Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Freaking 'Touch Me'

Stuck In The Middle

by geek_of_the_week 0 reviews

Winter can't decide between staying with her family, friends and love, or joining the Dandies, who promise to treat her as an equal. Andy and Anastacia run to rescue the cows.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-19 - 355 words

Poor Winter couldn't decide between Patrick and William. Patrick loved her, but he was overprotective. William was evil, and bit her brother, but he would treat her as equal. As soon as Patrick got back, she sat him down for a talk.

"Patrick, listen, I want to fight sometime." Then Patrik replied "But, I don't want you to get hurt. You have to be prepared. Very prepared." "Patrick, I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl." she told him. Then Patrick sighed and said, "All right, but if they're gonna get you bad, I'll step in. Get it?" Then she replied, "Got it." Then he said, "Good. Let's get some sleep. We're fighting tonight."

Winter snuck out to the Dandies hideout to see if she could spy. She brought a flashlight, and was dressed in all black-clothes, so they wouldn't notice her. She heard them talking. "You, you are in charge of Joe. You, get Andy real good. Brendon, make sure to get Patrick. Even if it means hurting the lovely Winter. And everyone else, take care of Pete. If they don't show up, or if you've already taken care of them, just bite everyone in sight."

Meanwhile, Andy and Anastacia were at the cow farm, stealing a few cows they were going to bring to their hideout to make sure they weren't turned into vampires. "I love these cows." said Anastacia. "I love you. And these cows." replied Andy. "Anastacia, I love you so much, I'd let William bite me to death if he wouldn't hurt you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Then Anastacia replied, "Well, yeah. But, this is an awkward time, don't ya think?" Then he replied, "Well, yeah. But, it blurted out."

Winter was at least glad to be in the battle. But she was partly scared of what William and the Dandies would do to her. So, she lied to them. She told them she decided to join them. But, she at least knew she was protecting Patrick. And, Patrick wouldn't find out, right? Boy was she wrong.
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