Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > From Friends To Sisters In One Night


by TeamWentz17 2 reviews

It's the concert and Trish, Leah, and Krystle are behind stage talking and listening to Panic! and MCR.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-01-08 - Updated: 2007-01-08 - 1090 words

"Hey babe," said Trish to Gerard.
Gerard turned around and saw Trish. He was immediatly happy that she came. He noticed her shopping bags from Charlotte Russe.
"Have fun shopping did we?" asked Gerard.
Trish nodded and looked at her new black clogs. She looked in awe of her new 1/2 priced purchases and said "You gotta love a sale."
"Huh, yea, I guess," replied Gerard.
Gerard then looked at Trish and asked "Where's my hello?"
Trish blushed and gave Gerard a hug and a kiss. He held onto her and wouldn't let her go. This is what you would call a "Best Kiss Moment". Trish giggled, pulled away and said "Baby, it's only been a few hours."
Just then Mikey walked in with Leah. Leah was drinking a Monster and had another one in her hand for Trish.
She walked over to Trish, handed it to her and said "Mikey stole it from Panic! shh don't tell Brendon."
Trish laughed and asked "Thanks, was Krystle there?
"No, she's running around trying to tell people when the lights are to come on and what not. I figured that she wouldn't mind if we raded their fridge," Leah replied.
"No Monster for me?" asked Gerard.
Trish takes a swig of her drink and then hands it to Gerard. Gerard thanks her and takes a swig of it.
Trish, then picks up her make up bag and gets out her eye liner and asks "Babe, don't you need make up for the show that's in 15 minutes?"
"Yea, probably, will you do the honors?" asked Gerard.
Trish agrees and applys the eyeliner. Gerard is twitching and Trish says "Calm your eyes or this will look sloppy."
"Well I can just blame it on you, then," says Gerard sarcastically.
Just then Krystle comes into the room and she's talking on her head set. She's talking to the light and sound people about when Panic! will be over with and MCR can go on. She's getting frustrated with the people because they can't tell what song Panic! is playing.
"They're saying something about an I.V. and a hospital bed? Ok, that's 'Camisado' alright that's all I needed," says Krystle. She then looks over at Gerard and Mikey and says "You guys are on stage in 10." She then leaves the room and goes to meet the guys at the stage door.
Trish and Leah walk the guys to the stage. Once they get there, they kiss them for luck and then the guys go on stage. Trish and Leah are in total bliss. Krystle tells the guys to go on-stage and meet up with Panic!. The song "Karma Police" by Radiodread (covered by Panic! and MCR) starts then Krystle gives the ok to put on the lights and effects. She then turns to Leah and Trish and sarcastically says "I love my job". The three laugh and they go back to the room.
By then the room is set up with desserts and drinks for intermission. Krystle had this all prepared before hand, because she was getting tired of the same old chips and Monsters. Trish and Leah started to eat some chocolate covered strawberries.
"This is the life," said Trish.
Krystle laughed and Leah agreed and said "Yea, kissing hott famous rockstars and eating their food."
An hour or so goes by and it's intermission. By now Panic! is behind stage and their all eating and talking. MCR joins them. Gerard sits down by Trish and kisses her.
"Good first half?" Trish asks.
Gerard nods and says " Yea, the guys and I were talking and we think that you and Leah should come out on stage with us."
Trish's face lights up and asks "Like sing?"
Gerard nods and says "Yea, Mike's got an extra bass for Leah and I thought you and I could sing something together."
She agrees and asks "What song? I'm Not Okay or Helena or what?"
Gerard looks at Brendon who looks at Krystle and in unison the two say "Vampires won't hurt you."
Krystle and Trish burst out laughing. Trish then realizes that it's part screaming and suggest they do a different song.
Trish suggests 'Helena' because it was sort of a nice song. It was about Mikey and Gerard's grandma.
"We actually just played that song," says Mikey.
"What about 'I want you to want me'?" Krystle suggested.
"That's actually a good idea," replied Trish.
Gerard agreed. MCR had met Letters to Cleo a few years back and knew the music to some of there songs. Mikey and Leah went to a practice room to practice the chords to that song.
Meanwhile, Trish was warming up her voice and Krystle was helping her. They always sang together so Krystle was getting Trish to harmonize.
After that the guys, Trish and Leah came on stage.
"I want to do a little somethin' special for all of you tonight," announced Gerard on the microphone.
"This is Leah and Trish," Mikey added. "Trish will sing a duet or whatever that's called, with Gerard and Leah and I will play bass."
The song started, both Trish and Gerard sang beautifully and the crowd really seemed to enjoy it. Mikey and Leah were rocking-out and having a blast. Trish and Gerard even broke out into dance. He would twirl her around and what not. It was a perfect song for them to sing.
After the show the girls bowed and as they walked off stage, fans were swarming around them and asking if they had a thing for the two brothers. The girls agreed and kissed Gerard and Mikey. The two girls signed autographs and then they went back into the room.
"What an amazing experience," said Trish estacically. She was jumping up and down and laughing.
"The crowd was awesome tonight and they really seemed to enjoy our duet," Gerard said.
Everyone agreed and they started to pack up their things to head home. Trish and Leah were so happy. Trish decided to head home because it was getting late.
"I'll call you tomorrow, ok hunny?" said Trish to Gerard.
"Sounds good, babe" he replied.
Mikey and Leah both kissed each other good night and the brothers walked the girls to Trish's car. They told them to drive safe and that it has been fun. Trish put the top of her convertable down and blasted 'Vampires Won't Hurt You'. Gerard and Mikey both laughed and gave them the rock on symbol w/ their hands. Trish and Leah both waved good-bye to them.
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