Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Adamo

Chapter 1:Dancing Stars

by lalalene 4 reviews

My First FanFic.Our Heros have just beat Crouns. Please R&R

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-11-08 - Updated: 2006-11-09 - 1113 words

Chapter 1: Dancing Stars

Archie looked into the rear view mirror and replaced tried to fix his hair. Herry who was sitting next to him laughed. " I thought Niel was the only guy who did that."
Archie glared at Herry.
" And think of all the times I made fun of him for doing that." He tried to laugh, but he was afraid to let some of the butterflies that were multiplying in his stomach out. Herry was driving him to the school, Where he was going to pick up his Best Friend,( and Crush) Atlanta.
" Nervous Eh." Archie nodded, he always got nervous around Atlanta, but this was way worse than usual.
" I guess I'm just scared that I would tell her and she doesn't like me that way."
"Hmm." Herry said. not really paying attention, but focusing on keeping his precious truck dint and scratch free.
"It would ruin our friendship forever." Herry nodded.
" We're almost at the school, Remember youcan't tell her about the surprise party." Archie nodded. The surprise Party had been his idea, he couldn't wait to see her face when she saw what they had done for her.

Archie only go more nervous when Herry pulled up to the New Olympus High School. "Thanks Herry for driving." Archie exclaimed as he got out, Butterflies trying to get out of his stomach.

"No problem Arch. Hey, Good luck with Atlanta. See you at the Brownstone." Archie waved as Herry pulled away. Archie marveled at how Herry could still drive like that with his arm in a sling. And he couldn't pass drivers ed. He turned to look at the doors. He sighed and started up the stairs to the double doors.
As he walked in he saw Atlanta standing there, looking at her watch. " You're ten minutes late, I got Hermes to send my bags home thought the portal, I was just going to see if he would send me through there too if you didn't come soon."
"Sorry, Herry had to make sure that no one got anywhere near his truck. You know how he gets about his Paint Job." Atlanta Laughed.
"Yes, He's just as bad as Neil with his mirror. Is he waiting outside for us?"
"Nope, he rushed back home, something about what Athena was cooking for supper."
"well, that's Herry there for you, Supper first. What is she making?"
Archie scanned his mind for an excuse.
"Um, Liver and Onions."
" hmm, why is he in such a rush, I'd rather have McDonalds than that."
"Me too, come on though we better get going, Herry will be finished Dessert by the time we get there." Atlanta nodded.
" hey I got a good idea."
"what?" Archie didn't know what was coming.
" Let's race there." Atlanta was already out the front door by the time the words escaped her mouth.
" Hey, no fair you go a head start." Archie exclaimed, Racing down the front steps. He ran hard following the red haired girl in front of him. " why does she have to be so dam fast, why does she have to have super speed. If only she didn't, them maybe i could beat her for once." They were nearing the home stretch, and Atlanta was still winning. The brownstone was in sight now. Archie suddenly had a burst of speed. His legs felt like Jell-O, but they ran faster and faster , He was suddenly next to Atlanta. They both touched the door at the same time. " I so would have won if you didn't have a head start." Archie exclaimed, Gloating. Atlanta was too dumbstruck to speak. "Come on, lets go have some dessert." Atlanta nodded, still dumbstruck that Archie had almost beat her.
"Hey where is everyone," Atlanta said, looking on the dark room.
" Well..." Archie flicked on the lights.
"SURPRISE!" Jay, Odie, Herry, Neil and Archie screamed there welcome to surprised Atlanta.
" Aww, Guys you shouldn't have." Atlanta said smiling, quickly standing up from her attack pose.
" Hey, it was the least we could do, I mean if you didn't push me out of the way of the club Argon was trying to hit me with I would have been knocked out, and I couldn't have stabbed the Furies with the serum and we couldn't have won." Odie said.
"We're just happy your okay." Herry said gratefully. Jay and Neil nodded, smiling.
"And Athena made us some pizza dig in!" Herry ran to the table as soon as jay had finished speaking.
"It was your idea, wasn't it." Atlanta said quietly to Archie after the others were all around the table, eating pizza.
"Yah, it was, How did you know."
"Just a hunch." Atlanta smiled. "Come on we better go get some food before Herry eats it all." Archie nodded and the pair of them raced off to the table.

---------LATER AFTER THE PARTY--------

Jay had headed off to bed, Odie was running a scan on his computer to make sure then new virus did not penetrate his precious firewalls, Neil was looking at his gorgeous self in a mirror in his room and Herry was in the kitchen, Making himself a sandwich. Archie was cleaning up from the party and Atlanta was no where to be seen. Archie finished cleaning up and went up on to the roof, to watch the stars. It was a favorite Past time of his, He liked to watch the night sky.
"Oh, Atlanta, What are you doing up there." Archie had just spotted the red-harried girl, starring at the stars above.
"Just watching the stars, they're so, so beautiful."
"Yah, I like to come watch them, it's like they know all the secrets in the world, and if you listen hard enough, they'll tell you them." Atlanta nodded, after listening to Archie's exclamation. This was a very different Atlanta than Archie usually knew, this was not the ruff, baggy shorts wearing girl he usually knew. This was the soft side of Atlanta. Archie suddenly took a big jump. "Atlanta, there's a secret i wanted to tell you, Um, Atlanta." Archie took a deep breath. " Atlanta, I-I love You."A small smile creped across Atlanta's Face. She leaned into Archie and their lips touched. They kissed as the stars above danced their approval.


Chapter 1 in Adamo- hope you like, All your reviews were great mood boosters, Thanks. I also need you help, i need a guys name for a story - a J/T one-shot, anyways this guy will, um, well get together with Theresa and, if i tell you anymore it will wreak the story. Yes so give me a name in your Review- and thanks to the 90 hits!!!!

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