Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Choices of Life


by strange1 0 reviews

Willow faces a lot of choices. It all starts with what college she wants to go to. Plus, she and Oz haven't been clicking. And as she finds out, the older you get, the more choices there are. Alter...

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Anya, Buffy, Giles, Joyce Summers, Tara, Willow, Xander - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-07-30 - Updated: 2005-07-30 - 2309 words

Giles sat at the counter of The Magic Box. It was a great place to own. Here in Sunnydale, it seemed to draw those with unusual beliefs. And course there was the demon underworld that most humans chose to ignore.
But tonight was not about his business. Tonight was about saving a formerly rogue slayer. One that had truly repented and was now in serious trouble. And of course it was about putting an end to Drusilla once and for all.
He thumbed through the tome. The one that he had not told the others about. The one that told of the prophecy. One that he had forgotten about. And it was basically dumb luck that he had found it that very night and reminded himself of.
When he had first read it when he was first being trained to be a watcher, he had thought that it could never take place. What were the odds after all of two vampires with their souls restored existing at the very same time. The odds were astronomical.
But here in the world that he lived in, they had come true. Angel had long ago been cursed with his soul as a punishment. So that he could perhaps do good in his undead life. And now Spike had fought and regained that which made him close to being a human being again. All he needed was a heart to beat again in his chest and he would indeed be human again.
The other part of the prophecy was also startling. One he never thought would happen either. One that told of a slayer falling in love with both ensouled vampires. That had been a ridiculous thought so many years ago.
But he had witnessed the pain and anguish and the happiness of Buffy's youthful love with Angel. But that's what it was to him. A youthful love. Something that could never be. Even if Angel had been human, there seemed to be something about it where their love was doomed.
And then Spike. Giles had always said that for a vampire, he was almost soft. That there was something about him. And now that he was nearly human again, he could see why Buffy had so quickly and so hard fallen for him. It was a love that could truly last even though Spike was a vampire.
Again, Giles thumb ran over the page. The one that told of two vampires with souls existing and that the love of a slayer would be something they had in common as well. It would come in a time that would be of apocalyptic times, as usual. And it would require the sacrifice of one of the three.
Giles slammed the book shut. It brought looks from Anya and Xander who were at the large round table going through tome after tome. The watcher smiled a bit and sighed heavily. They would only think he was frustrated because they did not seem to be able to find any information.
That was only part of it. The larger part was the fact that he had just possibly sent off his slayer to her death. True, the prophecy said that one of the three. But for some reason, in his heart, he knew. He knew that soon Faith would be the lone slayer in the world.
"That was just loads of fun." Buffy walked between her ex lover and her current. Or, at least she thought you could call Spike her current. Things on that front were still new and all.
"Willy is still the same old guy." Spike grinned from ear to ear. "I used to love him so. Now he's just an annoying little man that needs to get a backbone."
"He did tell us where to go." Angel looked around. Always to be the one on the alert. "Although us going to Rack's is not such a good idea. That guy deals in hard dark magicks."
Buffy sighed. "What other choice do we have?" She too started to look around. It was as if there was something following them. "We struck out at all the other places. It seems that no one is willing to talk right now."
"That would be Dru's doing." Spike eyed his two comrades. They were both acting all nervous and jumpy. He himself really didn't feel that way. In fact, he soon felt that he would be free. Free from what, he wasn't sure.
The slayer shrugged. "Most likely. But it really doesn't matter. All we know is that we don't know much. That Giles was getting squat. And now all of our connections are less then cooperative. So, it's on to the one thing that was given to us. What is it with this guy anyways?"
Angel stopped suddenly. The other two did as well. "He uses people. He gives them highs, but he takes away their energy. It's the vicious cycle. And one that we're about to see."
"What are you talking about?" Buffy looked around. She couldn't sense anything. And she couldn't see anything. "So, where is this magicks dealer. I so want to take him out."
Spike sighed heavily. He too knew why Angel had stopped. He stuck his hand out and it disappeared. "We've already found his little hideaway. Now comes the fun part. We get to meet the man that has used and abused people for years."
Buffy shuddered at the thought. She slowly made her way into where Spike's hand had just disappeared. The two vampires were right at her side. It was a disgusting sight. It was those scenes you see when they show crack houses. A couple of teenagers were passed out on the floor. And there was one jumping around.
The slayer shook her head. Exactly like a drug dealer's place all right. "So what now?"
"You can enter." The door opened and there stood this tall man with hair down to his shoulders. He had a scar across his face. "I'm Rack. And you three are looking for information. Come in and I'll see what I can do for you."
Angel quickly made his way in front of the Buffy. Doing that protective thing as always. When they got inside, the room didn't look any better then the reception area. Rack was in the middle of the room. The three stood shoulder to shoulder, with Buffy in the middle and Spike on her right.
"Slayer." Rack nodded. "I'm surprised that this is the first time that we've seen each other. I could have been such a valuable source of information for you over the years. Of course, there would have been a price."
"There always is." Buffy eyed the man. Definitely not trustworthy this one. "So, you can tell me what the big bad is that I need to know about."
"If you can come up with the price." Rack began swaying a little. "It's not much really. I've always wanted it, but never have I had a chance to have it before."
This made the slayer more then suspicious. "What is it that you want from me?"
"You have nothing I want, slayer." Before any of them could react, Rack had both Angel and Spike in some kind of magickal force field. "They don't make'em like these two. And I want a little taste before I give you the information you seek."
"No!" Buffy tried to go after Rack, but found she was basically cemented to the floor. "What are you going to do to them?" Buffy looked from Angel to Spike.
Rack shrugged his shoulders. "One will not survive. And that's a good thing for you. But which one will it be." He came and stood face to face with the slayer. "Why don't I give you the choice. Your ex or your current. Which will it be slayer?"

The back room of The Magic Box was as good as anyplace to do the spell that the two witches were going to do. It was only dangerous because Willow might just get lost in the nether realm. And neither liked the thought of that. Especially with the little bundle growing inside of the witch.
There were pillows setup around them. They had formed a circle and blessed it already. The only thing left to do was for Tara to anoint Willow and they would be ready to send the witch to the world where things were a lot clearer. But also could become confusing to one that was not supposed to be there. That's why it was so important that Tara hold her to this realm.
Tara slowly anointed her witch with the special mixture that the spell required. Their eyes kept in constant contact as they were doing this all by feel and by habit. They knew what the other was going to do before they did it.
The chant started. There was this slight breeze that began to blow. And then Willow felt this power surge throughout her. Their hands moved back and forth, making a circle. A bright ring formed for a moment. Then, the power that Willow had felt began to buildup. She knew that she could no longer hold on.
Willow let the force overtake her and she fell back on those pillows. She could feel her mind just letting go. But her thoughts were of Tara. Always on Tara. She was the one thing that could make her happy and the one thing that kept her from losing her control.
The redhead opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. The world that she now found herself in was so bright. And it felt so peaceful. It was so different from the world that she had grown up in and was still a part of.
There was suddenly a little voice in the back of her head. One that made her smile instantly. She was glad for it because truth be told, she had been getting lost already in this world. But the voice pulled her back.
'Tara, I'm not sure where to go.' Willow looked around her. Again, an unfamiliar world was unfolding before her. The trees were a golden orange and bright. The grass was a wonderful light shade of yellow. And the purple sky was brightly lit by a pink sun that she could feel warm rays hitting her face.
She slowly walked down the worn path that was before her. 'Just think of Faith. Think of those you need to find. And it will come to you.'
Willow smiled. As always, her everything knew exactly what was going on. She knew what to do. She really did love her more and more every day. So the witch opened her mind and let it go to those that she sought out.
Her main thought was of Faith. For Faith was in grave danger at the moment. And therefore she was the one that they needed to find as well. But her mind also sought Buffy. For after what Giles had done earlier, she was sure that something was going to either happen to her or to one of the two vampires.
Always, there was that soft wonderful voice of her girl's in the background. Not really saying much. Just things. And mainly how much that she still loved her. And would always love her. Those simple words kept her wanting to go back.
The path that she was on came to a sudden stop. She looked around the brightly colored world. The path that she had just been on had disappeared. It didn't give her the greatest feeling to know that where she had just come from had disappeared.
There was this flash in front of her and a very familiar figure stood in front of her. Her eyes widened. She had forgotten how beautiful she had been in life. And she had forgotten just how much the older woman had meant as a mentor to her.
"Miss Calendar?" Willow took a tentative step towards her former teacher. The one that had helped a little, without Giles knowledge, her art of witchcraft. And of course had helped her excel with the computers.
"Hello Willow." Miss Calendar smiled brightly. "I'm sure I'm one of the last persons you would have thought to see here. But I assure you that I still try to look after you and the other scoobies. Especially Giles."
Willow smiled. "Of course you would Giles." Their love had not ended even after death. It gave the witch a very pleasant feeling. "Are you here to give me guidance? A message? Something like that?"
Miss Calendar laughed. "You really haven't changed that much over the years. Oh, there are changes in you. But basically, you are the same shy girl I met so many years ago. And that's a good thing. Because you are a good person. Don't change too much. Stay the way you are and you'll do well."
Willow blushed a little. Only Tara talked to her like this. "Thank you. And not that I don't like the compliments or the advice and all, but you know what it's like. The world is in peril here. And the faster we are able to act, the better it will be for everyone."
"I'm afraid that not this time." Willow got a confused look on her face. Miss Calendar came up and put her hand on the witch's belly. "This is what is important. You cannot do anything til the little one is born. You have to wait. If you do anything now, it will only cause the death of Faith, Buffy, Angel, and Spike. And I can also see the death of Giles and Xander. You must do nothing. Or there will be a lot of deaths that could have easily been avoided."
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