Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2091 words

Joyce walked in the door of Giles' apartment. She hadn't seen Buffy for days. She was very worried about her daughter. And had been always, but more so since she had found out about the business of her only child being the slayer.
The place didn't look like it usually did. Not that she had been there that often. But a few times was enough to know that this was not how it usually looked. And there were no signs of the man that she had come to see.
She knew that Giles was a father figure to her daughter. Much more so then her real father had ever been. And that was just fine with her. She often thought that it was sad that he never had any children of his own.
A moan from the upstairs caught her attention. It was a sound of severe discomfort. Quickly, she made her way up the stairs. She found Giles in bed, looking a little worse for wear.
"What happened?" She quickly made her way to the side of his bed. "Is everything all right? Buffy?"
"Buffy is, well, was fine the last I knew." Giles groaned as he managed to sit up. "I'm afraid that I'm the one that has taken the beating this time. I'm rather in a lot of pain at the moment." He sighed heavily.
"Would you like me to get you something?" Joyce stood up. "Or do you just want to be alone." She smiled sweetly at him.
"I'd rather appreciate the company, if it's not too much trouble. Please, do stay. Perhaps join me in a cup of tea."
"I'll make some." Joyce didn't take long to make them both steaming hot cups of tea. "I also found some cookies. I hope that you don't mind that I brought those as well."
"Of course not." Giles smiled shyly. It was if there was this feeling between him and Joyce. After all, something had happened to them a few years ago. Of course, that was while they were all under a spell. It was just the influence of the spell.
"Good." Joyce smiled shyly as well. "I've got this incredible case of the munchies right now. I think it's because I've been so worried about Buffy."
"That would do it." Giles chuckled softly. "I've had a couple of those bouts as well. With the life of a slayer, comes stress. And lots of it."
"And I thought that just being a regular parent was stressful." She herself chuckled. "They have no idea what it is like to have to deal with everything that a slayer goes through. Then they would know what real parenting is about."
"Indeed." There seemed to be this ease between the two adults. For some reason, both just seemed comfortable with one another. Could that mean something. "I do not wish to worry you, but Buffy is dealing with a slayer issue. But she has Willow, Tara, Xander, and Anya with her. She will come out on top as she usually does."
"I hope so." Joyce suddenly felt like things could not be all right. That there was something up with Buffy. But that was just her worrying, right?
A total of thirty six vampires were now between the scoobies and the only opening to the cavern. There were a dozen demons of varying kinds. Some that were just plain feral. Only thing they knew was to kill humans.
The gang formed a line. The two slayers stood between Spike. Anya and Xander were on his side. Willow and Tara on the other side. It was looking really bad for our nice heros at this moment.
That's when Drusilla clapped her hands. All the fighting stopped. There was nothing but silence. "You will have to excuse us. We are at the wrong party." And with that, the vampire waved her arm and she and the others all simply disappeared.
Buffy immediately looked at Willow for an explanation. "What the heck was that? I mean, that was some type of mojo, now wasn't it? It had to be."
Willow looked at Tara who simply nodded. "It was some kind of teleportation spell. Not sure what kind. Or how she got all that power. It's very unusual. I'm not sure that even with the combination of my power and Tara's if we would be capable of that. It's kinda scary."
"I'll say." Faith eyed the scoobies. "Speaking of scary, sorry about what I did. Things might have ended a lot differently if you guys had been involved from the very beginning."
"Hey, we all make mistakes." Buffy came over and put her hand on her fellow slayer's shoulder. "I haven't always done the right thing. I have sometimes gone off on my own as well. Thankfully things always seem to work themselves out."
"Perhaps, B." Faith sighed heavily. "But besides this whole mess I could have made differently, why do I get the feeling that this is just the beginning?"
"Because this is how apocalypses start off." Xander began pacing. "It looks like we have one big battle and it turns out that it's really a bigger battle that awaits us."
"It was kinda anticlimactic." Anya shrugged at all the looks that she received. "Hey, I wasn't that happy with thinking about fighting all those evil things. But it was kinda a letdown how all of a sudden it just ended."
"We need to get back to Giles." Buffy eyed her group. She saw that Willow had her hand on her stomach and that Tara was there rubbing on top of it. "You all right, Will?"
The redhead shrugged her shoulders. "Just been a little fluey or something the last couple of days. That's all. Tara has been taking real good care of me. I think we'll skip the meeting with Giles if that is all right. You can fill us in on everything in the morning."
"That works." Buffy eyed her group. "The rest of us can be on our way to Giles. You two take care of each other. I know that you always do."
Giles eyed the group. Having everyone, including Joyce in his bedroom was a different experience for the former watcher. His living room was something he was still having trouble adjusting to. The library had been so nice in that fashion. Perhaps he would have to remedy that situation and someday soon.
But now, he had everyone to tell his theory of the quite perplexing situation. "I checked. Today would have been the only day that the vampire could be brought forth. I don't understand why Drusilla would just give up. Perhaps there is something more that she wants."
"That was one thing about Dru." Everyone turned to look at Spike. "She didn't always seem to play with a full deck, but she always had a plan. And I'm sure that this is no different."
"Do you have any clue whatsoever that Drusilla could be up to?" Giles was carefully propped up in bed. He noticed how that Faith would not even look him in the eye anymore.
"I never could figure her out." Spike shrugged. "Well, not till it was too late. But she's changed as well anyways. I can sense a difference in her. She's out for world domination. Never was her strong suit before."
"This is complicated. Perhaps a little more research is in order." Giles tried to get up. "But I'm afraid that it will have to wait till morning. I'm not just up to it at the moment. And Willow and Tara are not here, so that means our witchcraft experts are not here either."
"We can give you til morning. Faith and I can do a patrol." Buffy looked at Spike. He was not at a hundred percent, not that he would ever admit to that. "You need to recover. She does know how to torture, doesn't she."
"Dru was always good at that." Spike stiffened. Every muscle in his body hurt. It would be a matter of mere seconds before he was feeling better but still. It hurt like the devil at the moment. And that was good. He deserved the pain.
"So it's settled." Faith eyed Buffy. "The two of us go on a routine patrol. And the rest go home and get some sleep. Luckily slayers can exist on less then normal people."
With that, they all went their separate ways. Well, except for Joyce. For whatever reason, she decided to stay and try and take care of Giles. She just wanted to see him get better, that was all right?
Willow lay on their bed, a wet cloth against her forehead. The magicks they had used had drained her a little. But that was not the real reason behind her being so tired. She knew what it was. She just hadn't figured out how to tell Tara. It wasn't every day you found out something this big.
When they had gotten home, Tara had made her way to the kitchen to make her some tea. That had left the redhead to check the messages. And there was a very important one that she immediately erased before the blond could hear it. That's not the way that she wanted her to find out.
Now, her everything was sitting in bed with her taking turns rubbing her belly and rewetting the washcloth. Just all around giving her TLC. And it was simply great.
But the redhead knew that Tara was more then a little worried about her. And she would have to tell her soon that it was nothing. That it was actually a very good thing.
She sighed heavily. She wondered how this would affect their relationship. Probably make it stronger if anything else. But there was also something else that was at the back of her mind. The fact that she was adopted.
She had never told anyone that. Not even Tara knew that little, or should she say big, secret about her. That was another thing that she had often wondered. Who in the hecatae were her real parents. All she knew is that her father was originally from England. And that her mother was from somewhere in California.
So, really she had two important things to tell her everything. That they were gonna be parents together and that she had no idea who her real parents were. It was gonna be interesting to say the least.
"Willow, what is the matter." Tara's voice was so full of concern. "And don't tell me nothing. I know you and I know when something is up and when you don't share with me, it hurts."
Willow sighed heavily. "Well, that's is something. I knew you'd know. And I'm not hiding anything bad. Not really anyways. Just that the one is so good I want to share it in the right way. The other, I've never told anyone."
That brought a hurt look onto Tara's face. "You haven't even told me yet?"
The redhead slowly sat up. "There are two things. One is hard but easy to tell. Think I'll start there. I found out when I was ten that I was adopted."
Tara had a face of shock. "Do you know who your real parents are? I mean, that's something I never thought of."
"All I know is my real dad is from England and my real mom is from California." Willow shrugged. "Other then that, I have no clue. But I'm gonna find out as soon as this mess with Dru is over with."
"And I'll help you in anyway I can." Tara gave her a gentle kiss. "You know you could tell me that. It makes no difference to me. You are the same person. And I'll love you no matter what."
"I know. It's just something I never shared." Willow shrugged. "Even with the woman I love more then anything and trust with my life, it was hard to share."
"That's a very good thing." Tara kissed her a little more passionately. "Now, what was the other thing?"
"This isn't the way that I wanted to tell you." Willow managed to sit up so that she could look into those blue pools of Tara's. Those eyes that she could just get lost in. "How would you feel about being a mother?"
Those blue eyes were sparkling now. "You mean? Really?"
"Yep." Willow leaned in for a long kiss. "You and me are going to have a baby."
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