I could be a serial killer or something. Why you saved me is beyond me..I have to get back home anyway, before my dad gets there," she said a little wuietly.
"Is that who did this to you? He left those bruises on your face and neck? I saw that nasty one you had on your ankle too. I'm suprised you can walk. You're not gonna go back there with him are you?" he asked with a look of concern.

"I.."she started looking into his emerald eyes, "have to get my stuff." She had to pause when she looked at him. His eyes were deep with sincerity.

"I'll go with you," he answered quickly in a more telling manner than asking manner. There was something about him that stopped her from arguing, or at least made her want to agree. She glanced at him still debating mentally. "Fine,"she retaliated, "But we have to get going now, he gets off work soon."

"It's 12 AM."
"Yeah, and he gets off at 1."
"Well, let me get you a jacket first,"
he said leaving the room. She followed, walking out into the warm hallway of his spacious apartment. She made her way to the living room, noticing that he must like leather. That's how all the couches were. There was a flatscreen tv, a table in the center and pictures on the mantlepiece of the fireplace. She also noticed that there was an xbox 360 by the tv.

She walked over to the fireplace to look at the photos. There were many pictures of him and some guy with glasses and one where the guy wasn't wearing glasses any more. Then there was a picture of him in the middle with four other guys. One had nappy looking hair and another had piercings in his lip and eyebrow. The other two were the one on every other picture and another with short hair.

He looked so happy in these pictures, like these guys were his family. She smiled faintly at the pictures.

"That's my brother Mikey, and my friends Frank, Ray and Bob,"she heard from behind her. His voice was warm and brisk.

"Nice xbox,"she replied gesturing to the game system. He looked at her a little confused. "If you don't watch tv, then how do you know about an xbox 360?"he asked.

"My friend has one. She plays it alot,"she said biting her lip, "Come on, we have to go."

They left his apartment and headed downstairs to his car. It was a 2005 Monte Carlo, black (with leather interior of course). Isabel felt warm in the car. Not just in the car, but on the inside too. She felt safe around him.

They neared the many housed street in which she lived. It was still cold outside but not as windy. That was sort of strange for it to be November. As they pulled up in front the house, she began to shake slightly, praying her father wasn't there yet. Gerard put the car in park in front of the dingy house.

"This is it, right?"he asked making sure. She nodded staring out in front of her. he noticed the worried expression on her face.

"Are you okay?"
"I think so"
"Are you scared?"
"A little.."
"Do you want me to go in with you?"
she answered quickly, finally glancing at him. "Okay, let's go."

they got out of the car and walked up the narrow walkway together. "You have a key right?"
"The door's always open anyway,"she said turning the knob and walking in. They were instantly hit by the smell of alcohol.
"Woah man, this dude drinks?"
"Yeah. Very often. I hate him."

Gerard fell silent at her comment. He didn't have anything to say to that. If that's how she felt about the fucker, that's how she felt. He followed her upstairs to her room. He was happy to know that her room was fresh and apparently, the only clean room in the house. He noticed that she didn't have a tv or radio or anything relative to technology besides the computer.

Isabel went to her closet to fetch a bag and began to stuff clothes into it. He noticed the fashion design and acting scripts she had on her bed.

"You act?"
"Yeah, I'm working on a play at the college I go to."
"UDANYC (University of Devine Art at New York City)? I go there..and teach there"
he said looking at her drawing pad.
"Really? I didm't know. I've never seen you," she said adding more stuff to the bag. "I know. I teach graphic design, not fashion," he said chuckling slightly, "I didn't know you draw, that's cool."
"Yeah, I-"

She was cut off short as they heard the fron door slam downstairs. Isabel quickly grabbed her books and sketch pad, stuffing it in the bag with her clothes before zipping it up. Gerard noticed the look of fear she had. "Hey,"he said stopping her from going to the door, "It's okay, alright?"
She nodded quickly agreeing with him. He grabbed her bag putting it on his arm and then grabbed her hand leading her out of the room.

"You little bitch,"she heard her father say as they neared the bottom of the stairs, "You're fucking now?! I'm not surprised, you little whore..."

Gerard stepped off the stairs to stand in front of the guy. "Fuck off man. She's leaving."

"She's not going anywhere motherfucker. She stays with me. She has stuff to do. I don't give a fuck who you think you are," he said pushing Gerard. Gerard dropped Isabel's bag instantly and slammed the guy into a wall.

"Look, she's leaving. She's 19 fucking years-old. Find someone else to abuse you filthy bitch. She'll be with me for a very long time. You got a problem, you come through me. She's better off anywhere than here with you. You got a fucking problem, motherfucker?!"he said raising an eyebrow. Isabel's father refused to answer. Gerard released him picking up Isabel's bag. "Come on,"he said softly to her.

Isabel looked at her father one more time before walking out with Gerard.

They were halfway down the walk when she began crying. He stopped dropping the bag to go to her. "Hey," he said making her look at him, "What's wrong? You're safe now."

"No I'm not, she sobbed,"He's going to find out who you are and have you killed. Then he's going to find me and kill me too."

Gerard gave her a sympathetic look and pulled her into a hug. "Shh.."he soothed, "I'll never let him hurt you, I promise." He embraced her tighter as she sobbed into his chest. They would stand that way all day if they had to, if it made her feel better.

She felt so warm in his arms. It felt like he would never let her go. She began to really believe she was safe and that he had no intention to hurt her. She stopped crying attempting to compose herself. She hugged him back tightly taking in his scent. He smelled so good to her. "Come on, let's go," he whispered to her. They walked to the car, getting in before Gerard started it and they pulled off down the street.
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