Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Lord Baron Harry Potter

Chapter 8

by wimvincken 3 reviews

One hour before Harry Potter becomes 16 years old, he is invited to go by portkey to Gringotts to be initiated as Lord Baron Harry James Potter. Then headmaster Dumbledore and Voldemort start hunti...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Dumbledore, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Kingsley, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Petunia Dursley, Poppy Pomfrey, Ron, Snape, Tonks, Vernon Dursley, Voldemort - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 1655 words

A/N: carolquin, the boss and beta reader did her excellent work. Thank you so much.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the HP characters

Later that evening the entire Weasley clan, along with Hermione, were together in the large kitchen. The atmosphere was sober; the usual Weasley noise was missing. Even the twins were quiet for their going. Percy was also present and he sat next to his father in the far corner of the kitchen.

Harry stood up. "Everyone, can I have your attention please, there is some explaining to do and I think it best that I start." He looked at the sober faces around him and put a large and devious grin on his face.

"To get your attention, I have good and bad news for you all. Ginny is pregnant and we will marry on her birthday. That is the good news and the bad one is that, well, we're having triplets!"

He looked at the stunned faces before him. The twins were the first ones to recover and Bill was starting to laugh, while Percy turned red like a beet.

"Only joking! You all looked as if you swallowed a stick or something like that." Before anyone could say something, Harry continued.

"Your mother, Ginny, and I went to Potter castle today and prepared the castle to accept Ginny and our family. The castle has been the Potter's ancestral family home for more then 1500 years and it is a very secure and magical place. This castle is one of the last truly safe places on earth and it can not be penetrated by anything against its will."

Harry paused and waited for any reaction.

"Every one of you is now able to floo to the castle. When you want to floo to the castle you use the floo destination 'Potter castle' and you will arrive in the Hall of Transport. From there you can take the internal floo network to floo to other destinations in the castle. With your permission we will floo to the castle tonight and we'll show you around."

Harry could see that Hermione was almost jumping with questions and Ron was rolling his eyes.

"Hold in your questions for a while, Hermione, because there is a lot to discuss tonight, and Potter castle is not the most exciting issue, I am afraid."

"I think that you all heard what happened with me the last days. I will tell you another time all of the details, but for now, it is enough. There is an actual problem with headmaster Dumbledore and that is the real reason why we are all here ... him and Voldemort."

Harry held up his hands.

"Let me explain. After my parents died, they left behind a will. In this will, they stated that in case of their death their son would be placed under the care of Sirius Black. If he would not be available, then Remus Lupin and is he would not be available, the family Longbottom. Headmaster Dumbledore did no such thing and placed me with the Dursley's because of an ancient blood magic my mother had performed on her and me. When I was eleven years old, I discovered that there was a magical world and was introduced to Hogwarts. At the end of the last school year headmaster Dumbledore told me about the prophecy, where Voldemort and I were mentioned in. This prophecy was destroyed in the Ministry of Mysteries by Neville, but was not lost. The prophecy was witnessed by the headmaster and I heard the complete prophecy in his office. There are two persons in the world who know about the complete prophecy; the headmaster and I. Voldemort knows about it of course, but only the first part."

"Things started to change this summer. The Goblins contacted me right before my sixteenth birthday and assisted me in the initiation of the Potter, Gryffindor and Black family names. When the headmaster discovered this, he realized that I was out of his control and this he does not like. I was suddenly a nail in his beautiful and carefully thought long-term plans. I expect that the headmaster will not accept this and that he is going to force me back under his direct control. "

Harry was waiting now.

"What does this have to do with us?" Percy asked.

Harry paused and looked directly at Percy with determination. "He is going to use the prophecy act of 1553 and implement this as fast as possible. The prophecy act is a set of laws which enables the ministry to arrest the persons named in the prophecies and for their own protection imprison and prepare them. I think it a bit hard to arrest Voldemort, but the headmaster wants to imprison me so I could be under his direct control."

Harry's gaze became now very intense.

"That means the following. It is Friday evening and the ministry is closed for the weekend. The headmaster is going to prepare the ministry and the Wizengamot for this ruling starting from tomorrow. Voldemort will find out about this ruling tomorrow, which is Saturday and on Monday morning the Wizengamot will accept the implementation of the prophecy act and issue a ruling to arrest me. I expect that Voldemort will attack the ministry building Monday morning and when he will not find me, he will immediately attack the Burrow."

Arthur Weasley looked shocked. "Why would he attack the ministry?"

"Because Voldemort thinks that I will be there and he will personally lead the attack. It will take him awhile but I do not think that anyone will be able to stop him. I also believe that he wants to kill Dumbledore and the Minister at the same time. When he can't find me in the ministry, he will attack the next logical place, which is the Burrow."

Bill sat straight in his chair. "There are powerful wards around the Burrow; he will have a hard time getting in!"

Harry calmly turned to Bill, "You are right of course, Bill. It will take a monster like Voldemort about five minutes to destroy the wards," Harry replied immediately. "Maybe it might also take ten seconds. Nobody will have a chance when he attacks."

Now Harry stood up. "You are like my family, all the important people in my life. This is the reason why Mrs. Weasley went with us today to the Potter castle. I want to have the opportunity to get everyone out of the way and to a safe place without the influence of people like the headmaster, who have their own agenda." "Even if I am totally wrong, it is not a waist of my time to prepare for disasters and to take care of my family. "

"How do you know what Dumbledore is going to do, Harry?" Ginny asked.

"Logic. Dumbledore knows that I can remove him as headmaster and I can make his life very hard in the Wizengamot; I represent three families. With the prophecy act he will neutralize all his obstacles and have me under his total control. A perfect solution for him, except that I will not be available to be arrested."

"And what about you-know-who? Why do you think he will attack the Ministry?" Arthur Weasley asked.

"Voldemort knows that I live at Privet Drive in Little Whining, under the control of Dumbledore, but he can not reach me there. If Dumbledore introduces the prophecy act Monday, Voldemort will assume that I will be at the ministry as well. His attack will be swift and devastating and I do not believe that many will survive."

Everyone present in the kitchen looked shocked and devastated.

"I have here a box with jewelry, which I will change into portkeys, special Potter portkeys, which cannot be detected by the ministry or anyone else now. I want you all to wear your portkey and use it in case of any emergency." Harry began to explain to the Weasley's and Hermione how to use the port keys and prepare for their arrival at Potter castle.

Late in the evening, everyone flood to Potter castle. In the 'Hall of Transport', Harry explained that everyone had his or her own rooms.

"Be aware, that the girls are living in their own wing of the castle, which is not accessible by any male except Mr. Weasley and is named the summer wing. Not even the master of the castle can access the summer wing. The males, except Mr. Weasley, will have rooms in the delta wing. I suggest that we explore and have fun. "

Harry took Ginny's hand and wanted to leave for the gardens, but Hermione was too fast. "Harry, do you have a library in this castle?" Ron was again rolling his eyes behind her. "Yes, Hermione, we have many libraries here but they are only accessible by a Potter. All books in the castle can only be read by a Potter and nobody else, I am so sorry"

"Why is that?" Hermione asked irritated.

"Because that is the way the castle is charmed. There is Potter magic here and that magic is not usable by anyone who is not a Potter, except for the woman who is engaged to the head of the Potter family"

Hermione looked downcast. "Why are you so distant to us? We were always a trio together, and now with Ginny in your life you are forgetting us."

Harry looked Hermione straight into her eyes. "Hermione, when you and Ron became boy and girlfriend, you dropped me that same minute!"

Harry turned and left the room with Ginny.

That night every one of the Weasley's and Hermione agreed to wear the charmed jewelry with the portkey and see what would happen the next few days. Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, Ron, and Charlie decided to stay at Potter castle while the rest of the family went back to their homes.
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