Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More 'Freaking 'Touch Me'

The War

by geek_of_the_week 0 reviews

So, this is the war between hunters and the hunted. It is the fight for rights, the fight for love, the fight for revenge, the fight for...joe's cupcake.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance - Warnings: [!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-20 - 428 words

Winter snuck out (again) to meet the Dandies, they were going to plan attack, she was going to plan spying. They all talked about how they were going to arrive. Then, Winter noticed how good William looked in this darkness. His eyes sparkled, his hair was beautiful, and he had the sharpest fangs of any vampire she has ever seen. "No Winter. You love Patrick. This is a crush." Winter told herself.

When she got back to the vampire hunter's hideout, they were all getting set for the attack. Then, Patrick gave me a stake. "Listen sweetie, here's what i want you to do. Drive this stake right through William's heart. I think you can handle this job. After all, he only sits, watches the fight, and drink tea." Patrick told me. "Um, Patrick, Anastacia and I are going to the marketplace first so, it's not so obvious looking.

That night, the gang drove up, while I sat and thought. I love Patrick, but William is my friend. Then Patrick called my name as que to stab William. I walked out, stake in hand, and dropped it.

Meanwhile, Andy was fighting with swords. "Why do you kill cows, you ass hole?" he asked a vampire. "Tastes good." he said. "Cos are people too you know." And with that, Andy stabbed him in the chest. Anastacia ran up, kissed Andy on the cheek, and said, "Mine, and the cows' heroes."

While Andy was killing those damn cow killers, Pete got angry at Brendon. "You bit my brother. And now, you shall pay." And they started fighting. Punch. Kick. Bite. It was a great fight.

Meanwhile, after Joe shot a few vampires, he sat back and ate a cupcake. Immediately, a vampire took his cupcake out of his hand. "Hey get back here! That's my cupcake you!" and then disappeared into the night, in search of his cupcake.

Now, after Winter dropped the stake, Patrick and William had looks of shock on their faces. "Why?" they both said. "Why did you drop the stake?" asked Patrick. "Why were you trying to kill me?" asked William. Patrick was cocking his gun, when William got Brendon to chase after him. Then, William grabbed me by the wrist, and said, "You betrayed me and the Dandies." and I said, "I'm sorry. I'm neutral, now. You two are both great guys." Then he replied, "Thanks. I'm never met such a great girl like you." I sat up on the car with him, watching the whole fight, when immediately, the bullet aiming for William missed.
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